Create Backup


Before using the backup API, please go through the prerequisites.

Create backup API

Note that the backup API can be reached via the /actuator management port, which by default is 8092. The configured context path does not apply to the management port.

The following endpoint can be used to trigger the backup process:

POST actuator/backups
  "backupId": <backupId>


Code Description
202 Accepted Backup process was successfully initiated. To determine whether backup process was completed refer to the GET API.
400 Bad Request Indicates issues with the request, for example when the `backupId` contains invalid characters.
409 Conflict Indicates that a backup with the same `backupId` already exists.
500 Server Error All other errors, e.g. issues communicating with the database for snapshot creation. Refer to the returned error message for more details.
502 Bad Gateway Optimize has encountered issues while trying to connect to the database.

Example request

curl --request POST 'http://localhost:8092/actuator/backups' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{ "backupId": 123456 }'

Example response

  "message": "Backup creation for ID 123456 has been scheduled. Use the GET API to monitor completion of backup process"

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