Update from 7.13 to 7.14

This document guides you through the update from Camunda 7.13.x to 7.14.0. It covers these use cases:

  1. For administrators: Legal Note
  2. For administrators and developers: Database Updates
  3. For administrators and developers: Full Distribution Update
  4. For administrators: Standalone Web Application
  5. For developers: Update to JQuery 3.5
  6. For developers: Changes to Task Query and Historic Task Query behavior
  7. For developers: New Engine Dependency - Connect
  8. For developers: Changes to the Cockpit Config File
  9. For developers: New Frontend Plugin System for Cockpit
  10. For developers: End of Spring 3 Support
  11. For developers: New Process Engine Property
  12. For developers: Disable Telemetry Reporter in Tests
  13. For administrators and developers: PostgreSQL Support Clarification

This guide covers mandatory migration steps as well as optional considerations for the initial configuration of new functionality included in Camunda 7.14.

Legal Note

Before you upgrade to a Camunda 7 Runtime version >= 7.14.0-alpha1 (and 7.13.7+, 7.12.12+, 7.11.19+) or activate the telemetry functionality, please make sure that you are authorized to take this step, and that the installation or activation of the telemetry functionality is not in conflict with any company-internal policies, compliance guidelines, any contractual or other provisions or obligations of your company.

Camunda cannot be held responsible in the event of unauthorized installation or activation of this function.

You can find more details on the telemetry topic in the general introduction.

Database Updates

Every Camunda installation requires a database schema update.


  1. Check for available database patch scripts for your database that are within the bounds of your update path. Locate the scripts at $DISTRIBUTION_PATH/sql/upgrade in the pre-packaged distribution (where $DISTRIBUTION_PATH is the path of an unpacked distribution) or in the Camunda Artifact Repository. We highly recommend executing these patches before updating. Execute them in ascending order by version number. The naming pattern is $DATABASENAME_engine_7.13_patch_?.sql.

  2. Execute the corresponding update scripts named

    • $DATABASENAME_engine_7.13_to_7.14.sql

    The scripts update the database from one minor version to the next, and change the underlying database structure. So make sure to backup your database in case there are any failures during the update process.

  3. We highly recommend to also check for any existing patch scripts for your database that are within the bounds of the new minor version you are updating to. Execute them in ascending order by version number. Attention: This step is only relevant when you are using an enterprise version of Camunda 7, e.g., 7.14.X where X > 0. The procedure is the same as in step 1, only for the new minor version.

Full Distribution

This section is applicable if you installed the Full Distribution with a shared process engine.

The following steps are required:

  1. Update the Camunda libraries and applications inside the application server
  2. Migrate custom process applications

Before starting, make sure that you have downloaded the Camunda 7.14 distribution for the application server you use. It contains the SQL scripts and libraries required for the update. This guide assumes you have unpacked the distribution to a path named $DISTRIBUTION_PATH.

Camunda Libraries and Applications

Please choose the application server you are working with from the following list:

Custom Process Applications

For every process application, the Camunda dependencies should be updated to the new version. Which dependencies you have is application- and server-specific. Typically, the dependencies consist of any of the following:

  • camunda-engine-spring
  • camunda-engine-cdi
  • camunda-ejb-client

There are no new mandatory dependencies for process applications.

Standalone Web Application

If the standalone web application is in use, the current war artifact must be replaced by its new version.

If a database other than the default H2 database is used, the following steps must be taken:

  1. Undeploy the current version of the standalone web application
  2. Update the database to the new schema as described in the database update section
  3. Reconfigure the database as described in the installation section
  4. Deploy the new and configured standalone web application to the server

Update to JQuery 3.5

The Update to JQuery 3.5 changes the parsing of HTML. In some cases, this can lead to Tasklist forms or webapp plugins breaking.

Code which uses a self-closing HTML Tag as a parent for generated DOM-nodes will no longer work as expected.

  <span ng-bind-html="myHtml" />
  My Other Content <!-- is not displayed -->

You can enable the old behavior by overriding the JQuery htmlPrefilter function using a custom script. We provide an example for Tasklist here. Please keep in mind that this will reintroduce a security vulnerability that was fixed by this update.

You can read more about the update in the JQuery release blog

Changes to Task Query and Historic Task Query behavior

As of version 7.14.0, when using the TaskService, or the HistoryService to execute a Task query or a Historic Task Instance query (or use the appropriate REST API endpoints), the following methods now perform a case-insensitive comparison:

  • TaskQuery#taskDescription(String description);
  • TaskQuery#taskDescriptionLike(String descriptionLike);
  • HistoricTaskInstanceQuery#taskName(String taskName);
  • HistoricTaskInstanceQuery#taskNameLike(String taskNameLike);
  • HistoricTaskInstanceQuery#taskDescription(String taskDescription);
  • HistoricTaskInstanceQuery#taskDescriptionLike(String taskDescriptionLike);

This was done to make the remaining methods consistent with the behavior in:

  • TaskQuery#taskName(String name)
  • TaskQuery#taskNameLike(String nameLike)
  • TaskQuery#taskNameNotLike(String nameNotLike)
  • TaskQuery#taskNameNotEqual(String nameNotEqual)

where the behavior was already present.

Users that expect a case-sensitive result, will need to adjust their logic, or Task names and descriptions, for this change of behavior.

New Engine Dependency - Connect

Camunda Connect dependency has been added to the process engine (camunda-engine) artifact, allowing usage of simple connectors in the context of the new telemetry feature. And changes the status of the dependency from optional to required. See below the details:

– In a case of Embedded engine scenario (includes Spring Boot Starter setups), there are two new dependencies added to the camunda-engine:

  • camunda-connect-core dependency is required from 7.14.0 version and on.
  • camunda-connect-connectors-all dependency also comes by default. It can be replaced by the camunda-connect-http-client. The difference is that camunda-connect-connectors-all doesn’t have dependencies and contains the HTTP and SOAP connectors, as long as camunda-connect-http-client brings a http-client dependency. You can see an example below how to exchange the dependencies.

– In a case of Shared engine scenario, you will need to add the connect modules if they are not present yet to the setup. The respective update guides for the application servers contain the necessary steps to do this.

In case you already have a Connect dependencies to some of your projects, please consider consolidating the version of them with one that comes as dependency with the engine. That will prevent inconsistencies on the system. Please note that the Connect process engine plugin is still an optional dependency.

Changes to the Cockpit Config File

The structure of the config.js file, located in the app/cockpit/scripts/ directory of the webapps, changed slightly. It is now a Javascript module. If you have customized the config file, replace the line

window.camCockpitConf = {
  // ...


export default {
  // ...

The customScripts and bpmnJs.additionalModules attributes changed as well. Both are now arrays of paths to your Javascript files. You can check the default config.js for an example structure:

export default {
  customScripts: [
    // If you have a folder called 'my-custom-script' (in the 'cockpit' folder)
    // with a file called 'customScript.js' in it
  bpmnJs: {
    additionalModules: [
      // If you have a folder called 'my-custom-module' (in the 'cockpit' folder)
      // with a file called 'module.js' in it

If you do not have custom scripts or Cockpit plugins, you are good to go. Otherwise, continue reading to find out how to migrate your plugins.

New Frontend Plugin System for Cockpit

With the 7.14.0 release, we updated the Cockpit frontend plugin system. If you have deployed custom scripts or Cockpit plugins, you need to migrate them if you want to use them in future releases. Cockpit plugins from 7.13 will no longer work in 7.14.

Only Cockpit plugins are affected by this update; Admin and Tasklist plugins will work like before. Changes apply only to the frontend part of your plugins that rely on AngularJS. Custom REST API, myBatis, and Java classes do not require changes.

Migrate existing AngularJS plugins

The new plugin system is framework agnostic, so you are free to use any frontend framework you want. In this guide, we will focus on changes you will have to make in your AngularJS plugins. Keep in mind that AngularJS is currently in long term support and will not be receiving security updates after December 31, 2021.

To continue using AngularJS plugins, you have to change your plugin to use the new interface and bootstrap an AngularJS application. You will also have to bundle AngularJS into your plugins. This is explained in detail in more detail in the AngularJS example plugin.

As your plugin is now displayed in your own AngularJS app and is decoupled from the Cockpit application, Camunda directives and services are no longer available. If you use one of the following in your plugin, you will have to migrate it.


Camunda directives, such as search widgets (cam-widget-search) or variable tables (cam-variable-table) can no longer be used. You can still include and use UI frameworks such as UI Bootstrap, if you also bundle them with your plugin. As a rule of thumb, all widgets prefixed with cam- will be unavailable.


As with directives, services you could inject into your AngularJS component are no longer available. Only the services included in documented in the AngularJS documentation are available by default. Services such as camAPI and Uri can no longer be injected. You can still make requests against the REST API using the $http service and the API Urls that get passed into the render function.

If you changed the CSRF-cookie name or use other HTTP-clients such as the fetch API, you’ll also need to set the headers appropriately. The current CSRF token is always passed into the render function in the second argument as api.CSRFToken. The api.engineApi corresponds to the root of our REST API. Check out the documentation for more details on the render function.

Diagram Interaction

Previously, there was no documented way to create interactions with the diagram. We recommend to use 2 plugins to achieve diagram interaction - one diagram overlay to capture click events and highlight tasks and one tab plugin which displays information related to the selection.

Diagram plugin points are available for all views with a BPMN viewer. We created an example to show you how the interaction can look like.

New Routes

If you used the routeProvider to create new routes, you can simply use the new Route plugin point. The same principles for migrating plugins also apply to migrating routes.

End of Spring 3 Support

Spring Framework version 3 has been end of life as of December 31st, 2016. The official guide recommends to upgrade to versions 4 or 5 of the framework respectively. With version 7.14.0, official support for Spring 3 ends as well. Applications using this version of Spring might still work as expected but are recommended to be upgraded to versions 4 or 5, which the engine is tested against and can be safely used with.

New Process Engine Property

This minor release introduces a new process engine property - camunda.installation.id. In case you already created a property with the same name, please consider renaming it to prevent collisions with the process engine code. So far, the property will be used for the telemetry feature, however, in the future that might change and cause issues with implemented features. To perform the renaming of an existing property, please delete the property first, store your property with a different name and restart the engine. The new camunda.installation.id property will be created during the start of the process engine and stored into the database. Here is an example how the change can be performed:

managementService.setProperty(customCamundaInstallatioId, customCamundaInstallatioIdValue);
// keep in mind to restart the engine afterward

In case the custom installation id property is not adjusted, the telemetry feature most probably will not be functioning correctly.

Disable Telemetry Reporter in Tests

With the new telemetry feature and on a strict opt-in basis, we are looking to collect environment and usage data to further improve the user experience for you. However, for certain scenarios it will be better to completely disable the telemetry functionality. One of those scenarios is testing, if that includes process engine usage. Therefore we highly recommend to disable the telemetry reporter to prevent sending any requests from your tests:

  • via XML-based configuration file: example
  • via YAML-based configuration file in Spring Boot: example
  • via Java:
processEngineConfiguration = new StandaloneInMemProcessEngineConfiguration();

PostgreSQL Support Clarification

According to the PostgreSQL versioning documentation, the PostgreSQL versioning scheme changed from PostgreSQL 10. For versions before PostgreSQL 10, a major version was marked by the first two version numbers, e.g. 9.4, 9.6. From PostgreSQL 10, a major version is marked by a single version number, e.g. 10, 11, 12.

As this was only a change to the versioning scheme, the content of the minor releases (e.g. 9.4.6, 9.6.18, 10.13, 11.2, etc.) didn’t change. Therefore, we have updated the Camunda Supported Environments, to reflect that Camunda supports all the minor version updates of a major PostgreSQL version.

Note that this adjustment doesn’t change the supported versions of Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL. This is a database service built on top of PostgreSQL, and as such, needs to be tested for support separately from PostgreSQL.

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