This section contains all the information to install and configure your Optimize distribution to your needs.
- Installation
- Read about how to install Optimize.
- Security Instructions
- Learn how to secure your Optimize distribution agains potential attacks.
- Configuration
- An overview of all possible configuration options in Optimize.
- User Access Management
- Define which users have access to Optimize.
- Authorization Management
- Define which data users are authorized to see.
- Secure Elasticsearch
- Secure your Elasticsearch such that the communication is encrypted and only authorized users have access to Elasticsearch.
- Shared Elasticsearch Cluster
- Operate multiple Optimize instances on a shared Elasticsearch cluster.
- History Cleanup
- Make sure that old data is automatically removed from Optimize.
- Localization
- Localization of Optimize.
- Multi-Tenancy
- Learn about the supported multi tenancy scenarios.
- Multiple Process Engines
- Learn how to set up multiple process engines with Optimize and which scenarios are supported.
- Clustering
- Read about how to run Optimize in a cluster.
- Alert Notification Webhooks
- Read about how to configure alert notification webhooks for alerts on custom systems.
- Event Based Processes
- Read everything about how to configure Event Based Processes in Optimize.