Camunda Platform Engine

This plugin offers a link between a Camunda Platform Process Engine and a Cawemo instance. It syncs all deployed process definitions to the configured Cawemo account. The synced diagrams will be added to a special project with the name as configured in the plugin.


Note: If you’re using Camunda Platform’s stand-alone application servers skip this section and download the dependency as a JAR as described below.

The latest version of this plugin is 1.3.0 and can be installed either as a Maven dependency or as a JAR file.

As Maven Dependency

The simplest way to install this plugin is by adding a dependency to your pom.xml:



Alternatively, you can also add the JAR to your classpath. To get the JAR, you should:

  1. Go to JFrog Artifactory and login with your credentials.
  2. Go to Artifacts/camunda-bpm-ee/org/camunda/bpm/cawemo-engine-plugin
  3. Download cawemo-engine-plugin-1.3.0.jar

Or use this link that will prompt you to download if you are already logged in with the right credentials.


1. Generate an API Key via Cawemo

Log in to your target Cawemo instance and create an API key from your organization settings.

To learn more about best practices regarding API keys please visit our user guide.

2. Extend Your Camunda Process Engine Configuration

Add the following section to your process engine configuration and replace the placeholders with actual values (see below for the location of the configuration depending on your application server):

        <property name="cawemoUrl"></property>
        <property name="userId">change-me</property>
        <property name="apiKey">change-me</property>
        <property name="projectName">change-me</property>
        <property name="authMode">BASIC</property> <!-- or QUERY_PARAM -->
        <property name="customBasicAuth">false</property>

Parameters Explained

  • cawemoUrl: Your target Cawemo instance, e. g.

  • userId: The corresponding userId of the API key used for authentication.

  • apiKey: A valid API key associated with your userId, created as described above.

  • projectName: The name of the engine the pushed diagrams should be linked to. This property affects the name of the project in which the diagrams will be stored, e.g. “projectName Deployments”.

    If you’re running Camunda Platform in a cluster setup this property’s value should be the same on all nodes.

  • The authMode configuration parameter determines how the Cawemo Engine Plugin authenticates with the target Cawemo instance:

    • BASIC lets the plugin use basic access authentication via an Authorization header field passed with each request.
    • When choosing QUERY_PARAM the engine plugin appends the required credentials as query parameter to the request URL.

    It is strongly advised to use the BASIC option and only use query parameter authentication as a fallback solution.

  • customBasicAuth lets you add a basic auth header on top of the query parameter authentication. Cannot be combined with the BASIC option of authMode. If you set this option to true you’ll have to specify a user via a parameter named customBasicAuthUser and a password via customBasicAuthPassword.

3. Specifics for Supported Stand-Alone Application Servers/Spring Boot

JBoss AS/Wildfly

Open the standalone.xml of your application server, look for the <plugins> section and add the configuration stated above.

Additionally, you have to add the plugin as a module. For this, copy the JAR to $SERVER_HOME/modules/org/camunda/bpm/cawemo-engine-plugin/main and add a file called module.xml with the following content to the same folder:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<module xmlns="urn:jboss:module:1.0" name="org.camunda.bpm.cawemo-engine-plugin">
    <resource-root path="cawemo-engine-plugin-1.3.0.jar" />

    <module name="org.camunda.bpm.camunda-engine" />
    <module name="org.camunda.bpm.model.camunda-bpmn-model" />
    <module name="org.camunda.commons.camunda-commons-logging" />

As a last step you have to register the plugin. For this, add the following line to $SERVER_HOME/modules/org/camunda/bpm/camunda-engine-plugins/main/module.xml inside the <dependencies> tag:

<module name="org.camunda.bpm.cawemo-engine-plugin" export="true" />

Attention: If you’re using the pre-packaged JBoss/Wildfly distribution there are two modules folders. The correct one is located below $CAMUNDA_HOME/server/$SERVER_VERSION/.

For general information about the JBoss/Wildfly configuration see the Camunda Platform documentation.

Tomcat, IBM WebSphere & Oracle WebLogic

Open the bpm-platform.xml of the application server instance your Process Engine is running on, look for the <plugins> section and add the configuration stated above.

Additionally, you have to copy the plugin JAR to $SERVER_HOME/lib.

Attention: If you’re using the pre-packaged Tomcat distribution there are two lib folders. The correct one is located below $CAMUNDA_HOME/server/$SERVER_VERSION/.

For general information about the configuration via Camunda Platform Deployment Descriptors see Camunda Platform documentation.

Spring Boot

If you’re using Java configuration you have to register the engine plugin as a bean:

@Order(Ordering.DEFAULT_ORDER + 1)
public static ProcessEnginePlugin cawemoEnginePlugin() {
  CawemoEnginePlugin plugin = new CawemoEnginePlugin();
  plugin.setAuthMode("BASIC"); // or "QUERY_PARAM"

  return plugin;

If you’re using Spring XML config, open the XML file and add the configuration stated above.

If you want to install the plugin via a JAR you can use it’s -Dloader.path option (see the Spring Boot documentation).

For general information about the configuration via Spring XML see the Camunda Platform documentation.


Cawemo Cawemo Engine Plugin Camunda Platform Engine
1.9 1.3.x or newer 7.20.x or newer
1.8 1.1.x or newer 7.13.x - 7.16.x
1.7 1.1.x or newer 7.13.x - 7.15.x
1.6 1.1.x 7.12.x - 7.15.x
1.5 1.1.x 7.12.x - 7.14.x
1.4 1.1.x 7.11.x - 7.14.x
1.3 1.1.x 7.10.x - 7.13.x
1.2 1.1.x 7.10.x - 7.13.x
1.1 1.1.x 7.9.x - 7.12.x
1.0 1.0 7.9.x - 7.12.x


This plugin might have an impact on a process engine’s performance when you’re synchronizing process definitions possessing a lot of versions that are not available on Cawemo as milestones yet. For each of these missing versions the plugin performs a ProcessDefinitionQuery causing the definition to be loaded into the engine’s cache and potentially replacing others which should preferably be retained in the cache.

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