Update a Wildfly / JBoss EAP 7 Installation from 7.17 to 7.18

The following steps describe how to update the Camunda artifacts on a Wildfly/JBoss EAP 7 in a shared process engine scenario. Throughout the procedure, refer to the update guide.

If not already done, download the Camunda 7.18 Wildfly distribution.

The update procedure takes the following steps:

  1. Update the Camunda 7 modules.
  2. Update optional Camunda 7 modules.
  3. Update Camunda web applications.

Whenever the instructions are to replace a module, delete the previous version of the module first to avoid orphan jars.

1. Update the Camunda 7 modules

Replace the following modules from the folder $APP_SERVER_HOME/modules/ with the new versions from the folder $APP_SERVER_DISTRIBUTION/modules/:

  • org/camunda/bpm/camunda-engine
  • org/camunda/bpm/wildfly/camunda-wildfly-subsystem
  • org/camunda/bpm/model/camunda-bpmn-model
  • org/camunda/bpm/model/camunda-cmmn-model
  • org/camunda/bpm/model/camunda-dmn-model
  • org/camunda/bpm/model/camunda-xml-model
  • org/camunda/bpm/dmn/camunda-engine-dmn
  • org/camunda/bpm/dmn/camunda-engine-feel-api
  • org/camunda/bpm/dmn/camunda-engine-feel-juel
  • org/camunda/bpm/dmn/camunda-engine-feel-scala
  • org/camunda/template-engines/camunda-template-engines-freemarker
  • org/camunda/commons/camunda-commons-logging
  • org/camunda/commons/camunda-commons-typed-values
  • org/camunda/commons/camunda-commons-utils
  • org/camunda/connect/camunda-connect-core
  • org/camunda/connect/camunda-connect-http-client
  • org/camunda/connect/camunda-connect-soap-http-client
  • org/camunda/feel/feel-engine
  • org/apache/httpcomponents/httpclient
  • org/apache/httpcomponents/httpcore
  • org/freemarker/freemarker
  • org/mybatis/mybatis
  • commons-codec/commons-codec
  • org/graalvm/js/js
  • org/graalvm/js/js-scriptengine
  • org/graalvm/regex/regex
  • org/graalvm/sdk/graal-sdk
  • org/graalvm/truffle/truffle-api
  • com/ibm/icu/icu4j

2. Update optional Camunda 7 modules

In addition to the core modules, there may be optional artifacts in $APP_SERVER_HOME/modules/ for LDAP integration, Camunda Connect, Camunda Spin, and Groovy scripting. If you use any of these extensions, the following update steps apply:

LDAP integration

Replace the following module from the folder $APP_SERVER_HOME/modules/ with its new version from the folder $APP_SERVER_DISTRIBUTION/modules/, if present:

  • org/camunda/bpm/identity/camunda-identity-ldap

Camunda Connect plugin

Replace the following modules from the folder $APP_SERVER_HOME/modules/ with the new versions from the folder $APP_SERVER_DISTRIBUTION/modules/, if present:

  • org/camunda/bpm/camunda-engine-plugin-connect

Camunda Spin

Replace the following modules from the folder $APP_SERVER_HOME/modules/ with the new versions from the folder $APP_SERVER_DISTRIBUTION/modules/, if present:

  • org/camunda/spin/camunda-spin-core
  • org/camunda/spin/camunda-spin-dataformat-json-jackson
  • org/camunda/spin/camunda-spin-dataformat-xml-dom
  • org/camunda/bpm/camunda-engine-plugin-spin

Additionally, replace the following dependent modules:

  • com/fasterxml/jackson/core/jackson-annotations
  • com/fasterxml/jackson/core/jackson-core
  • com/fasterxml/jackson/core/jackson-databind
  • com/jayway/jsonpath/json-path
  • net/minidev/accessors-smart
  • net/minidev/json-smart


Replace the ‘org/codehaus/groovy/groovy-all’ module from the folder $APP_SERVER_HOME/modules/ with the following modules from the folder $APP_SERVER_DISTRIBUTION/modules/, if present:

  • org/codehaus/groovy/groovy-all
  • org/codehaus/groovy/groovy
  • org/codehaus/groovy/groovy-jsr223
  • org/codehaus/groovy/groovy-json
  • org/codehaus/groovy/groovy-xml
  • org/codehaus/groovy/groovy-templates

3. Update Camunda web applications


The following steps are required to update the Camunda REST API on a JBoss/Wildfly instance:

  1. Undeploy an existing web application with a name like camunda-engine-rest.
  2. Download the REST API web application archive from our Artifact Repository. Alternatively, switch to the private repository for the enterprise version (credentials from license required). Choose the correct version named $PLATFORM_VERSION/camunda-engine-rest-$PLATFORM_VERSION-$CLASSIFIER.war.
  3. Deploy the web application archive to your JBoss/Wildfly instance.

Update Cockpit, Tasklist, and Admin

The following steps are required to update the Camunda web applications Cockpit, Tasklist, and Admin on a JBoss/Wildfly instance:

  1. Undeploy an existing web application with a name like camunda-webapp.
  2. Download the Camunda web application archive from our Artifact Repository. Alternatively, switch to the private repository for the enterprise version (credentials from license required). Choose the correct version named $PLATFORM_VERSION/camunda-webapp-jboss.war.
  3. Deploy the web application archive to your JBoss/Wildfly instance.

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