Supported Environments

Run the Camunda BPM platform in every Java-runnable environment. Camunda BPM is supported with our QA infrastructure in the following environments. Here you can find more information about our enterprise support.

Supported Environments

Please note that the environments listed in this section depend on the version of the Camunda BPM platform. Please select the corresponding version of this documentation to see the environment that fits to your version of the Camunda BPM platform. e.g., supported environments for version 7.3

Container/Application Server for Runtime Components

Application-Embedded Process Engine

Container-Managed Process Engine and Camunda Cockpit, Tasklist, Admin

  • Apache Tomcat 7.0 / 8.0 / 9.0
  • JBoss Application Server 7.2 and JBoss EAP 6.1 / 6.2 / 6.3 / 6.4 / 7.0 / 7.1 / 7.2
  • Wildfly Application Server 8.2 / 10.1 / 11.0 / 12.0 / 13.0 / 14.0
  • IBM WebSphere Application Server 8.5 / 9.0 (Enterprise Edition only)
  • Oracle WebLogic Server 12c (12R1,12R2) (Enterprise Edition only) and Deployment scenarios).

Container for Camunda Cycle

  • Apache Tomcat 7


Supported Database Products

  • MySQL 5.6 / 5.7
  • MariaDB 10.0 / 10.2 / 10.3
  • Oracle 10g / 11g / 12c
  • IBM DB2 9.7 /10.1 / 10.5 / 11.1 (excluding IBM z/OS for all versions)
  • PostgreSQL 9.1 / 9.3 / 9.4 / 9.6 / 10.4
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2/2012/2014/2016 (see Configuration Note)
  • H2 1.4 (not recommended for Cluster Mode - see Deployment Note)

Database Clustering & Replication

Clustered or replicated databases are supported given the following conditions. The communication between Camunda BPM and the database cluster has to match with the corresponding non-clustered / non-replicated configuration. It is especially important that the configuration of the database cluster guarantees the equivalent behavior of READ-COMMITTED isolation level.

  • MariaDB Galera Cluster: Galera Cluster for MariaDB is supported with specific configuration settings and some known limitations. See Details.

Web Browser

  • Google Chrome latest
  • Mozilla Firefox latest
  • Internet Explorer 11
  • Microsoft Edge


  • Java 7
  • Java 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 (if supported by your application server/container)

Java Runtime

  • Oracle JDK 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11
  • IBM JDK 7 / 8 (with J9 JVM)
  • OpenJDK 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11, including builds of the following products:
    • Oracle OpenJDK
    • AdoptOpenJDK (with HotSpot JVM)
    • Amazon Corretto
    • Azul Zulu

Camunda Modeler

  • Windows 7 / 10
  • Mac OS X 10.11
  • Linux

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