Templates: create
Creates a new template.
HTTP Request
POST https://cawemo.example.com/api/v1/templates
Request Body
In the request body, supply a Templates resource with the following properties:
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
$schema (optional) | string | URI pointing towards the JSON schema which defines the structure of the element template .json file. Element template schemas are maintained in the element templates JSON schema repository. | In case no $schema is defined, Cawemo assumes the latest JSON Schema version. |
appliesTo | string[] | List of BPMN types the template can be applied to. | |
description (optional) | string | Description of the template. | |
metadata.catalogId | string | Unique identifier of the catalog project the template's is located in. | |
metadata.published (optional) | boolean | Whether the template should be published. | Defaults to false. |
metadata.templateVersionName (optional) | string | The name of the published template version. | Only taken into account in combination with metadata.published: true. |
name | string | Name of the template. | |
properties (optional) | object[] | List of properties of the template, see the Camunda Modeler documentation for a description. | |
scopes (optional) | object[] | List of scoped bindings of the template, see the Camunda Modeler documentation for a description. |
If successful, this method returns a Templates resource in the response body.