Constant Field Values



  • org.camunda.bpm.AbstractWebIntegrationTest 
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    protected static final java.lang.String COOKIE_HEADER "Cookie"
    protected static final java.lang.String HOST_NAME "localhost"
    protected static final java.lang.String JSESSIONID_IDENTIFIER "JSESSIONID="
    protected static final java.lang.String TASKLIST_PATH "app/tasklist/default/"
    protected static final java.lang.String X_XSRF_TOKEN_HEADER "X-XSRF-TOKEN"
    protected static final java.lang.String XSRF_TOKEN_IDENTIFIER "XSRF-TOKEN="
  • org.camunda.bpm.BpmPlatform 
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final java.lang.String APP_JNDI_NAME "camunda-bpm-platform"
    public static final java.lang.String JNDI_NAME_PREFIX "java:global"
    public static final java.lang.String MODULE_JNDI_NAME "process-engine"
    public static final java.lang.String PROCESS_APPLICATION_SERVICE_JNDI_NAME "java:global/camunda-bpm-platform/process-engine/ProcessApplicationService!org.camunda.bpm.ProcessApplicationService"
    public static final java.lang.String PROCESS_APPLICATION_SERVICE_NAME "ProcessApplicationService!org.camunda.bpm.ProcessApplicationService"
    public static final java.lang.String PROCESS_ENGINE_SERVICE_JNDI_NAME "java:global/camunda-bpm-platform/process-engine/ProcessEngineService!org.camunda.bpm.ProcessEngineService"
    public static final java.lang.String PROCESS_ENGINE_SERVICE_NAME "ProcessEngineService!org.camunda.bpm.ProcessEngineService"
  • org.camunda.bpm.HttpHeaderSecurityIT 
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final java.lang.String CSP_VALUE "base-uri \'self\';script-src \'nonce-([-_a-zA-Z\\d]*)\' \'strict-dynamic\' \'unsafe-eval\' https: \'self\' \'unsafe-inline\';style-src \'unsafe-inline\' \'self\';default-src \'self\';img-src \'self\' data:;block-all-mixed-content;form-action \'self\';frame-ancestors \'none\';object-src \'none\';sandbox allow-forms allow-scripts allow-same-origin allow-popups allow-downloads"
  • org.camunda.bpm.TestProperties 
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final java.lang.String TESTCONFIG_PROPERTIES_FILE "/"
  • org.camunda.bpm.admin.impl.plugin.AdminPlugins 
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final java.lang.String ID "adminPlugins"
  • org.camunda.bpm.application.impl.metadata.ProcessesXmlParser 
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final java.lang.String PROCESS_APP_NS ""
    public static final java.lang.String PROCESS_APPLICATION_XSD "ProcessApplication.xsd"
  • org.camunda.bpm.client.spring.impl.client.ClientPostProcessor 
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    protected static final java.lang.String BEAN_NAME "externalTaskClient"
  • org.camunda.bpm.client.spring.impl.util.LoggerUtil 
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    protected static final java.lang.String PROJECT_CODE "TASK/CLIENT/SPRING"
    protected static final java.lang.String PROJECT_LOGGER "org.camunda.bpm.client.spring"
  • org.camunda.bpm.client.variable.impl.type.JsonTypeImpl 
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final java.lang.String JSON_TYPE_NAME "json"
  • org.camunda.bpm.client.variable.impl.type.XmlTypeImpl 
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final java.lang.String XML_TYPE_NAME "xml"
  • org.camunda.bpm.cockpit.impl.plugin.CockpitPlugins 
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final java.lang.String ID "cockpitPlugins"
  • org.camunda.bpm.cockpit.impl.plugin.resources.IncidentRestService 
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final java.lang.String PATH "/incident"
  • org.camunda.bpm.cockpit.impl.plugin.resources.ProcessDefinitionRestService 
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final java.lang.String PATH "/process-definition"
  • org.camunda.bpm.cockpit.impl.plugin.resources.ProcessInstanceRestService 
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final java.lang.String PATH "/process-instance"
  • org.camunda.bpm.container.impl.jboss.extension.handler.JobExecutorAdd 
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final java.lang.String THREAD_POOL_GRP_NAME "Camunda BPM "
  • org.camunda.bpm.container.impl.metadata.BpmPlatformXmlParser 
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final java.lang.String BPM_PLATFORM_NS ""
    public static final java.lang.String BPM_PLATFORM_XSD "BpmPlatform.xsd"
  • org.camunda.bpm.container.impl.metadata.DeploymentMetadataConstants 
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final java.lang.String CONFIGURATION "configuration"
    public static final java.lang.String DATASOURCE "datasource"
    public static final java.lang.String DEFAULT "default"
    public static final java.lang.String JOB_ACQUISITION "job-acquisition"
    public static final java.lang.String JOB_EXECUTOR "job-executor"
    public static final java.lang.String JOB_EXECUTOR_CLASS_NAME "job-executor-class"
    public static final java.lang.String NAME "name"
    public static final java.lang.String PLUGIN "plugin"
    public static final java.lang.String PLUGIN_CLASS "class"
    public static final java.lang.String PLUGINS "plugins"
    public static final java.lang.String PROCESS "process"
    public static final java.lang.String PROCESS_APPLICATION "process-application"
    public static final java.lang.String PROCESS_ARCHIVE "process-archive"
    public static final java.lang.String PROCESS_ENGINE "process-engine"
    public static final java.lang.String PROPERTIES "properties"
    public static final java.lang.String PROPERTY "property"
    public static final java.lang.String RESOURCE "resource"
    public static final java.lang.String TENANT_ID "tenantId"
  • org.camunda.bpm.container.impl.metadata.PropertyHelper 
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final java.lang.String CAMEL_CASE ""
    public static final java.lang.String KEBAB_CASE "-"
    public static final java.lang.String SNAKE_CASE "_"
  • org.camunda.bpm.container.impl.tomcat.deployment.TomcatAttachments 
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final java.lang.String SERVER "server"
  • org.camunda.bpm.container.impl.tomcat.deployment.TomcatParseBpmPlatformXmlStep 
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final java.lang.String CATALINA_BASE "catalina.base"
    public static final java.lang.String CATALINA_HOME "catalina.home"
  • org.camunda.bpm.dmn.feel.impl.juel.transform.ListTransformer 
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final java.lang.String COMMA_SEPARATOR_REGEX ",(?=([^\"]*\"[^\"]*\")*[^\"]*$)"
  • org.camunda.bpm.dmn.feel.impl.scala.ScalaFeelEngine 
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    protected static final java.lang.String INPUT_VARIABLE_NAME "inputVariableName"
  • org.camunda.bpm.dmn.feel.impl.scala.ScalaFeelLogger 
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final java.lang.String PROJECT_CODE "FEEL/SCALA"
    public static final java.lang.String PROJECT_LOGGER "org.camunda.bpm.dmn.feel.scala"
  • org.camunda.bpm.engine.delegate.CaseExecutionListener 
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final java.lang.String CLOSE "close"
    public static final java.lang.String COMPLETE "complete"
    public static final java.lang.String CREATE "create"
    public static final java.lang.String DISABLE "disable"
    public static final java.lang.String ENABLE "enable"
    public static final java.lang.String EXIT "exit"
    public static final java.lang.String MANUAL_START "manualStart"
    public static final java.lang.String OCCUR "occur"
    public static final java.lang.String PARENT_RESUME "parentResume"
    public static final java.lang.String PARENT_SUSPEND "parentSuspend"
    public static final java.lang.String PARENT_TERMINATE "parentTerminate"
    public static final java.lang.String RE_ACTIVATE "reactivate"
    public static final java.lang.String RE_ENABLE "reenable"
    public static final java.lang.String RESUME "resume"
    public static final java.lang.String START "start"
    public static final java.lang.String SUSPEND "suspend"
    public static final java.lang.String TERMINATE "terminate"
  • org.camunda.bpm.engine.delegate.CaseVariableListener 
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final java.lang.String CREATE "create"
    public static final java.lang.String DELETE "delete"
    public static final java.lang.String UPDATE "update"
  • org.camunda.bpm.engine.delegate.ExecutionListener 
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final java.lang.String EVENTNAME_END "end"
    public static final java.lang.String EVENTNAME_START "start"
    public static final java.lang.String EVENTNAME_TAKE "take"
  • org.camunda.bpm.engine.delegate.TaskListener 
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final java.lang.String EVENTNAME_ASSIGNMENT "assignment"
    public static final java.lang.String EVENTNAME_COMPLETE "complete"
    public static final java.lang.String EVENTNAME_CREATE "create"
    public static final java.lang.String EVENTNAME_DELETE "delete"
    public static final java.lang.String EVENTNAME_TIMEOUT "timeout"
    public static final java.lang.String EVENTNAME_UPDATE "update"
  • org.camunda.bpm.engine.delegate.VariableListener<T extends DelegateVariableInstance<?>> 
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final java.lang.String CREATE "create"
    public static final java.lang.String DELETE "delete"
    public static final java.lang.String UPDATE "update"
  • org.camunda.bpm.engine.impl.batch.removaltime.SetRemovalTimeJsonConverter 
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    protected static final java.lang.String HAS_REMOVAL_TIME "hasRemovalTime"
    protected static final java.lang.String ID_MAPPINGS "idMappings"
    protected static final java.lang.String IDS "ids"
    protected static final java.lang.String IS_HIERARCHICAL "isHierarchical"
    protected static final java.lang.String REMOVAL_TIME "removalTime"
  • org.camunda.bpm.engine.impl.batch.variables.SetVariablesJsonConverter 
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    protected static final java.lang.String ID_MAPPINGS "idMappings"
    protected static final java.lang.String IDS "ids"
  • org.camunda.bpm.engine.impl.bpmn.diagram.Bpmn20NamespaceContext 
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final java.lang.String BPMN "bpmn"
    public static final java.lang.String BPMNDI "bpmndi"
    public static final java.lang.String OMGDC "omgdc"
    public static final java.lang.String OMGDI "omgdi"
  • org.camunda.bpm.engine.impl.calendar.CronExpression 
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    protected static final int ALL_SPEC_INT 99
    protected static final int DAY_OF_MONTH 3
    protected static final int DAY_OF_WEEK 5
    protected static final int HOUR 2
    protected static final int MINUTE 1
    protected static final int MONTH 4
    protected static final int NO_SPEC_INT 98
    protected static final int SECOND 0
    protected static final int YEAR 6
  • org.camunda.bpm.engine.impl.calendar.DueDateBusinessCalendar 
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final java.lang.String NAME "dueDate"
  • org.camunda.bpm.engine.impl.calendar.DurationHelper 
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final java.lang.String PnW_PATTERN "P\\d+W"
  • org.camunda.bpm.engine.impl.cmmn.behavior.CmmnBehaviorLogger 
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    protected final java.lang.String caseStateTransitionMessage "Could not perform transition \'{} on case execution with id \'{}\'."
  • org.camunda.bpm.engine.impl.core.variable.VariableUtil 
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final java.lang.String ERROR_MSG "Cannot set variable with name {0}. Java serialization format is prohibited"
  • org.camunda.bpm.engine.impl.db.EnginePersistenceLogger 
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    protected static final java.lang.String HINT_TEXT "Hint: Set <property name=\"databaseSchemaUpdate\" to value=\"true\" or value=\"create-drop\" (use create-drop for testing only!) in bean processEngineConfiguration in camunda.cfg.xml for automatic schema creation"
  • org.camunda.bpm.engine.impl.db.sql.DbSqlSessionFactory 
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final java.lang.String CRDB "cockroachdb"
    public static final java.lang.String DB2 "db2"
    public static final java.lang.String H2 "h2"
    public static final java.lang.String MARIADB "mariadb"
    public static final int MAXIMUM_NUMBER_PARAMS 2000
    public static final java.lang.String MSSQL "mssql"
    public static final java.lang.String MYSQL "mysql"
    public static final java.lang.String ORACLE "oracle"
    public static final java.lang.String POSTGRES "postgres"
  • org.camunda.bpm.engine.impl.db.sql.MybatisJoinHelper 
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    protected static final java.lang.String DEFAULT_ORDER "RES.ID_ asc"
  • org.camunda.bpm.engine.impl.digest._apacheCommonsCodec.StringUtils 
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final java.lang.String UTF_8 "UTF-8"
  • org.camunda.bpm.engine.impl.form.type.BooleanFormType 
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final java.lang.String TYPE_NAME "boolean"
  • org.camunda.bpm.engine.impl.form.type.DateFormType 
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final java.lang.String TYPE_NAME "date"
  • org.camunda.bpm.engine.impl.form.type.EnumFormType 
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final java.lang.String TYPE_NAME "enum"
  • org.camunda.bpm.engine.impl.form.type.LongFormType 
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final java.lang.String TYPE_NAME "long"
  • org.camunda.bpm.engine.impl.form.type.StringFormType 
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final java.lang.String TYPE_NAME "string"
  • org.camunda.bpm.engine.impl.javax.el.BeanELResolver 
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final java.lang.String INACCESSIBLE_OBJECT_EXCEPTION "java.lang.reflect.InaccessibleObjectException"
  • org.camunda.bpm.engine.impl.javax.el.ELResolver 
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final java.lang.String RESOLVABLE_AT_DESIGN_TIME "resolvableAtDesignTime"
    public static final java.lang.String TYPE "type"
  • org.camunda.bpm.engine.impl.pvm.PvmEvent 
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final java.lang.String EVENTNAME_END "end"
    public static final java.lang.String EVENTNAME_START "start"
    public static final java.lang.String EVENTNAME_TAKE "take"
  • org.camunda.bpm.engine.impl.telemetry.reporter.TelemetrySendingTask 
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    protected static final java.lang.String UUID4_PATTERN "[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-4[0-9a-fA-F]{3}-[89abAB][0-9a-fA-F]{3}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}"
  • org.camunda.bpm.engine.impl.test.TestHelper 
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final java.lang.String EMPTY_LINE " "
  • org.camunda.bpm.engine.impl.util.xml.Parse 
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    protected static final java.lang.String JAXP_ACCESS_EXTERNAL_SCHEMA "http://javax.xml.XMLConstants/property/accessExternalSchema"
    protected static final java.lang.String JAXP_ACCESS_EXTERNAL_SCHEMA_ALL "all"
    protected static final java.lang.String JAXP_ACCESS_EXTERNAL_SCHEMA_SYSTEM_PROPERTY "javax.xml.accessExternalSchema"
    protected static final java.lang.String JAXP_SCHEMA_LANGUAGE ""
    protected static final java.lang.String JAXP_SCHEMA_SOURCE ""
    protected static final java.lang.String W3C_XML_SCHEMA ""
  • org.camunda.bpm.engine.impl.util.xml.Parser 
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    protected static final java.lang.String DISALLOW_DOCTYPE_DECL ""
    protected static final java.lang.String EXTERNAL_GENERAL_ENTITIES ""
    protected static final java.lang.String EXTERNAL_PARAMETER_ENTITIES ""
    protected static final java.lang.String LOAD_EXTERNAL_DTD ""
    protected static final java.lang.String NAMESPACE_PREFIXES ""
  • org.camunda.bpm.engine.impl.variable.serializer.jpa.JPAVariableSerializer 
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final java.lang.String NAME "jpa"
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final java.lang.String PATH "/authorization"
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final java.lang.String PATH "/batch"
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final java.lang.String PATH "/case-definition"
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final java.lang.String PATH "/case-execution"
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final java.lang.String PATH "/case-instance"
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final java.lang.String PATH "/condition"
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final java.lang.String CONTEXT_PARAM_NAME ""
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final java.lang.String PATH "/decision-definition"
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final java.lang.String PATH "/decision-requirements-definition"
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final java.lang.String PATH "/deployment"
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final java.lang.String PATH "/event-subscription"
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final java.lang.String PATH "/execution"
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final java.lang.String PATH "/external-task"
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final java.lang.String PATH "/filter"
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final java.lang.String PATH "/group"
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final java.lang.String PATH "/identity"
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final java.lang.String PATH "/incident"
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final java.lang.String PATH "/job-definition"
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final java.lang.String PATH "/job"
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final java.lang.String PATH "/message"
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final java.lang.String PATH "/metrics"
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final java.lang.String PATH "/migration"
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final java.lang.String PATH "/modification"
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final java.lang.String APPLICATION_BPMN20_XML "application/bpmn20+xml"
    public static final java.lang.String PATH "/process-definition"
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final java.lang.String PATH "/process-instance"
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final java.lang.String PATH "/schema/log"
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final java.lang.String PATH "/signal"
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final java.lang.String PATH "/task"
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final java.lang.String PATH "/telemetry"
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final java.lang.String PATH "/tenant"
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final java.lang.String PATH "/user"
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final java.lang.String PATH "/variable-instance"
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final java.lang.String PROJECT_CODE "ENGINE-REST"
    public static final java.lang.String REST_API ""
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final java.lang.String APPLICATION_HAL_JSON "application/hal+json"
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final java.lang.String PATH "/optimize"
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final java.lang.String PATH "/members"
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final java.lang.String PATH "/group-members"
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final java.lang.String PATH "/user-members"
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final java.lang.String CASCADE "cascade"
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final java.lang.String PATH "/report"
  • org.camunda.bpm.engine.variable.impl.type.ObjectTypeImpl 
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final java.lang.String TYPE_NAME "object"
  • org.camunda.bpm.identity.impl.ldap.util.LdapPluginLogger 
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final java.lang.String PROJECT_CODE "LDAP"