Patch Level Update

This guide explains how to perform a patch level update. The patch level is the version number “after the second dot”. Example: update from 7.14.2 to 7.14.3.

Enterprise Feature

Please note that Patch Level Updates are only provided to enterprise customers, they are not available in the community edition.

Check the Camunda enterprise homepage for more information or get your free trial version.

Database Patches

Between patch levels, the structure of the database schema is not changed. The database structure of all patch releases is backward compatible with the corresponding minor version. Our database schema update guide provides details on the update procedure as well as available database patches.

Special Considerations

This section describes noteworthy changes between individual patch levels.

7.3.2 to 7.3.3

By default it is not possible anymore to pass arbitrary expressions as parameters of task queries.

Reason: Passing EL expressions in a task query enables execution of arbitrary code when the query is evaluated.

The process engine no longer evaluates these expressions by default and throws an exception instead. The previous behavior can be re-enabled by setting the process configuration enableExpressionsInAdhocQueries to true.

See the user guide on security considerations for custom code for details.

7.6.10 to 7.6.11 / 7.7.5 to 7.7.6 / 7.8.0 to 7.8.1

Java serialization format

You can now configure, if you forbid the usage of Java serialization format, when passing object variables in their Java serialized representation.

The new configuration parameter javaSerializationFormatEnabled defaults to true, but can be configured to false in Camunda engine configuration.

Following use cases are affected:

PUT /process-instance/{id}/variables/{varName}

  "value" : "ab",
  "type" : "Object",
  "valueInfo" : {
    "objectTypeName": "com.example.MyObject",
    "serializationDataFormat": "application/x-java-serialized-object"
  • Java API:
runtimeService.setVariable(processInstanceId, "varName",

You can disable Java serialization usage with the help of this configuration parameter:

<property name="javaSerializationFormatEnabled">false</property>

Groovy version

The pre-built Camunda distributions of versions 7.6.10, 7.7.5 and 7.8.0 ship with Groovy library of version 2.4.5, whereas newer versions come with Groovy 2.4.13. Please update the library groovy-all-$GROOVY_VERSION.jar in the lib folder of your application server.

7.8.1. to 7.8.2

Restrict heatmap/statistics by time period

In the historic process definition diagram it is possible to select time periods for which activity instance badges are displayed.

By default the displayed timer period is set to ‘today’ but can be extended to show badges of ‘this week’, ‘this month’ or the ‘complete’ history.

This feature can be configured in two ways:

  1. The default timer period can be changed to ‘this week’, ‘this month’ or ‘complete’
  2. The manual selection of the time period within cockpit can be disabled.

These attributes can be modified in the configuration file

7.8.6 to 7.8.7

History cleanup can be parallelized

As of v. 7.8.7, history cleanup can be parallelized, which leads to creation of several jobs in the database. For this reason:

  • call to HistoryService#cleanupHistoryAsync does not guarantee to return correct Job object in return and you should not rely on the returned value any more. The same valid for REST call POST /history/cleanup
  • HistoryService#findHistoryCleanupJob is deprecated (as well as GET /history/cleanup/job), one should use HistoryService#findHistoryCleanupJobs instead.

7.10.16 to 7.10.17 / 7.11.10 to 7.11.11 / 7.12.3 to 7.12.4

DMN 1.3 Support in Cockpit

With this release, cockpit adds support for DMN 1.3, the next version of the DMN standard. If you edit and deploy DMN diagrams in Cockpit, which use earlier versions of DMN, they will automatically be migrated to DMN 1.3.

The Camunda engine already supports the DMN 1.3 namespace by default, so there are no more steps required to migrate. Make sure you have the latest version of Camunda Modeler installed to edit DMN 1.3 files locally.

7.12.5 to 7.12.6

Oracle JDBC Driver Removed from Camunda Docker Images

The Docker images for Camunda 7.13 no longer provide an Oracle JDBC driver out of the box. If you relied on this, apply the strategy outlined in Add the driver to the container and configure the database settings manually by linking the configuration file into the container.

7.13.6 to 7.13.7 / 7.12.11 to 7.12.12 / 7.11.18 to 7.11.19

In the mentioned patches above, a telemetry functionality is introduced. For more information please visit the telemetry page. Before you upgrade to a Camunda 7 Runtime version >= 7.14.0-alpha1, 7.13.7+, 7.12.12+, and 7.11.19+, or activate the telemetry functionality, please make sure that you are authorized to take this step, and that the installation or activation of the telemetry functionality is not in conflict with any company-internal policies, compliance guidelines, any contractual or other provisions or obligations of your company.

Camunda cannot be held responsible in the event of unauthorized installation or activation of this function.


In case you are deploying a custom REST API that builds upon the one provided by Camunda, please make sure to add the following listener to the web.xml:

<web-app ...>

This servlet context listener is used for bootstrapping the REST API and should therefore be included in your custom application setup.

7.14.0 to 7.14.1 / 7.13.6 to 7.13.7

FEEL Engine: Changed Module Structure

With the above-mentioned patch releases, the module structure has changed in conjunction with the FEEL Engine. From now on, the FEEL Engine will be delivered as a dedicated module feel-engine. It is no longer part of the camunda-engine-feel-scala module. The FEEL Engine module follows its own versioning.

The following modules are dependent on the newly introduced feel-engine module:

  • camunda-engine-plugin-spin
  • camunda-engine-feel-scala

7.14.3 to 7.14.4 / 7.13.9 to 7.13.10 / 7.12.15 to 7.12.16

Update of MySQL JDBC Driver in Camunda Docker Images

With this release, the docker images contain a new version of the MySQL JDBC Driver.

Old Version: 5.1.21
New Version: 8.0.23

Behavior Changes

The driver’s new version has two significant behavioral changes you should take care of when migrating your Docker-based Camunda Runtime installation.

Downgrade to 5.1.21

You don’t want to migrate to the new version? You can replace the new MySQL JDBC Driver with the old one to restore the previous behavior. To do so, you can create a new Dockerfile based on one of our official docker images and add your custom commands to replace the MySQL JDBC Driver.

For the Wildfly image, additionally make sure to adjust the data source class in the standalone.xml file located under /camunda/standalone/configuration/ from com.mysql.cj.jdbc.MysqlXADataSource back to com.mysql.jdbc.jdbc2.optional.MysqlXADataSource:

<!-- ... -->
<driver name="mysql" module="mysql.mysql-connector-java">
<!-- ... -->
1) Milliseconds Precision for Date/Time values

The new version of the Driver changes how a date/time value is handled. Please make sure to configure the Driver as described in MySQL Database Configuration to avoid breaking behavior.

2) Changed Time Zone Handling

In case the process engine and the MySQL Server operate in different time zones, and you use the MySQL JDBC Driver’s default configuration, migrating to the new release leads to a wrong conversion of date values (e.g., the due date of a task can change).

You can configure the driver to convert date values from and to the MySQL Server into the time zone in which the process engine/JVM operates. This ensures that values that were stored before the migration are returned correctly after the migration and date values are stored correctly after the migration. You can achieve this by specifying the correct time zone via the property serverTimeZone in your JDBC connection URL.
For instance, if your process engine operates in CET but your MySQL Server does not, set the property to serverTimeZone=CET.


Changing the time zone of the MySQL Server to the one the process engine operates in can have unwanted side-effects to date values that are stored in columns of type TIMESTAMP: MySQL converts TIMESTAMP values from the server time zone to UTC for storage, and back from UTC to the current time zone for retrieval. Read more about it in the MySQL Docs.

Further Reading

7.15.3 to 7.15.4 / 7.14.9 to 7.14.10 / 7.13.15 to 7.13.16

Spin: updated dependencies

With this release, the following dependencies of Spin have been updated:

  • json-path from 2.4.0 to 2.6.0
  • accessors-smart from 1.2 to 2.4.7
  • json-smart from 2.3 to 2.4.7

Standalone Webapplication: HikariCP replaces Commons DBCP

The standalone web applications now use HikariCP for data source configuration instead of Apache Commons DBCP. Replace the org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource class in your applicationContext.xml with a com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource. The HikariCP data source expects the JDBC URL on a property called jdbcUrl instead of url. Thus, you need to rename the url property. Your data source description should look similar to this, with DB-DRIVER-CLASS, JDBC-URL, DB-USER, and DB-PASSWORD replaced by values related to your database:

<bean id="dataSource" class="org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.TransactionAwareDataSourceProxy">
  <property name="targetDataSource">
    <bean class="com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource">
      <property name="driverClassName" value="DB-DRIVER-CLASS" />
      <property name="jdbcUrl" value="JDBC-URL" />
      <property name="username" value="DB-USER" />
      <property name="password" value="DB-PASSWORD" />

7.15.5 to 7.15.6 / 7.14.11 to 7.14.12 / 7.13.17 to 7.13.18

The patches include version 2.1.0 of the org.camunda.template-engines artifacts, in particular camunda-template-engines-freemarker, camunda-template-engines-velocity, and camunda-template-engines-xquery-saxon.

This updates the following template engine versions:

Please note that the new version of Freemarker contains changes that are not compatible with the previous version. We strongly recommend to test the execution of your templates before applying the update. In addition, you can replace the artifacts of version 2.1.0 by the old artifacts in version 2.0.0 to continue using the old versions of Freemarker and Velocity.

7.16.1 to 7.16.2 / 7.15.7 to 7.15.8

REST API and web applications: new dependency Jackson JSR310

The patches introduce the Jackson JSR310 artifact to the REST API and web applications by default. This artifact enables those modules to handle Java 8 Date & Time API data types.

Be aware that the serialized data of values of such data types can change with the usage of this artifact. Prior to version 2.12, the serialization library Jackson defaulted to a fallback serialization mechanism if no artifact was available for those data types. Starting with version 2.12.0, Jackson throws an exception in such cases. Therefore, the REST API and web applications now register an appropriate module. This allows you to keep using Java 8 date and time data types when updating to a newer Jackson version. However, this can also lead to changed serialized data for such values.

7.16.3 to 7.16.4 / 7.15.9 to 7.15.10 / 7.14.15 to 7.14.16

Spin configuration properties

This set of patches introduce configuration properties for the Spin DomXmlDataFormat module. The DomXmlDataFormat configuration properties provide options to toggle External XML Entity (XXE) processing, as well as secure processing for the Spin XML parser.

By default, we disabled XXE processing, and enabled secure processing of XML documents to protect the Spin XML parser against XXE attacks and Billion laughs attacks.

You can restore the old behavior by passing the appropriate configuration properties to the Spin process engine plugin.

7.16.5 to 7.16.6 / 7.15.11 to 7.15.12 / 7.14.17 to 7.14.18

This set of patches deactivates remote access to the H2 console application in the Tomcat and Wildfly distributions. The H2 application accepts only localhost connections moving forward.

To restore remote access, add the following initialization parameter to the org.h2.server.web.WebServlet servlet defined in the web.xml file of the h2 web application:


You can find the web.xml at the following paths:

  • Tomcat distribution: server/apache-tomcat-${TOMCAT_VERSION}/webapps/h2/WEB-INF
  • Wildfly distribution: server/wildfly-${WILDFLY_VERSION}/standalone/deployments/camunda-h2-webapp-${CAMUNDA_VERSION}.war/WEB-INF
  • Docker container Tomcat: /camunda/webapps/h2/WEB-INF
  • Docker container Wildfly: /camunda/standalone/deployments/camunda-h2-webapp-${CAMUNDA_VERSION}.war/WEB-INF

Please note that we strongly discourage enabling remote access because it creates a security risk.

7.17.1 to 7.17.2 / 7.16.8 to 7.16.9 / 7.15.14 to 7.15.15

Groovy version

The pre-built Camunda distributions of versions 7.15.14, 7.16.8, and 7.17.1 provide version 2.4.13 of the Groovy library, whereas newer versions come with Groovy 2.4.21.

Update the library groovy-all-$GROOVY_VERSION.jar in the lib folder of your application server.

Camunda Docker Images: Base image updated to Alpine 3.15

With 7.17.2, 7.16.9, and 7.15.15, Alpine, the base image in Camunda’s Docker images, has been updated from version 3.13 to 3.15.

We went through the release notes to identify breaking changes and could identify the following:

The faccessat2 syscall has been enabled in musl. This can result in issues on docker hosts with older versions of docker (<20.10.0) and libseccomp (<2.4.4), which blocks this syscall.

Besides Docker runtime versions < 20.10.0, alternative docker runtimes like are also affected by this. Read more about it in the Alpine 3.14 Release Notes.

If you have extended the Camunda docker images yourself, please read the release notes of Alpine 3.14 and 3.15 carefully:

XLTS for AngularJS

These patches replace the AngularJS libraries with XLTS for AngularJS. Where AngularJS was licensed entirely under the MIT license, XLTS for AngularJS licenses additional parts under the XLTS for AngularJS – EULA. By downloading and using Camunda with XLTS for AngularJS, you agree to the terms of the XLTS for AngularJS – EULA. Please see our third-Party libraries documentation for details and the terms of the EULA.

7.18.1 to 7.18.2 / 7.17.7 to 7.17.8

Job executor priority range properties type changed

The two dedicated job executor priority range properties jobExecutorPriorityRangeMin and jobExecutorPriorityRangeMax have been change to primitive type long. That allows for the properties to be configured for every process engine configuration. Respectively their default values changed to 0 and 263-1 (Long.MAX_VALUE). Note: this behavior is slightly changed with the next patch.

7.18.2 to 7.18.3 / 7.17.8 to 7.17.9

Job executor priority range properties default changed

The default value for the job executor priority range property jobExecutorPriorityRangeMin has changed from 0 to -263 (Long.MIN_VALUE). This property and its counterpart (jobExecutorPriorityRangeMax) only have an effect if jobExecutorAcquireByPriority is set to true.

7.18.4 to 7.18.5

Multi-Tenancy enabled for User operation logs

Tenant information is populated for User operation logs from 7.18.5 onwards, user operation logs created prior will stay as they are. If tenant check is enabled in the process engine, a tenant membership check will be performed for the following operations:

  • User operation log query
  • Deleting a user operation log
  • Adding/Clearing a user operation log annotation

In case you want to avoid tenant checks, please refer to Disable the transparent access restrictions.

7.18.5 to 7.18.6 / 7.17.10 to 7.17.11 / 7.16.17 to 7.16.18

Web apps revalidate authentications every five minutes

Previously, after a user logged into the web apps, the authentication cache was valid for the lifetime of the HTTP session, which has security implications.

With this release, we introduced a time to live for the authentication cache, configured to five minutes by default. This new default might lead to a higher load on your database.

You can read how to configure the time to live to a smaller interval or restore the legacy behavior (disable the authentication cache time to live) in the documentation about Web Applications.

Container-based authentication requires implementing a ReadOnlyIdentityProvider

When using Container-based Authentication, please provide an implementation for the ReadOnlyIdentityProvider interface so that queries return the results of your identity provider.

This is necessary due to the aforementioned security improvement to revalidate users and groups.

7.19.0 to 7.19.1 / 7.18.6 to 7.18.7

Optimistic Locking on PostgreSQL

With this release, we adjusted the Optimistic Locking behavior on PostgreSQL in case of Foreign Key Constraint violations. Any violation of such a constraint in INSERT and UPDATE statements now leads to an OptimisticLockingException. In effect, the engine’s behavior on PostgreSQL in such scenarios is consistent with the other supported databases.

If you rely on the previous behavior, receiving ProcessEngineExceptions with the related error code for foreign key constraint violations, you can restore it by disabling the engine configuration flag enableOptimisticLockingOnForeignKeyViolation. As a result, jobs can also start failing due to those exceptions although they could be safely retried automatically to resolve the situation.

7.19.1 to 7.19.2 / 7.18.7 to 7.18.8 / 7.17.12 to 7.17.13

Bean method resolution from JUEL expressions

Calling bean methods from JUEL expressions now works more reliably and supports overloaded methods. As a result, the behavior of calling overloaded methods from such expressions changes.

Previoulsy, overloaded methods couldn’t be determined reliably and were chosen based on the order of the underlying JDK’s result of the call to Class#getMethods for a specific method name. As a result, the expected method might have been chosen for the expression evaluation but this could not be guaranteed.

Now, the most specific version according to the provided number and types of method parameters is chosen consistently. For example, method myMethod expecting an Integer is chosen over method myMethod expecting an Object if the provided parameter is an Integer or can be coerced into one.

Ideally, you shouldn’t notice any difference in method invocation from JUEL expressions. However, we recommend testing your existing expressions thoroughly before using this patch version in production.

7.19.2 to 7.19.3 / 7.18.8 to 7.18.9 / 7.17.13 to 7.17.14

Explicit asset declaration in Java web app plugins

We introduced a change in the asset loading mechanism for Java web app plugins. Starting with this release, plugin assets must be explicitly declared in the plugin root resource class. You can declare your assets by overriding the AbstractAppPluginRootResource#getAllowedAssets() method in your root resource.

The default implementation contains two predefined assets: app/plugin.js and app/plugin.css. For many plugins this might be already sufficient and will require no further assets to be allowed.

Heads Up

Make sure to double-check and declare the required assets in your plugin root resource. Requests for undeclared assets will be rejected, and it will likely render your plugin unusable.

Custom scripts and frontend modules are not affected by this.

7.19.4 to 7.19.5 / 7.18.9 to 7.18.10 / 7.17.14 to 7.17.15

Update Alpine Base of Camunda Docker images from Version 3.15 to 3.18

The Camunda Docker images are based on Alpine. This release updates the Alpine base docker image from version 3.15 to 3.18. Please find the changes in detail at the official sources below:

7.20.1 to 7.20.2 / 7.19.8 to 7.19.9 / 7.18.12 to 7.18.13

Spring Boot Starter and Run logs admin user information on DEBUG level

In previous releases, when configuring Camunda’s admin user in the Spring Boot Starter and Run via camunda.bpm.admin-user, information about the admin user appeared in the logs on log level INFO on startup. With this release, the log level for the logs STARTER-SB010 and STARTER-SB011 was changed to DEBUG.

7.20.2 to 7.20.3

Changed trigger order of built-in task listeners

Built-in task listeners are used internally by the engine and not intended to be used by the user. User-defined task listeners are handled separately. Before this release, the order in which builtin task listeners were executed could depend on how the task was executed. This bug report describes a scenario where after a process instance modification, the order of the builtin task listeners was reversed. With this release for both, regular process execution and process instance modification, the engine ensures the following:

  1. Built-in task listeners are executed before user-defined task listeners.
  2. Built-in task listeners are executed in the order in which they were registered.
  3. User-defined task listeners are executed in the order in which they were registered.

Previously, only 1. and 3. were ensured.

Cockpit’s process definition like search changed to case-insensitive

The Cockpit/Processes’s page Process Definition search component allows for name and key search with equals and like operators. With this recent change, per customer feedback, we modified the like search to case-insensitive. This will allow a better experience when looking for process definitions.

The change also affects the API that provides the data for the search component. This API is an internal API, which means it’s not part of the public REST API, so the change should not affect any customers.

7.21.3 to 7.21.4

Added Support for Tomcat 10

This version supports all the necessary building-block modules for our users to use camunda-bpm-platform community and enterprise editions in conjunction with Tomcat 10.1.


Jakarta Namespace

Tomcat 10 is compatible with the jakarta namespace. If you wish to use it, the jakarta modules needs to be used (camunda-webapp-tomcat-jakarta, camunda-engine-rest-jakarta).

The javax modules won’t work with Tomcat 10.

For detailed steps of manual installation, follow the Tomcat Manual Installation Guide

Weld Class Loading Issues

In deployment scenarios involving one or more process applications with managed beans, classloading issues may occur if the WELD library is directly embedded in the WAR’s /WEB-INF/lib folder. To resolve this, move the weld library away from the war and place it into the $CATALINA_HOME/lib folder.

The above workaround is not guaranteed to work for cases with bean references between WAR deployments (WAR A referencing a bean from WAR B).

The following test scenarios fail on Tomcat 10:

Full Distribution

This section is applicable if you installed the Full Distribution with a shared process engine. In this case you need to update the libraries and applications installed inside the application server.

Please note that the following procedure may differ for cluster scenarios. Contact our support team if you need further assistance.

  • Shut down the server
  • Exchange Camunda 7 libraries, tools and webapps (EAR, RAR, Subsystem (Wildfly), Shared Libs) - essentially, follow the installation guide for your server.
  • Restart the server

Application With Embedded Process Engine

In case you use an embedded process engine inside your Java Application, you need to

  1. update the Process Engine library in your dependency management (Apache Maven, Gradle …),
  2. re-package the application,
  3. deploy the new version of the application.

Standalone Webapplication Distribution

Camunda discontinues the support of the Standalone Web Application Distribution.

Camunda Automation Platform 7.19 is the last release providing support for Standalone Web Application Distribution.

Please consider migrating to another supported setup.

In case you installed the Standalone Webapplication Distribution you need to

  1. undeploy the previous version of the webapplication,
  2. deploy the new version of the webapplication.

Applying Multiple Patches at Once

It is possible to apply multiple patches in one go (e.g., updating from 7.1.0 to 7.1.4).

On this Page: