On-Premises Installation


This installation guide for Cawemo On-Premises 1.9 is targeting:

  • users who want to install Cawemo on their local computer for testing or demo purposes (see Demo Setup)
  • system administrators who want to install Cawemo on their own IT infrastructure or private cloud for production use (see Production Setup)

For both cases please make sure to go through the Prerequisites section first.

Heads Up!

If you upgrade an existing installation of Cawemo, please follow the update & migration guide.


Get an Enterprise License

Cawemo is exclusively available for Camunda Enterprise customers and requires a separately sold license. You can also sign up for a free 30-day trial of the Camunda Enterprise Platform, which includes Cawemo.

Install Docker with Docker Compose

Cawemo consists of several components (see Architecture Overview) that are tied together with Docker Compose. Therefore, the following software needs to be installed:

Log In to Camunda Docker Registry

The Cawemo Docker images are hosted on our dedicated Docker registry and are available to Enterprise customers only. You need to log in to the registry once from the computer (or server) you will be running Cawemo on, so that the Docker images can be pulled subsequently. Please use the credentials you received from Camunda to log in:

$ docker login registry.camunda.cloud
Username: your_username
Password: ******
Login Succeeded

Download Cawemo

Download cawemo-1.9.27.zip or cawemo-1.9.27.tar.gz and unzip the contents into a local directory on your computer or a directory on the server (depending on the use case). Please refer to the included README.txt for a description of the different files included in the archive.

Provide the License Key

Replace the contents of configuration/license-key.txt with the (trial) license key you received from Camunda.

Demo Setup

Supported Operating Systems

Currently, the easy demo setup (as described below) is only available on Linux and macOS. On Windows, a few manual steps will be required to get Cawemo up and running. For more details please refer to Installation on Windows.

Run Cawemo

We ship a ready-to-use configuration – which already includes a PostgreSQL database and MailHog as SMTP server – that can be used to run Cawemo in a demo setup on your local computer. No manual configuration changes or other external applications are required.

Just run the startup script without any arguments:


The script will wait until all Docker containers have been successfully started. Once it has finished, point your web browser to http://localhost:8080 to verify that the application is running.

Production Setup

Set Up the Infrastructure

In addition to the components that ship with Cawemo, a few external systems are required for running it, which need to be set up separately.

  • Server with Linux operating system on amd64 architecture
  • PostgreSQL – supported versions: 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 (other versions may work as well)
    • Postgres is used as persistent storage for all Cawemo data (e.g. BPMN workflows, comments etc.) as well as Camunda Account data.
    • Please set up two separate databases for Cawemo and Camunda Account.
    • If you’re using a Postgres version older than 13 or manually marked the citext extension as not trusted, Cawemo’s database user must be granted the superuser privilege. The privilege can be revoked again after the first start of Cawemo.
  • SMTP server
    • Both Cawemo and Camunda Account require an SMTP server to send e-mails to the users (e.g. when a new user is invited to join Cawemo).

Update the Configuration File

Adjust the values in configuration/.env.production according to your own setup. Please refer to the Configuration page for a description of the different settings.

If you’d like to enable the LDAP integration of Camunda Account, please refer to LDAP Support.

Configure Your Network

In order to enable users to access Cawemo via their web browsers, please configure your network infrastructure as follows (e.g. by using some kind of reverse proxy server):

  • The SERVER_URL and IAM_BASE_URL specified in the .env.production file must be accessible by web browsers via HTTPS with certificate validation.
    • The default configuration enforces the use of HTTPS. You can change this by setting SERVER_HTTPS_ONLY=false, but we do not recommend doing this in a production environment.
  • The traffic for Cawemo (from SERVER_URL) has to be proxied to the cawemo-webapp container (port 8080).
  • The traffic for Camunda Account (from IAM_BASE_URL) has to be proxied to the iam-router container (port 8090).
  • The reverse proxy must support WebSockets and allow web browsers to connect to the BROWSER_WEBSOCKET_HOST and BROWSER_WEBSOCKET_PORT with TLS and certificate validation enabled.
    • The default configuration enforces the use of TLS for WebSocket connections. You can change this by setting BROWSER_WEBSOCKET_FORCETLS=false, but we do not recommend doing this in a production environment.
  • The WebSockets traffic (from BROWSER_WEBSOCKET_HOST) has to be proxied to the cawemo-websockets container (port 8060).

Please also ensure that Cawemo and Camunda Account can correctly access the PostgreSQL database and the SMTP server.

For an example on how to configure Cawemo using a reverse proxy server with SSL support please refer to Reverse Proxy Configuration.

Run Cawemo

Run the startup script with the additional argument --production:

./start-cawemo.sh --production

The script will wait until all Docker containers have been successfully started. Once it has finished, point your web browser to the URL you specified in SERVER_URL to verify that the application is running.

Configure Admin User

When LDAP Is Disabled

For the initial setup of Cawemo and to add more users, you need to create an admin user. When you open Cawemo for the first time, you will see an Admin Setup page. Please enter your e-mail address there and continue with the sign-up.

Once the admin user has been created, you will be able to invite more users to Cawemo. To do so, please open the Settings page from the user menu and click on Manage members.

Make sure that your SMTP server is up and running so that the users will receive invitations via email.

When LDAP Is Enabled

The first user that logs into Cawemo with their LDAP credentials acts as admin user. Subsequent users that log in are added as collaborators of the admin’s organization.

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