Adding Start and Task Forms to a BPMN 2.0 Process
In the next step, we want to add a task form to the application.
Add a Start Form
Create a new form in Camunda Modeler and set its id to request-loan
Add a Text Field, set the Field Label to Customer ID
and the Key to customerId
Add a Number Field, set the Field Label to Amount
and the Key to amount
Save the form with the file name request-loan.form
to src/main/resources

Open the process with the modeler. Click on the start event. In the properties panel, click on Forms
select Camunda Forms
as type, insert request-loan
into the Form reference
field, and choose latest
as binding. This means Tasklist uses the latest deployed version of the form. Save the diagram and refresh the Eclipse project.

Add a Task Form
You can add and configure the task form in a similar way with the difference,
that you set its id to approve-loan
and select the Disabled checkbox in both fields.
Save the form with the file name approve-loan.form
to src/main/resources
After that, open the process with the modeler. Click on the user task. In the properties panel, click on Forms
select Camunda Forms
as type, insert approve-loan
into the Form reference
field, and choose latest
as binding.
Adjust the deployment descriptor file
Adjust the META-INF/processes.xml
deployment descriptor file by adding the form resources:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<process-archive name="loan-approval">
<property name="isDeleteUponUndeploy">false</property>
<property name="isScanForProcessDefinitions">true</property>
Re-Build and Deploy
When you are done, save all resources, perform a Maven build and redeploy the process application.
Before selecting the pom.xml in the Package Explorer of Eclipse and performing a right-click and select Run As / Maven Install, it is best practice to perform a right-click and select Run As / Maven Clean to make sure all resources are replaced with their newest version.
Now you go to Tasklist and start a new process instance for the loan approval process. You will notice that the custom form is displayed.

After starting a new process instance a new task Approve Loan
is assigned to john. To work on the task, select the task inside the list of tasks and you will also notice that the custom form is displayed.

Catch up: Get the Sources of Step-4.
Download as .zip or checkout the corresponding tag with Git.
You can checkout the current state from the GitHub repository.
If you have not cloned the repository yet, please execute the following command:
git clone
To checkout the current state of the process application please execute the following command:
git checkout -f Step-4Or download as archive from here.