Extension Attributes

The following attributes are extension attributes for the camunda namespace http://camunda.org/schema/1.0/dmn.


Description The attribute specifies the history time to live (in days) for the decision definition. It is used within History cleanup.
Type java.lang.Integer or java.lang.String
Possible Values Any non-negative integer number or string containing a time in days defined by the ISO-8601 date format.
Default Value null - means that decision definition history won't ever be removed during history cleanup run
DMN 1.3 Elements Decision


Description This attribute specifies the variable name which can be used to access the result of the input expression in an input entry expression.
Type java.lang.String
Possible Values The name of the variable as java.lang.String.
Default Value cellInput
DMN 1.3 Elements Input



The attribute specifies a version tag for the decision definition.

Type java.lang.String
Possible Values Any value that has a meaning as version tag for the decision definition. Note: Sorting by versionTag is string based. The version will not be interpreted. As an example, the sorting could return v0.1.0, v0.10.0, v0.2.0.
Default Value
DMN 1.3 Elements Decision

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