
Before using the backup API, please go through the prerequisites.

Get backup info API

Note that the backup API can be reached via the /actuator management port, which by default is 8092. The configured context path does not apply to the management port.

Information about a specific backup can be retrieved using the following request:

GET actuator/backups/{backupId}

Information about all existing Optimize backups can be retrieved by omitting the optional backupId parameter:

GET actuator/backup


Code Description
200 OK Backup state could be determined and is returned in the response body (see example below).
400 Bad Request There is an issue with the request, for example the repository name specified in the Optimize configuration does not exist. Refer to returned error message for details.
404 Not Found If a backup ID was specified, no backup with that ID exists.
500 Server Error All other errors, e.g. issues communicating with the database for snapshot state retrieval. Refer to the returned error message for more details.
502 Bad Gateway Optimize has encountered issues while trying to connect to the database.

Example request

curl --request GET 'http://localhost:8092/actuator/backups/123456'

Example response

    "backupId": 123456,
    "failureReason": null,
    "state": "COMPLETE",
    "details": [
          "snapshotName": "camunda_optimize_123456_3.10.0_part_1_of_2",
          "state": "SUCCESS",
          "startTime": "2022-11-09T10:11:36.978+0100",
          "failures": []
          "snapshotName": "camunda_optimize_123456_3.10.0_part_2_of_2",
          "state": "SUCCESS",
          "startTime": "2022-11-09T10:11:37.178+0100",
          "failures": []

Note that the endpoint will return a single item when called with a backupId and a list of items when called without specifying a backupId.

Possible states of the backup:

  • COMPLETE: The backup can be used for restoring data.
  • IN_PROGRESS: The backup process for this backup ID is still in progress.
  • FAILED: Something went wrong when creating this backup. To find out the exact problem, use the Elasticsearch / OpenSearch get snapshot status API for each of the snapshots included in the given backup.
  • INCOMPATIBLE: The backup is incompatible with the current Elasticsearch/OpenSearch version.
  • INCOMPLETE: The backup is incomplete (this could occur when the backup process was interrupted or individual snapshots were deleted).

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