Uses of Interface
Packages that use BpmnModelElementInstance
Uses of BpmnModelElementInstance in org.camunda.bpm.model.bpmn.builder
Classes in org.camunda.bpm.model.bpmn.builder with type parameters of type BpmnModelElementInstanceModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
AbstractBpmnModelElementBuilder<B extends AbstractBpmnModelElementBuilder<B,
E>, E extends BpmnModelElementInstance> Fields in org.camunda.bpm.model.bpmn.builder declared as BpmnModelElementInstanceMethods in org.camunda.bpm.model.bpmn.builder with type parameters of type BpmnModelElementInstanceModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionprotected <T extends BpmnModelElementInstance>
(Class<T> typeClass) protected <T extends BpmnModelElementInstance>
(BpmnModelElementInstance parent, Class<T> typeClass) protected <T extends BpmnModelElementInstance>
(Class<T> typeClass) protected <T extends BpmnModelElementInstance>
(Class<T> typeClass) protected <T extends BpmnModelElementInstance>
(Class<T> typeClass) protected <T extends BpmnModelElementInstance>
(BpmnModelElementInstance parent, Class<T> typeClass) protected <T extends BpmnModelElementInstance>
(Class<T> typeClass) Methods in org.camunda.bpm.model.bpmn.builder with parameters of type BpmnModelElementInstanceModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionAbstractBaseElementBuilder.addExtensionElement
(BpmnModelElementInstance extensionElement) Add an extension element to the element.protected <T extends BpmnModelElementInstance>
(BpmnModelElementInstance parent, Class<T> typeClass) protected <T extends BaseElement>
(BpmnModelElementInstance parent, Class<T> typeClass, String identifier) protected <T extends BpmnModelElementInstance>
(BpmnModelElementInstance parent, Class<T> typeClass) -
Uses of BpmnModelElementInstance in org.camunda.bpm.model.bpmn.impl.instance
Classes in org.camunda.bpm.model.bpmn.impl.instance that implement BpmnModelElementInstanceModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
The BPMN element activationCondition of the BPMN tComplexGateway typeclass
The BPMN activity elementclass
The BPMN artifact elementclass
The BPMN assignment elementclass
The BPMN auditing elementclass
The BPMN baseElement elementclass
The BPMN boundaryEvent elementclass
Shared base class for all BPMN Model Elements.class
The BPMN businessRuleTask elementclass
The BPMN callableElement elementclass
The BPMN callActivity elementclass
The BPMN callConversation elementclass
The BPMN cancelEventDefinition elementclass
The BPMN catchEvent elementclass
The BPMN categoryValue elementclass
The BPMN categoryValueRef element of the BPMN tFlowElement typeclass
The BPMN childLaneSet element of the BPMN tLaneSet typeclass
The BPMN collaboration elementclass
The BPMN compensateEventDefinition elementclass
The BPMN 2.0 completionCondition element from the tMultiInstanceLoopCharacteristics typeclass
The BPMN 2.0 complexBehaviorDefinition elementclass
The BPMN complexGateway elementclass
The BPMN conditionalEventDefinition elementclass
The BPMN conditionExpression element of the BPMN tSequenceFlow typeclass
The BPMN condition element of the BPMN tConditionalEventDefinition typeclass
The BPMN conversationAssociation elementclass
The BPMN conversation elementclass
The BPMN conversationLink elementclass
The BPMN conversationNode elementclass
The BPMN correlationKey elementclass
The BPMN correlationPropertyBinding elementclass
The BPMN correlationProperty elementclass
The BPMN correlationPropertyRef element of the BPMN tCorrelationKey typeclass
The BPMN correlationPropertyRetrievalExpression elementclass
The BPMN correlationSubscription elementclass
The BPMN dataAssociation elementclass
The BPMN dataInputAssociation elementclass
The BPMN dataInput elementclass
The BPMN element dataInputRef of the BPMN tInputSet typeclass
The BPMN dataObject elementclass
The BPMN dataOutputAssociation elementclass
The BPMN dataOutputRefs element of the BPMN tOutputSet typeclass
The BPMN dataPath element of the BPMN tCorrelationPropertyBinding typeclass
The BPMN dataStore elementclass
The BPMN definitions elementclass
The BPMN documentation elementclass
The BPMN endEvent elementclass
The BPMN endPoint elementclass
The BPMN interfaceRef element of the BPMN tParticipant typeclass
The BPMN errorEventDefinition elementclass
The BPMN errorRef element of the BPMN tOperation typeclass
The BPMN escalationEventDefinition elementclass
The BPMN escalation elementclass
The BPMN eventBasedGateway elementclass
The BPMN eventDefinition elementclass
The BPMN eventDefinitionRef element of the BPMN tCatchEvent typeclass
The BPMN event elementclass
The BPMN exclusiveGateway elementclass
The BPMN expression elementclass
The BPMN extensionElements elementclass
The BPMN extension elementclass
The BPMN flowElement elementclass
The BPMN flowNode elementclass
The BPMN flowNodeRef element of the BPMN tLane typeclass
The BPMN formalExpression elementclass
The BPMN from element of the BPMN tAssignment typeclass
The BPMN gateway elementclass
The BPMN globalConversation elementclass
The BPMN humanPerformer elementclass
The BPMN import elementclass
The BPMN inclusiveGateway elementclass
The BPMN incoming element of the BPMN tFlowNode typeclass
The BPMN inMessageRef element of the BPMN tOperation typeclass
The BPMN innerParticipantRef element of the BPMN tParticipantAssociation typeclass
The BPMN 2.0 inputDataItem from the tMultiInstanceLoopCharacteristics typeclass
The BPMN inputSet elementclass
The BPMN inputSetRefs element of the BPMN tOutputSet typeclass
The BPMN interactionNode interfaceclass
The BPMN interface elementclass
The BPMN interfaceRef element of the BPMN tParticipant typeclass
The BPMN intermediateCatchEvent elementclass
The BPMN intermediateThrowEvent elementclass
The BPMN ioBinding elementclass
The BPMN IoSpecification elementclass
The BPMN lane elementclass
The BPMN laneSet elementclass
The BPMN linkEventDefinition elementclass
The loopCardinality element from the tMultiInstanceLoopCharacteristics complex typeclass
The BPMN loopCharacteristics elementclass
The BPMN 2.0 loopDataInputRef element of the BPMN 2.0 tMultiInstanceLoopCharacteristics typeclass
The BPMN 2.0 loopDataOutputRef element of the BPMN 2.0 tMultiInstanceLoopCharacteristics typeclass
The BPMN manualTask elementclass
The BPMN messageFlowAssociation elementclass
The BPMN messageFlow elementclass
The BPMN messageFlowRef element of the BPMN tConversationNode typeclass
The BPMN message eventclass
The BPMN messagePath element of the BPMN tCorrelationPropertyRetrievalExpression typeclass
The BPMN monitoring elementclass
The BPMN 2.0 multiInstanceLoopCharacteristics elementclass
The BPMN operation elementclass
The BPMN operationRef element of the BPMN tMessageEventDefinition typeclass
The BPMN optionalInputRefs element of the BPMN tInputSet typeclass
The BPMN optionalOutputRefs element of the BPMN tOutputSet typeclass
The BPMN outerParticipantRef element of the BPMN tParticipantAssociation typeclass
The BPMN outgoing element of the BPMN tFlowNode typeclass
The BPMN outMessageRef of the BPMN tOperation typeclass
The BPMN 2.0 outputDataItem from the tMultiInstanceLoopCharacteristics typeclass
The BPMN outputSet elementclass
The BPMN outputSetRefs element of the BPMN tInputSet typeclass
The BPMN parallelGateway elementclass
The BPMN participantAssociation elementclass
The BPMN participant elementclass
The BPMN participantMultiplicity elementclass
The BPMN participantRef element of the BPMN tConversationNode typeclass
The BPMN partitionElement of the BPMN tLane typeclass
The BPMN performer elementclass
The BPMN potentialOwner elementclass
The BPMN process elementclass
The BPMN property elementclass
The BPMN receiveTask elementclass
The BPMN relationship elementclass
The BPMN rendering elementclass
The BPMN resourceAssignmentExpression elementclass
The BPMN resource elementclass
The BPMN resourceParameterBinding elementclass
The BPMN resourceParameter elementclass
The BPMN resourceRef element of the BPMN tResourceRole typeclass
The BPMN resourceRole elementclass
The BPMN rootElement elementclass
The BPMN script elementclass
The BPMN scriptTask elementclass
The BPMN sendTask elementclass
The BPMN sequenceFlow elementclass
The BPMN serviceTask elementclass
The BPMN signalEventDefinition elementclass
The BPMN signal elementclass
The BPMN source element of the BPMN tRelationship and tLinkEventDefinition typeclass
The BPMN sourceRef element of the BPMN tDataAssociation typeclass
The BPMN startEvent elementclass
The BPMN subConversation elementclass
The BPMN subProcess elementclass
The BPMN supportedInterfaceRef element of the BPMN tCallableElement typeclass
The BPMN supports element of the BPMN tProcess typeclass
The BPMN target element of the BPMN tRelationship typeclass
The BPMN targetRef element of the BPMN tDataAssociation typeclass
The BPMN task elementclass
The BPMN terminateEventDefinition elementclass
The BPMN 2.0 textAnnotation elementclass
The BPMN 2.0 text element from the tTextAnnotation complex typeclass
The BPMN throwEvent elementclass
The BPMN timeDuration element of the BPMN tTimerEventDefinition typeclass
The BPMN timeDate element of the BPMN tTimerEventDefinition typeclass
The BPMN timeDuration element of the BPMN tTimerEventDefinition typeclass
The BPMN timerEventDefinition elementclass
The BPMN to element of the BPMN tAssignment typeclass
The BPMN transformation element of the BPMN tDataAssociation typeclass
The BPMN userTask elementclass
The BPMN whileExecutingInputRefs of the BPMN tInputSet typeclass
The BPMN whileExecutingOutputRefs element of the BPMN tOutputSet typeMethods in org.camunda.bpm.model.bpmn.impl.instance that return BpmnModelElementInstance -
Uses of BpmnModelElementInstance in org.camunda.bpm.model.bpmn.impl.instance.bpmndi
Classes in org.camunda.bpm.model.bpmn.impl.instance.bpmndi that implement BpmnModelElementInstanceModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
The BPMNDI BPMNDiagram elementclass
The BPMNDI BPMNEdge elementclass
The BPMNDI BPMNLabel elementclass
The BPMNDI BPMNLabelStyle elementclass
The BPMNDI BPMNPlane elementclass
The BPMNDI BPMNShape element -
Uses of BpmnModelElementInstance in org.camunda.bpm.model.bpmn.impl.instance.camunda
Classes in org.camunda.bpm.model.bpmn.impl.instance.camunda that implement BpmnModelElementInstanceModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
The BPMN connectorId camunda extension elementclass
The BPMN connector camunda extension elementclass
The BPMN constraint camunda extension elementclass
The BPMN executionListener camunda extension elementclass
The BPMN expression camunda extension elementclass
The BPMN failedJobRetryTimeCycle camunda extension elementclass
The BPMN field camunda extension elementclass
The BPMN formData camunda extension elementclass
The BPMN formField camunda extension elementclass
The BPMN formProperty camunda extension elementclass
A helper interface for camunda extension elements which hold a generic child element like camunda:inputParameter, camunda:outputParameter and camunda:entry.class
The BPMN in camunda extension elementclass
The BPMN inputOutput camunda extension elementclass
The BPMN inputParameter camunda extension elementclass
The BPMN camundaMap extension elementclass
The BPMN out camunda extension elementclass
The BPMN outputParameter camunda extension elementclass
The BPMN potentialStarter camunda extensionclass
The BPMN properties camunda extension elementclass
The BPMN property camunda extension elementclass
The BPMN script camunda extension elementclass
The BPMN string camunda extension elementclass
The BPMN taskListener camunda extension elementclass
The BPMN validation camunda extension elementclass
The BPMN value camunda extension elementMethods in org.camunda.bpm.model.bpmn.impl.instance.camunda with type parameters of type BpmnModelElementInstanceModifier and TypeMethodDescription<T extends BpmnModelElementInstance>
<T extends BpmnModelElementInstance>
<T extends BpmnModelElementInstance>
(T value) -
Uses of BpmnModelElementInstance in org.camunda.bpm.model.bpmn.impl.instance.dc
Classes in org.camunda.bpm.model.bpmn.impl.instance.dc that implement BpmnModelElementInstanceModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
The DC bounds elementclass
The DC font elementclass
The DC point element -
Uses of BpmnModelElementInstance in org.camunda.bpm.model.bpmn.impl.instance.di
Classes in org.camunda.bpm.model.bpmn.impl.instance.di that implement BpmnModelElementInstanceModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
The DI DiagramElement elementclass
The DI Diagram elementclass
The DI extension element of the DI DiagramElement typeclass
The DI LabeledEdge elementclass
The DI LabeledShape elementclass
The DI Label elementclass
The DI Node elementclass
The DI Plane elementclass
The DI Shape elementclass
The DI Style elementclass
The DI waypoint element of the DI Edge type -
Uses of BpmnModelElementInstance in org.camunda.bpm.model.bpmn.instance
Subinterfaces of BpmnModelElementInstance in org.camunda.bpm.model.bpmn.instanceModifier and TypeInterfaceDescriptioninterface
The BPMN element activationCondition of the BPMN tComplexGateway typeinterface
The BPMN activity elementinterface
The BPMN artifact elementinterface
The BPMN assignment elementinterface
The BPMN association elementinterface
The BPMN auditing elementinterface
The BPMN baseElement elementinterface
The BPMN boundaryEvent elementinterface
The BPMN businessRuleTask elementinterface
The BPMN callableElement elementinterface
The BPMN callActivity elementinterface
The BPMN callConversation elementinterface
The BPMN cancelEventDefinition elementinterface
The BPMN catchEvent elementinterface
The BPMN categoryValue elementinterface
The BPMN collaboration elementinterface
The BPMN compensateEventDefinition elementinterface
The BPMN 2.0 completionCondition element from the tMultiInstanceLoopCharacteristics typeinterface
The BPMN 2.0 complexBehaviorDefinition elementinterface
The BPMN complexGateway elementinterface
The BPMN condition element of the BPMN tConditionalEventDefinition typeinterface
The BPMN conditionalEventDefinition elementinterface
The BPMN conditionExpression element of the BPMN tSequenceFlow typeinterface
The BPMN conversation elementinterface
The BPMN conversationAssociation elementinterface
The BPMN conversationLink elementinterface
The BPMN conversationNode elementinterface
The BPMN correlationKey elementinterface
The BPMN correlationProperty elementinterface
The BPMN correlationPropertyBinding elementinterface
The BPMN correlationPropertyRetrievalExpression elementinterface
The BPMN correlationSubscription elementinterface
The BPMN dataAssociation elementinterface
The BPMN dataInput elementinterface
The BPMN dataInputAssociation elementinterface
The BPMN dataObject elementinterface
The BPMN dataObjectReference elementinterface
The BPMN dataOutput elementinterface
The BPMN dataOutputAssociation elementinterface
The BPMN dataState elementinterface
The BPMN dataStore elementinterface
The BPMN dataStoreReference elementinterface
The BPMN definitions elementinterface
The BPMN documentation elementinterface
The BPMN endEvent elementinterface
The BPMN endPoint elementinterface
The BPMN error elementinterface
The BPMN errorEventDefinition elementinterface
The BPMN escalation elementinterface
The BPMN escalationEventDefinition elementinterface
The BPMN event elementinterface
The BPMN eventBasedGateway elementinterface
The BPMN eventDefinition elementinterface
The BPMN exclusiveGateway elementinterface
The BPMN expression elementinterface
The BPMN extension elementinterface
The BPMN extensionElements elementinterface
The BPMN flowElement elementinterface
The BPMN flowNode elementinterface
The BPMN formalExpression elementinterface
The BPMN gateway elementinterface
The BPMN globalConversation elementinterface
The BPMN humanPerformer elementinterface
The BPMN Import elementinterface
The BPMN inclusiveGateway elementinterface
The BPMN 2.0 inputDataItem from the tMultiInstanceLoopCharacteristics typeinterface
The BPMN inputSet elementinterface
The BPMN interface elementinterface
The BPMN intermediateCatchEvent elementinterface
The BPMN intermediateThrowEvent elementinterface
The BPMN ioBinding elementinterface
The BPMN inputOutputSpecification elementinterface
The BPMN itemAwareElement elementinterface
The BPMN itemDefinition elementinterface
The BPMN lane elementinterface
The BPMN laneSet elementinterface
The BPMN linkEventDefinition elementinterface
The loopCardinality element from the tMultiInstanceLoopCharacteristics complex typeinterface
The BPMN loopCharacteristics elementinterface
The BPMN manualTask elementinterface
The BPMN message elementinterface
The BPMN messageEventDefinition elementinterface
The BPMN messageFlow elementinterface
The BPMN messageFlowAssociation elementinterface
The BPMN monitoring elementinterface
The BPMN 2.0 multiInstanceLoopCharacteristics element typeinterface
The BPMN operation elementinterface
The BPMN 2.0 outputDataItem from the tMultiInstanceLoopCharacteristics typeinterface
The BPMN outputSet elementinterface
The BPMN parallelGateway elementinterface
The BPMN participant elementinterface
The BPMN participantAssociation elementinterface
The BPMN participantMultiplicity elementinterface
The BPMN performer elementinterface
The BPMN potentialOwner elementinterface
The BPMN process elementinterface
The BPMN property elementinterface
The BPMN receiveTask elementinterface
The BPMN relationship elementinterface
The BPMN rendering elementinterface
The BPMN resource elementinterface
The BPMN resourceAssignmentExpression elementinterface
The BPMN resourceParameter elementinterface
The BPMN resourceParameterBinding elementinterface
The BPMN resourceRole elementinterface
The BPMN rootElement elementinterface
The BPMN script elementinterface
The BPMN scriptTask elementinterface
The BPMN sendTask elementinterface
The BPMN sequenceFlow elementinterface
The BPMN serviceTask elementinterface
The BPMN signal elementinterface
The BPMN signalEventDefinition elementinterface
The BPMN startEvent elementinterface
The BPMN subConversation elementinterface
The BPMN subProcess elementinterface
The BPMN task elementinterface
The BPMN terminateEventDefinition elementinterface
The BPMN 2.0 text element from the tTextAnnotation complex typeinterface
The BPMN 2.0 textAnnotation elementinterface
The BPMN throwEvent elementinterface
The BPMN timeCycle element of the BPMN tTimerEventDefinition typeinterface
The BPMN timeDate element of the BPMN tTimerEventDefinition typeinterface
The BPMN timeDuration element of the BPMN tTimerEventDefinition typeinterface
The BPMN timerEventDefinition elementinterface
The BPMN userTask elementMethods in org.camunda.bpm.model.bpmn.instance that return BpmnModelElementInstanceModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionBpmnModelElementInstance.getScope()
Gets the element which is the scope of this element. -
Uses of BpmnModelElementInstance in org.camunda.bpm.model.bpmn.instance.bpmndi
Subinterfaces of BpmnModelElementInstance in org.camunda.bpm.model.bpmn.instance.bpmndiModifier and TypeInterfaceDescriptioninterface
The BPMNDI BPMNDiagram elementinterface
The BPMNDI BPMNEdge elementinterface
The BPMNDI BPMNLabel elementinterface
The BPMNDI BPMNLabelStyle elementinterface
The BPMNDI BPMNPlane elementinterface
The BPMNDI BPMNShape element -
Uses of BpmnModelElementInstance in org.camunda.bpm.model.bpmn.instance.camunda
Subinterfaces of BpmnModelElementInstance in org.camunda.bpm.model.bpmn.instance.camundaModifier and TypeInterfaceDescriptioninterface
The BPMN connector camunda extension elementinterface
The BPMN connectorId camunda extension elementinterface
The BPMN constraint camunda extension elementinterface
The BPMN camundaEntry camunda extension elementinterface
The BPMN executionListener camunda extension elementinterface
The BPMN expression camunda extension elementinterface
The BPMN failedJobRetryTimeCycle camunda extension elementinterface
The BPMN field camunda extension elementinterface
The BPMN formData camunda extension elementinterface
The BPMN formField camunda extension elementinterface
The BPMN formProperty camunda extension elementinterface
The BPMN in camunda extension elementinterface
The BPMN inputOutput camunda extension elementinterface
The BPMN inputParameter camunda extension elementinterface
The BPMN camundaList extension elementinterface
The BPMN camundaMap extension elementinterface
The BPMN out camunda extension elementinterface
The BPMN outputParameter camunda extension elementinterface
The BPMN potentialStarter camunda extensioninterface
The BPMN properties camunda extension elementinterface
The BPMN property camunda extension elementinterface
The BPMN script camunda extension elementinterface
The BPMN string camunda extension elementinterface
The BPMN taskListener camunda extension elementinterface
The BPMN validation camunda extension elementinterface
The BPMN value camunda extension elementMethods in org.camunda.bpm.model.bpmn.instance.camunda with type parameters of type BpmnModelElementInstanceModifier and TypeMethodDescription<T extends BpmnModelElementInstance>
<T extends BpmnModelElementInstance>
<T extends BpmnModelElementInstance>
(T value) -
Uses of BpmnModelElementInstance in org.camunda.bpm.model.bpmn.instance.dc
Subinterfaces of BpmnModelElementInstance in org.camunda.bpm.model.bpmn.instance.dc -
Uses of BpmnModelElementInstance in org.camunda.bpm.model.bpmn.instance.di
Subinterfaces of BpmnModelElementInstance in org.camunda.bpm.model.bpmn.instance.diModifier and TypeInterfaceDescriptioninterface
The DI Diagram elementinterface
The DI DiagramElement elementinterface
The DI Edge elementinterface
The DI extension element of the DI DiagramElement typeinterface
The DI Label elementinterface
The DI LabeledEdge elementinterface
The DI LabeledShape elementinterface
The DI Node elementinterface
The DI Plane elementinterface
The DI Shape elementinterface
The DI Style elementinterface
The DI waypoint element of the DI Edge type