User operation log

The user operation log contains entries for many API operations and can be used for auditing purposes. It provides data on what kind of operations are performed as well as details on the changes involved in the operation. Operations are logged when the operation is performed in the context of a logged in user. To use the operation log, the process engine history level must be set to FULL.

Write log entries regardless of user authentication context

If it is desired that operations are logged regardless whether they are performed in the context of a logged in user or not, then the process engine configuration flag named restrictUserOperationLogToAuthenticatedUsers can be set to false.

Access the user operation log

The user operation log can be accessed via the Java API. The history service can be used to execute a UserOperationLogQuery by calling historyService.createUserOperationLogQuery().execute(). The query can be restricted with various filtering options. The query is also exposed in the REST API.

User operation log entries

The log consists of operations and entries. An operation corresponds to one performed action and consists of multiple entries, at least one. Entries contain the detailed changes being part of the operation. When making a user operation log query, the returned entities are of type UserOperationLogEntry, corresponding to entries. All entries of one operation are linked by an operation id.

A user operation log entry has the following properties:

  • Operation ID: A generated id that uniquely identifies a performed operation. Multiple log entries that are part of one operation reference the same operation ID.
  • Operation Type: The name of the performed operation. Available operation types are listed in the interface org.camunda.bpm.engine.history.UserOperationLogEntry . Note that one operation can consist of multiple types, for example a cascading API operation is one user operation, but is split into multiple types of operations.
  • Entity Type: An identifier of the type of the entity that was addressed by the operation. Available entity types are listed in the class org.camunda.bpm.engine.EntityTypes . Like the operation type, one operation may address more than one type of entity.
  • Category: The name of the category the operation is associated with. Available categories are listed in the interface org.camunda.bpm.engine.history.UserOperationLogEntry . For example, all task related runtime operations like claiming and completing tasks fall into the category TaskWorker .
  • Annotation: An arbitrary text annotation set by a user for auditing reasons. Multiple log entries that belong to an operation have the same annotation.
  • Entity IDs: A job log entry contains the entity IDs that serve to identify the entities addressed by the operation. For example, an operation log entry on a task contains the id of the task as well as the id of the process instance the task belongs to. As a second example, a log entry for suspending all process instances of a process definition does not contain individual process instance IDs but only the process definition ID.
  • User ID: The ID of the user who performed the operation.
  • Timestamp: The time at which the operation was performed.
  • Changed Property: A user operation may change multiple properties. For example, suspension of a process instance changes the suspension state property. A log entry is created for each changed property involved in an operation.
  • Old Property Value: The previous value of the changed property. A null value either indicates that the property was previously null or is not known.
  • New Property Value: The new value of the changed property.

Annotation of user operation logs

User Operation Logs are helpful to audit manual operations. To make it obvious why a certain operation was performed, sometimes it is not enough to only log technical information (e. g. timestamp, operation type, etc.) but also add an annotation that puts the operation in the right business context.

You can directly pass an annotation for the following operations:

You can also set an annotation to an operation log which is already present:

An annotation can be set and cleared via Java API:

String operationId = historyService.createUserOperationLogQuery()

String annotation = "Instances restarted due to wrong turn";
historyService.setAnnotationForOperationLogById(operationId, annotation);


Please note: Annotations are present on all entries that belong to an operation log.

Please also see the REST API reference for setting and clearing annotations.

Glossary of operations logged in the user operation log

The following describes the operations logged in the user operation log and the entries that are created as part of it:

Entity Type Operation Type Category Properties
Task Assign TaskWorker
  • assignee: The id of the user who was assigned to the task
Claim TaskWorker
  • assignee: The id of the user who claimed the task
Complete TaskWorker
  • delete: The new delete state, true
Create TaskWorker No additional property is logged
Delegate TaskWorker When delegating a task, three log entries are created, containing one of the following properties:
  • delegation: The resulting delegation state, PENDING
  • owner: The original owner of the task
  • assignee: The user this task has been assigned to
Delete TaskWorker
  • delete: The new delete state, true
Resolve TaskWorker
  • delegation: The resulting delegation state, RESOLVED
SetOwner TaskWorker
  • owner: The new owner of the task
SetPriority TaskWorker
  • priority: The new priority of the task
Update TaskWorker The manually changed property of a task, where manually means that a property got directly changed. Claiming a task via the TaskService wouldn't be logged with an update entry, but setting the assignee directly would be. One of the following is possible:
  • description: The new description of the task
  • owner: The new owner of the task
  • assignee: The new assignee to the task
  • dueDate: The new due date of the task
DeleteHistory Operator
  • nrOfInstances: the amount of decision instances that were deleted
  • async: by default false since the operation can only be performed synchronously
ProcessInstance Create Operator No additional property is logged
Activate Operator
  • suspensionState: The new suspension state, active
Delete Operator In case of regular operation:
    No additional property is logged
In case of batch operation:
  • nrOfInstances: the amount of process instances that were deleted
  • async: true if operation was performed asynchronously as a batch, false if operation was performed synchronously
  • deleteReason: the reason for deletion
  • type: history in case of deletion of historic process instances
ModifyProcessInstance Operator
  • nrOfInstances: The amount of process instances modified
  • async: true if modification was performed asynchronously as a batch, false if modification was performed synchronously
  • processDefinitionVersion: The version of the process definition
Suspend Operator
  • suspensionState: The new suspension state, suspended
Migrate Operator
  • processDefinitionId: The id of the process definition that instances are migrated to
  • nrOfInstances: The amount of process instances migrated
  • nrOfVariables: The amount of set variables. Only present when variables were set
  • async: true if migration was performed asynchronously as a batch, false if migration was performed synchronously
RestartProcessInstance Operator
  • nrOfInstances: The amount of process instances restarted
  • async: true if restart was performed asynchronously as a batch, false if restart was performed synchronously
DeleteHistory Operator
  • nrOfInstances: the amount of process instances that were deleted
  • async: true if operation was performed asynchronously as a batch, false if operation was performed synchronously
  • deleteReason: the reason for deletion. This property exists only if the operation was performed asynchronously
CreateIncident Operator
  • incidentType: The type of incident that was created
  • configuration: The configuration of the incident that was created
Resolve Operator
  • incidentId: The id of the incident that was resolved
SetRemovalTime Operator
  • async: true if operation was performed asynchronously as a batch
  • nrOfInstances: The amount of updated instances
  • removalTime: The date of which an instance shall be removed
  • mode: CALCULATED_REMOVAL_TIME if the removal time was calculated, ABSOLUTE_REMOVAL_TIME if the removal time was set explicitly, CLEARED_REMOVAL_TIME if the removal time was cleared
  • hierarchical: true if the removal time was set across the hiearchy, false if the hierarchy was neglected
SetVariables Operator
  • async: true if operation was performed asynchronously as a batch
  • nrOfInstances: The amount of affected instances
  • nrOfVariables: The amount of set variables
CorrelateMessage Operator
  • async: true if operation was performed asynchronously as a batch
  • nrOfInstances: The amount of affected instances
  • nrOfVariables: The amount of set variables
  • messageName: The name of the correlated message
Incident SetAnnotation Operator
  • incidentId: the id of the annotated incident
ClearAnnotation Operator
  • incidentId: the id of the annotated incident
IdentityLink AddUserLink TaskWorker
  • candidate: The new candidate user associated
DeleteUserLink TaskWorker
  • candidate: The previously associated user
AddGroupLink TaskWorker
  • candidate: The new group associated
DeleteGroupLink TaskWorker
  • candidate: The previously associated group
Attachment AddAttachment TaskWorker
  • name: The name of the added attachment
DeleteAttachment TaskWorker
  • name: The name of the deleted attachment
JobDefinition ActivateJobDefinition Operator
  • suspensionState: the new suspension state active
SetPriority Operator
  • overridingPriority: the new overriding job priority. Is null, if the priority was cleared.
SuspendJobDefinition Operator
  • suspensionState: the new suspension state suspended
ProcessDefinition ActivateProcessDefinition Operator
  • suspensionState: the new suspension state active
SuspendProcessDefinition Operator
  • suspensionState: the new suspension state suspended
Delete Operator
  • cascade: if the value is set to true, then all instances including history are also deleted.
UpdateHistoryTimeToLive Operator
  • historyTimeToLive: the new history time to live.
DecisionDefinition UpdateHistoryTimeToLive Operator
  • historyTimeToLive: the new history time to live.
  • decisionDefinitionId: the id of the decision definition whose history time to live is updated.
  • decisionDefinitionKey: the key of the decision definition whose history time to live is updated.
Evaluate Operator
  • decisionDefinitionId: the id of the decision definition that was evaluated.
  • decisionDefinitionKey: the key of the decision definition that was evaluated.
CaseDefinition UpdateHistoryTimeToLive Operator
  • historyTimeToLive: the new history time to live.
  • caseDefinitionKey: the key of the case definition whose history time to live is updated.
Job ActivateJob Operator
  • suspensionState: the new suspension state active
SetPriority Operator
  • priority: the new priority of the job
SetJobRetries Operator
  • retries: the new number of retries
  • nrOfInstances: the number of jobs that were updated.
  • async: true if operation was performed asynchronously as a batch, false if operation was performed synchronously
SuspendJob Operator
  • suspensionState: the new suspension state suspended
  • async: true if operation was performed asynchronously as a batch, false if operation was performed synchronously
Execute Operator No additional property is logged
Delete Operator No additional property is logged
SetDueDate Operator
  • duedate: the new due date of the job
RecalculateDueDate Operator
  • creationDateBased: if the value is set to true, the new due date was calculated based on the creation date of the job. Otherwise, it was calculated using the date the recalcuation took place.
  • duedate: the new due date of the job
CreateHistoryCleanupJobs Operator
  • immediatelyDue: true if the operation was performed immediately, false if the operation was scheduled regularly
Variable ModifyVariable Operator/
No additional property is logged
RemoveVariable Operator/
No additional property is logged
SetVariable Operator/
No additional property is logged
DeleteHistory Operator In case of single operation:
  • name: the name of the variable whose history was deleted
In case of list operation by process instance:
    No additional property is logged
Deployment Create Operator
  • duplicateFilterEnabled: if the value is set to true, then during the creation of the deployment the given resources have been checked for duplicates in the set of previous deployments. Otherwise, the duplicate filtering has been not executed.
  • deployChangedOnly: this property is only logged when duplicateFilterEnabled is set to true. If the property value is set to true then only changed resources have been deployed. Otherwise, all resources are redeployed if any resource has changed.
Delete Operator
  • cascade: if the value is set to true, then all instances including history are also deleted.
Batch ActivateBatch Operator
  • suspensionState: the new suspension state active
SuspendBatch Operator
  • suspensionState: the new suspension state suspended
Delete Operator
  • cascadeToHistory: true if historic data related to the batch job is deleted as well, false if only the runtime data is deleted.
DeleteHistory Operator No additional property is logged
SetRemovalTime Operator
  • async: true if operation was performed asynchronously as a batch
  • nrOfInstances: The amount of updated instances
  • removalTime: The date of which an instance shall be removed
  • mode: CALCULATED_REMOVAL_TIME if the removal time was calculated, ABSOLUTE_REMOVAL_TIME if the removal time was set explicitly, CLEARED_REMOVAL_TIME if the removal time was cleared
ExternalTask SetExternalTaskRetries Operator
  • retries: the new number of retries
  • nrOfInstances: the amount of external tasks that were updated
  • async: true if operation was performed asynchronously as a batch, false if operation was performed synchronously
SetPriority Operator
  • priority: the new priority
Unlock Operator No additional property is logged
DecisionInstance DeleteHistory Operator
  • nrOfInstances: the amount of decision instances that were deleted
  • async: true if operation was performed asynchronously as a batch, false if operation was performed synchronously
  • deleteReason: the reason for deletion. This property exists only if operation was performed asynchronously
SetRemovalTime Operator
  • async: true if operation was performed asynchronously as a batch
  • nrOfInstances: The amount of updated instances
  • removalTime: The date of which an instance shall be removed
  • mode: CALCULATED_REMOVAL_TIME if the removal time was calculated, ABSOLUTE_REMOVAL_TIME if the removal time was set explicitly, CLEARED_REMOVAL_TIME if the removal time was cleared
  • hierarchical: true if the removal time was set across the hiearchy, false if the hierarchy was neglected
CaseInstance DeleteHistory Operator
  • nrOfInstances: The amount of case instances that were deleted. Only present if executed in bulk delete.
Metrics Delete Operator
  • timestamp: The date for which all metrics older than that have been deleted. Only present if specified by the user.
  • reporter: The reporter for which all metrics reported by it have been deleted. Only present if specified by the user.
TaskMetrics Delete Operator
  • timestamp: The date for which all task metrics older than that have been deleted. Only present if specified by the user.
OperationLog SetAnnotation Operator
  • operationId: the id of the annotated operation log
ClearAnnotation Operator
  • operationId: the id of the annotated operation log
Filter Create TaskWorker
  • filterId: the id of the filter that been created
Update TaskWorker
  • filterId: the id of the filter that been updated
Delete TaskWorker
  • filterId: the id of the filter that been deleted
Comment Update TaskWorker
  • No additional property is logged
Delete TaskWorker
  • No additional property is logged
User Create Admin
  • userId: the id of the user that has been created
Update Admin
  • userId: the id of the user that has been updated
Delete Admin
  • userId: the id of the user that has been deleted
Unlock Admin
  • userId: the id of the user that has been unlocked
Group Create Admin
  • groupId: the id of the group that has been created
Update Admin
  • groupId: the id of the group that has been updated
Delete Admin
  • groupId: the id of the group that has been deleted
Tenant Create Admin
  • tenantId: the id of the tenant that has been created
Update Admin
  • tenantId: the id of the tenant that has been updated
Delete Admin
  • tenantId: the id of the tenant that has been deleted
Group membership Create Admin
  • userId: the id of the user that has been added to the group
  • groupId: the id of the group that the user has been added to
Delete Admin
  • userId: the id of the user that has been deleted from the group
  • groupId: the id of the group that the user has been deleted from
TenantMembership Create Admin
  • tenantId: the id of the tenant that the group or user was associated with
  • userId: the id of the user that has been associated with the tenant. Is not present if the groupId is set
  • groupId: the id of the group that has been associated with the tenant. Is not present if the userId is set
Delete Admin
  • tenantId: the id of the tenant that the group or user has been deleted from
  • userId: the id of the user that has been deleted from the tenant. Is not present if the groupId is set
  • groupId: the id of the group that has been deleted from the tenant. Is not present if the userId is set
Authorization Create Admin
  • permissions: the list of permissions that has been granted or revoked
  • permissionBits: the permissions bit mask that is persisted with the authorization
  • type: the type of authorization, can be either 0 (GLOBAL), 1 (GRANT) or 2 (REVOKE)
  • resource: the name of the resource type
  • resourceId: The id of the resource. Can be '*' if granted or revoked for all instances of the resource type.
  • userId: The id of the user the authorization is bound to. Can be '*' if granted or revoked for all users. Is not present when groupId is set.
  • groupId: The id of the group the authorization is bound to. Is not present when userId is set.
Update Admin
  • permissions: the list of permissions that has been granted or revoked
  • permissionBits: the permissions bit mask that is persisted with the authorization
  • type: the type of authorization, can be either 0 (GLOBAL), 1 (GRANT) or 2 (REVOKE)
  • resource: the name of the resource type
  • resourceId: The id of the resource. Can be '*' if granted or revoked for all instances of the resource type.
  • userId: The id of the user the authorization is bound to. Can be '*' if granted or revoked for all users. Is not present when groupId is set.
  • groupId: The id of the group the authorization is bound to. Is not present when userId is set.
Delete Admin
  • permissions: the list of permissions that has been granted or revoked
  • permissionBits: the permissions bit mask that is persisted with the authorization
  • type: the type of authorization, can be either 0 (GLOBAL), 1 (GRANT) or 2 (REVOKE)
  • resource: the name of the resource type
  • resourceId: The id of the resource. Can be '*' if granted or revoked for all instances of the resource type.
  • userId: The id of the user the authorization is bound to. Can be '*' if granted or revoked for all users. Is not present when groupId is set.
  • groupId: The id of the group the authorization is bound to. Is not present when userId is set.
Property Create Admin
  • name: the name of the property that was created
Update Admin
  • name: the name of the property that was updated
Delete Admin
  • name: the name of the property that was deleted

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