Apache Maven Coordinates

This page lists the most commonly used Apache Maven Coordinates for Camunda.

Most Camunda artifacts are pushed to maven central.

Camunda BOM (Bill of Materials)

Community Edition


Enterprise Edition

To use the Enterprise Edition dependencies, you have to add the Enterprise Edition Maven Repository to your project.


Use the BOM!

Please import the Camunda BOM if you use multiple Camunda projects. The BOM defines versions for all Camunda projects. This way it is ensured that no incompatible versions are imported.

Camunda Engine


Camunda Engine Spring Integration

The camunda-engine Spring integration for Spring Framework 5:


The camunda-engine Spring integration for Spring Framework 6:


Camunda Engine CDI Integration


Camunda DMN Engine BOM (Bill of Materials)

This BOM allows to use the DMN engine standalone without the BPMN engine and the rest of the Camunda Platform.


Camunda DMN

This dependency allows to use DMN engine standalone without the BPMN engine and the rest of the Camunda Platform. It is not needed when using camunda-engine because that already contains the DMN engine.


Process Application EJB Client


Camunda Artifact Storage



Please make sure to switch the Artifactory domain name by the 30th of September 2022. Otherwise you won’t be able to retrieve artifacts anymore. See the blog post for insights.

Camunda relies on JFrog Artifactory to provide Camunda artifacts to users at artifacts.camunda.com. The artifact data is stored in Amazon S3 storage and gets served by artifacts.camunda.com via redirects to AWS S3. Users must be able to connect to both endpoints for artifact retrieval.

Community Edition


Enterprise Edition

The private URL is a virtual repository, which aggregates a multitude of repositories. Those include customer enterprise artifacts and all public artifacts from public to make builds easier if you need those dependencies.


Using the Enterprise Edition repository requires credentials in your Maven settings ~/.m2/settings.xml:


Browse Camunda Artifact Storage

In order to browse the Camunda artifacts, here are the links which you can use.

Community Edition

This link helps you to browse the artifacts of Camunda Platform community edition.


Enterprise Edition

This link helps you to browse the artifacts of Camunda Platform enterprise edition. The user needs to login before accessing the link.


Requires login

Please note that the link will not be accessible if the user didn’t login prior.

Known issues

cURL artifacts

The files are hosted in AWS S3, therefore, Artifactory rewrites the requests to S3 and sends a 302 as the first response. For cURL this means to add the “-L” or “--location” option to follow the response.


curl -LO https://artifacts.camunda.com/artifactory/camunda-bpm/org/camunda/bpm/camunda-engine-rest/7.21.0/camunda-engine-rest-7.21.0.war

Other Camunda Modules:

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