Engine Rest Filter

Before implementing the plugin make sure that you have setup your environment.

This feature allows you to register your own filter that is called for every REST call to one of the configured process engines. For that, the Optimize plugin system provides the following interface:

public interface EngineRestFilter {

  void filter(ClientRequestContext requestContext, String engineAlias, String engineName) throws IOException;

Implement this interface to adjust the JAX-RS client request, which is represented by requestContext, sent to the process engine’s REST API. If the modification depends on the process engine, you can analyze the value of engineAlias and/or engineName to decide what adjustment is needed.

The following example shows a filter that simply adds a custom header to every REST call:

package com.example.optimize.enginerestplugin;

import java.io.IOException;
import javax.ws.rs.client.ClientRequestContext;

public class AddCustomTokenFilter implements EngineRestFilter {

  public void filter(ClientRequestContext requestContext, String engineAlias, String engineName) throws IOException {
    requestContext.getHeaders().add("Custom-Token", "SomeCustomToken");


As for the Variable Import Customization, you have to package your plugin in a jar, add it to the plugin folder and make Optimize find it by adding the following configuration to environment-config.yaml:

    #Look in the given base package list for engine rest filter plugins.
    #If empty, the REST calls are not influenced.
    basePackages: ["com.example.optimize.enginerestplugin"]