Migration from Community Extension v. 2.2.0 to v. 2.3.0

Maven dependencies

The groupId for Maven dependencies has changed, it is now org.camunda.bpm.springboot. For example:


Enterprise Web Applications

For Enterprise users, the way to use the Spring Boot Starter has changed. Instead of using the enterprise Maven profile, you can now include a special starter in your Maven POM file:


The same as before, you will also need to define the appropriate Camunda 7 version with the -ee suffix. See the documentation here.

Default configuration values changed

Some default configuration values changed. This means that if you relied on the old default values, you should now explicitly declare them in you configuration file:

  • The history level is now FULL by default
  • The UUID-Generator is used for id generation by default.

Also, the property camunda.bpm.job-execution.active was removed. The job executor is activated whenever it is enabled.

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