In addition to the configurable custom links, plugins can be used to add functionality to the Welcome application.
Plugin point
The Welcome application offers a front-end only plugin point.
Name: welcome.dashboard

Name: welcome.profile

var ngModule = angular.module('acme.welcome.plugin.sample', []);
ngModule.config(['ViewsProvider', function(ViewsProvider) {
ViewsProvider.registerDefaultView('welcome.dashboard', {
id: 'welcome-dashboard-sample-plugin',
label: 'Just a sample plugin',
// this is how the HTML scaffolding should look like
// in order to follow the styling of the page
template: '<section class="col-xs-12"><div class="inner">' +
'<header><h3 class="section-title">Sample plugin</h3></header>' +
'<div class="inner">{{ content }}</div>' +
controller: ['$scope', function($scope) {
$scope.content = 'Sample plugin content';
priority: 50