Third-Party Libraries

This section covers third party libraries and their use in Camunda. For each component of Camunda, the third party libraries are listed. For each library, it is explained whether the library is a required dependency or an optional dependency.

Required dependencies are libraries Camunda depends on to provide core functionality. In the list below marked as (Required Dependency).

Optional dependencies are libraries Camunda can be integrated with. In the list below marked as (Optional Dependency).

Process Engine

The process engine depends on the following third-party libraries:

Additionally, the process engine can be integrated with:


The REST API depends on the following third-party libraries:

Additionally, when using Apache Tomcat:

Spring Support

The Spring support can be integrated with the following third-party libraries:

Camunda Spin

Camunda Spin depends on the following third-party libraries:

Additionally, Camunda Spin can be integrated with the following libraries:

Camunda Connect

Camunda Connect depends on the following third-party libraries:

Camunda Webapp

The Camunda Webapp (Cockpit, Tasklist, Admin) includes the following third-party libraries:

Most of these libraries are used in the Camunda commons UI library which is aimed at easing development of browser based user interfaces.

Camunda Javascript SDK

The Camunda Javascript SDK (including the Forms SDK) integrates with the following third-party libraries:

Camunda Modeler

The Camunda Modeler includes the following third-party libraries:

Camunda Cycle Web Application

The Camunda Cycle web application includes the following third-party libraries:

Javascript dependencies:

Java dependencies:

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