Interface TaskQuery

    • Method Detail

      • taskId

        TaskQuery taskId​(String taskId)
        Only select tasks with the given task id (in practice, there will be maximum one of this kind)
      • taskIdIn

        TaskQuery taskIdIn​(String... taskIds)
        Only select tasks with the given task ids.
      • taskName

        TaskQuery taskName​(String name)
        Only select tasks with the given name. The query will match the names of tasks in a case-insensitive way.
      • taskNameNotEqual

        TaskQuery taskNameNotEqual​(String name)
        Only select tasks with a name not matching the given name/ The query will match the names of tasks in a case-insensitive way.
      • taskNameLike

        TaskQuery taskNameLike​(String nameLike)
        Only select tasks with a name matching the parameter. The syntax is that of SQL: for example usage: nameLike(%camunda%). The query will match the names of tasks in a case-insensitive way.
      • taskNameNotLike

        TaskQuery taskNameNotLike​(String nameNotLike)
        Only select tasks with a name not matching the parameter. The syntax is that of SQL: for example usage: nameNotLike(%camunda%) The query will match the names of tasks in a case-insensitive way.
      • taskDescription

        TaskQuery taskDescription​(String description)
        Only select tasks with the given description. The query will match the descriptions of tasks in a case-insensitive way.
      • taskDescriptionLike

        TaskQuery taskDescriptionLike​(String descriptionLike)
        Only select tasks with a description matching the parameter . The syntax is that of SQL: for example usage: descriptionLike(%camunda%) The query will match the descriptions of tasks in a case-insensitive way.
      • taskPriority

        TaskQuery taskPriority​(Integer priority)
        Only select tasks with the given priority.
      • taskMinPriority

        TaskQuery taskMinPriority​(Integer minPriority)
        Only select tasks with the given priority or higher.
      • taskMaxPriority

        TaskQuery taskMaxPriority​(Integer maxPriority)
        Only select tasks with the given priority or lower.
      • taskAssignee

        TaskQuery taskAssignee​(String assignee)
        Only select tasks which are assigned to the given user.
      • taskAssigneeExpression

        TaskQuery taskAssigneeExpression​(String assigneeExpression)

        Only select tasks which are assigned to the user described by the given expression.

        BadUserRequestException -
        • When the query is executed and expressions are disabled for adhoc queries (in case the query is executed via Query.list(), Query.listPage(int, int), Query.singleResult(), or Query.count()) or stored queries (in case the query is stored along with a filter). Expression evaluation can be activated by setting the process engine configuration properties enableExpressionsInAdhocQueries (default false) and enableExpressionsInStoredQueries (default true) to true.
      • taskAssigneeLike

        TaskQuery taskAssigneeLike​(String assignee)
        Only select tasks which are matching the given user. The syntax is that of SQL: for example usage: nameLike(%camunda%)
      • taskAssigneeLikeExpression

        TaskQuery taskAssigneeLikeExpression​(String assigneeLikeExpression)

        Only select tasks which are assigned to the user described by the given expression. The syntax is that of SQL: for example usage: taskAssigneeLikeExpression("${'%test%'}")

        BadUserRequestException -
        • When the query is executed and expressions are disabled for adhoc queries (in case the query is executed via Query.list(), Query.listPage(int, int), Query.singleResult(), or Query.count()) or stored queries (in case the query is stored along with a filter). Expression evaluation can be activated by setting the process engine configuration properties enableExpressionsInAdhocQueries (default false) and enableExpressionsInStoredQueries (default true) to true.
      • taskAssigneeIn

        TaskQuery taskAssigneeIn​(String... assignees)
        Only select tasks which are assigned to one of the given users.
      • taskAssigneeNotIn

        TaskQuery taskAssigneeNotIn​(String... assignees)
        Only select tasks which are not assigned to any of the given users.
      • taskOwner

        TaskQuery taskOwner​(String owner)
        Only select tasks for which the given user is the owner.
      • taskOwnerExpression

        TaskQuery taskOwnerExpression​(String ownerExpression)

        Only select tasks for which the described user by the given expression is the owner.

        BadUserRequestException -
        • When the query is executed and expressions are disabled for adhoc queries (in case the query is executed via Query.list(), Query.listPage(int, int), Query.singleResult(), or Query.count()) or stored queries (in case the query is stored along with a filter). Expression evaluation can be activated by setting the process engine configuration properties enableExpressionsInAdhocQueries (default false) and enableExpressionsInStoredQueries (default true) to true.
      • taskUnassigned

        TaskQuery taskUnassigned()
        Only select tasks which don't have an assignee.
      • taskAssigned

        TaskQuery taskAssigned()
        Only select tasks which have an assignee.
      • taskCandidateUserExpression

        TaskQuery taskCandidateUserExpression​(String candidateUserExpression)
        Only select tasks for which the described user by the given expression is a candidate.

        Per default it only selects tasks which are not already assigned to a user. To also include assigned task in the result specify includeAssignedTasks() in your query.

        ProcessEngineException -
        BadUserRequestException -
        • When the query is executed and expressions are disabled for adhoc queries (in case the query is executed via Query.list(), Query.listPage(int, int), Query.singleResult(), or Query.count()) or stored queries (in case the query is stored along with a filter). Expression evaluation can be activated by setting the process engine configuration properties enableExpressionsInAdhocQueries (default false) and enableExpressionsInStoredQueries (default true) to true.
      • taskInvolvedUser

        TaskQuery taskInvolvedUser​(String involvedUser)
        Only select tasks for which there exist an IdentityLink with the given user
      • taskInvolvedUserExpression

        TaskQuery taskInvolvedUserExpression​(String involvedUserExpression)

        Only select tasks for which there exist an IdentityLink with the described user by the given expression

        BadUserRequestException -
        • When the query is executed and expressions are disabled for adhoc queries (in case the query is executed via Query.list(), Query.listPage(int, int), Query.singleResult(), or Query.count()) or stored queries (in case the query is stored along with a filter). Expression evaluation can be activated by setting the process engine configuration properties enableExpressionsInAdhocQueries (default false) and enableExpressionsInStoredQueries (default true) to true.
      • withCandidateGroups

        TaskQuery withCandidateGroups()
        Only select tasks which have a candidate group
        ProcessEngineException - When method has been executed within "or query".
      • withoutCandidateGroups

        TaskQuery withoutCandidateGroups()
        Only select tasks which have no candidate group
        ProcessEngineException - When method has been executed within "or query".
      • withCandidateUsers

        TaskQuery withCandidateUsers()
        Only select tasks which have a candidate user
        ProcessEngineException - When method has been executed within "or query".
      • withoutCandidateUsers

        TaskQuery withoutCandidateUsers()
        Only select tasks which have no candidate user
        ProcessEngineException - When method has been executed within "or query".
      • taskCandidateGroupExpression

        TaskQuery taskCandidateGroupExpression​(String candidateGroupExpression)
        Only select tasks for which users in the described group by the given expression are candidates.

        Per default it only selects tasks which are not already assigned to a user. To also include assigned task in the result specify includeAssignedTasks() in your query.

        ProcessEngineException -
        BadUserRequestException -
        • When the query is executed and expressions are disabled for adhoc queries (in case the query is executed via Query.list(), Query.listPage(int, int), Query.singleResult(), or Query.count()) or stored queries (in case the query is stored along with a filter). Expression evaluation can be activated by setting the process engine configuration properties enableExpressionsInAdhocQueries (default false) and enableExpressionsInStoredQueries (default true) to true.
      • taskCandidateGroupInExpression

        TaskQuery taskCandidateGroupInExpression​(String candidateGroupsExpression)
        Only select tasks for which the 'candidateGroup' is one of the described groups of the given expression.

        Per default it only selects tasks which are not already assigned to a user. To also include assigned task in the result specify includeAssignedTasks() in your query.

        ProcessEngineException -
        BadUserRequestException -
        • When the query is executed and expressions are disabled for adhoc queries (in case the query is executed via Query.list(), Query.listPage(int, int), Query.singleResult(), or Query.count()) or stored queries (in case the query is stored along with a filter). Expression evaluation can be activated by setting the process engine configuration properties enableExpressionsInAdhocQueries (default false) and enableExpressionsInStoredQueries (default true) to true.
      • processInstanceId

        TaskQuery processInstanceId​(String processInstanceId)
        Only select tasks for the given process instance id.
      • processInstanceIdIn

        TaskQuery processInstanceIdIn​(String... processInstanceIds)
        Only select tasks for the given process instance ids.
      • processInstanceBusinessKey

        TaskQuery processInstanceBusinessKey​(String processInstanceBusinessKey)
        Only select tasks for the given process instance business key
      • processInstanceBusinessKeyExpression

        TaskQuery processInstanceBusinessKeyExpression​(String processInstanceBusinessKeyExpression)
        Only select tasks for the given process instance business key described by the given expression
      • processInstanceBusinessKeyIn

        TaskQuery processInstanceBusinessKeyIn​(String... processInstanceBusinessKeys)
        Only select tasks for any of the given the given process instance business keys.
      • processInstanceBusinessKeyLike

        TaskQuery processInstanceBusinessKeyLike​(String processInstanceBusinessKey)
        Only select tasks matching the given process instance business key. The syntax is that of SQL: for example usage: nameLike(%camunda%)
      • processInstanceBusinessKeyLikeExpression

        TaskQuery processInstanceBusinessKeyLikeExpression​(String processInstanceBusinessKeyExpression)
        Only select tasks matching the given process instance business key described by the given expression. The syntax is that of SQL: for example usage: processInstanceBusinessKeyLikeExpression("${ '%camunda%' }")
      • executionId

        TaskQuery executionId​(String executionId)
        Only select tasks for the given execution.
      • activityInstanceIdIn

        TaskQuery activityInstanceIdIn​(String... activityInstanceIds)
        Only select task which have one of the activity instance ids.
      • taskCreatedOn

        TaskQuery taskCreatedOn​(Date createTime)
        Only select tasks that are created on the given date.
      • taskCreatedOnExpression

        TaskQuery taskCreatedOnExpression​(String createTimeExpression)
        Only select tasks that are created on the described date by the given expression.
      • taskCreatedBefore

        TaskQuery taskCreatedBefore​(Date before)
        Only select tasks that are created before the given date.
      • taskCreatedBeforeExpression

        TaskQuery taskCreatedBeforeExpression​(String beforeExpression)
        Only select tasks that are created before the described date by the given expression.
      • taskCreatedAfter

        TaskQuery taskCreatedAfter​(Date after)
        Only select tasks that are created after the given date.
      • taskCreatedAfterExpression

        TaskQuery taskCreatedAfterExpression​(String afterExpression)
        Only select tasks that are created after the described date by the given expression.
      • excludeSubtasks

        TaskQuery excludeSubtasks()
        Only select tasks that have no parent (i.e. do not select subtasks).
      • taskDefinitionKey

        TaskQuery taskDefinitionKey​(String key)
        Only select tasks with the given taskDefinitionKey. The task definition key is the id of the userTask: <userTask id="xxx" .../>
      • taskDefinitionKeyLike

        TaskQuery taskDefinitionKeyLike​(String keyLike)
        Only select tasks with a taskDefinitionKey that match the given parameter. The syntax is that of SQL: for example usage: taskDefinitionKeyLike("%camunda%"). The task definition key is the id of the userTask: <userTask id="xxx" .../>
      • taskDefinitionKeyIn

        TaskQuery taskDefinitionKeyIn​(String... taskDefinitionKeys)
        Only select tasks which have one of the taskDefinitionKeys.
      • taskParentTaskId

        TaskQuery taskParentTaskId​(String parentTaskId)
        Select the tasks which are sub tasks of the given parent task.
      • caseInstanceId

        TaskQuery caseInstanceId​(String caseInstanceId)
        Only select tasks for the given case instance id.
      • caseInstanceBusinessKey

        TaskQuery caseInstanceBusinessKey​(String caseInstanceBusinessKey)
        Only select tasks for the given case instance business key
      • caseInstanceBusinessKeyLike

        TaskQuery caseInstanceBusinessKeyLike​(String caseInstanceBusinessKeyLike)
        Only select tasks matching the given case instance business key. The syntax is that of SQL: for example usage: nameLike(%aBusinessKey%)
      • caseExecutionId

        TaskQuery caseExecutionId​(String caseExecutionId)
        Only select tasks for the given case execution.
      • caseDefinitionKey

        TaskQuery caseDefinitionKey​(String caseDefinitionKey)
        Only select tasks which are part of a case instance which has the given case definition key.
      • caseDefinitionId

        TaskQuery caseDefinitionId​(String caseDefinitionId)
        Only select tasks which are part of a case instance which has the given case definition id.
      • caseDefinitionName

        TaskQuery caseDefinitionName​(String caseDefinitionName)
        Only select tasks which are part of a case instance which has the given case definition name.
      • caseDefinitionNameLike

        TaskQuery caseDefinitionNameLike​(String caseDefinitionNameLike)
        Only select tasks which are part of a case instance which case definition name is like the given parameter. The syntax is that of SQL: for example usage: nameLike(%processDefinitionName%)
      • matchVariableNamesIgnoreCase

        TaskQuery matchVariableNamesIgnoreCase()
        All queries for task-, process- and case-variables will match the variable names in a case-insensitive way.
      • matchVariableValuesIgnoreCase

        TaskQuery matchVariableValuesIgnoreCase()
        All queries for task-, process- and case-variables will match the variable values in a case-insensitive way.
      • taskVariableValueEquals

        TaskQuery taskVariableValueEquals​(String variableName,
                                          Object variableValue)
        Only select tasks which have a local task variable with the given name set to the given value.
      • taskVariableValueNotEquals

        TaskQuery taskVariableValueNotEquals​(String variableName,
                                             Object variableValue)
        Only select tasks which have a local task variable with the given name, but with a different value than the passed value. Byte-arrays and Serializable objects (which are not primitive type wrappers) are not supported.
      • taskVariableValueLike

        TaskQuery taskVariableValueLike​(String variableName,
                                        String variableValue)
        Only select tasks which have a local task variable with the given name matching the given value. The syntax is that of SQL: for example usage: valueLike(%value%)
      • taskVariableValueGreaterThan

        TaskQuery taskVariableValueGreaterThan​(String variableName,
                                               Object variableValue)
        Only select tasks which have a local task variable with the given name and a value greater than the given one.
      • taskVariableValueGreaterThanOrEquals

        TaskQuery taskVariableValueGreaterThanOrEquals​(String variableName,
                                                       Object variableValue)
        Only select tasks which have a local task variable with the given name and a value greater than or equal to the given one.
      • taskVariableValueLessThan

        TaskQuery taskVariableValueLessThan​(String variableName,
                                            Object variableValue)
        Only select tasks which have a local task variable with the given name and a value less than the given one.
      • taskVariableValueLessThanOrEquals

        TaskQuery taskVariableValueLessThanOrEquals​(String variableName,
                                                    Object variableValue)
        Only select tasks which have a local task variable with the given name and a value less than or equal to the given one.
      • processVariableValueEquals

        TaskQuery processVariableValueEquals​(String variableName,
                                             Object variableValue)
        Only select tasks which have are part of a process that have a variable with the given name set to the given value.
      • processVariableValueNotEquals

        TaskQuery processVariableValueNotEquals​(String variableName,
                                                Object variableValue)
        Only select tasks which have a variable with the given name, but with a different value than the passed value. Byte-arrays and Serializable objects (which are not primitive type wrappers) are not supported.
      • processVariableValueLike

        TaskQuery processVariableValueLike​(String variableName,
                                           String variableValue)
        Only select tasks which are part of a process that have a variable with the given name and matching the given value. The syntax is that of SQL: for example usage: valueLike(%value%)
      • processVariableValueNotLike

        TaskQuery processVariableValueNotLike​(String variableName,
                                              String variableValue)
        Only select tasks which are part of a process that have a variable with the given name and not matching the given value. The syntax is that of SQL: for example usage: valueNotLike(%value%)
      • processVariableValueGreaterThan

        TaskQuery processVariableValueGreaterThan​(String variableName,
                                                  Object variableValue)
        Only select tasks which are part of a process that have a variable with the given name and a value greater than the given one.
      • processVariableValueGreaterThanOrEquals

        TaskQuery processVariableValueGreaterThanOrEquals​(String variableName,
                                                          Object variableValue)
        Only select tasks which are part of a process that have a variable with the given name and a value greater than or equal to the given one.
      • processVariableValueLessThan

        TaskQuery processVariableValueLessThan​(String variableName,
                                               Object variableValue)
        Only select tasks which are part of a process that have a variable with the given name and a value less than the given one.
      • processVariableValueLessThanOrEquals

        TaskQuery processVariableValueLessThanOrEquals​(String variableName,
                                                       Object variableValue)
        Only select tasks which are part of a process that have a variable with the given name and a value greater than or equal to the given one.
      • caseInstanceVariableValueEquals

        TaskQuery caseInstanceVariableValueEquals​(String variableName,
                                                  Object variableValue)
        Only select tasks which are part of a case instance that have a variable with the given name set to the given value. The type of variable is determined based on the value, using types configured in ProcessEngineConfiguration#getVariableSerializers(). Byte-arrays and Serializable objects (which are not primitive type wrappers) are not supported.
        name - name of the variable, cannot be null.
      • caseInstanceVariableValueNotEquals

        TaskQuery caseInstanceVariableValueNotEquals​(String variableName,
                                                     Object variableValue)
        Only select tasks which are part of a case instance that have a variable with the given name, but with a different value than the passed value. The type of variable is determined based on the value, using types configured in ProcessEngineConfiguration#getVariableSerializers(). Byte-arrays and Serializable objects (which are not primitive type wrappers) are not supported.
        name - name of the variable, cannot be null.
      • caseInstanceVariableValueLike

        TaskQuery caseInstanceVariableValueLike​(String variableName,
                                                String variableValue)
        Only select tasks which are part of a case instance that have a variable value like the given value. This be used on string variables only.
        name - variable name, cannot be null.
        value - variable value. The string can include the wildcard character '%' to express like-strategy: starts with (string%), ends with (%string) or contains (%string%).
      • caseInstanceVariableValueNotLike

        TaskQuery caseInstanceVariableValueNotLike​(String variableName,
                                                   String variableValue)
        Only select tasks which are part of a case instance that have a variable value not like the given value. This be used on string variables only.
        name - variable name, cannot be null.
        value - variable value. The string can include the wildcard character '%' to express like-strategy: starts with (string%), ends with (%string) or contains (%string%).
      • caseInstanceVariableValueGreaterThan

        TaskQuery caseInstanceVariableValueGreaterThan​(String variableName,
                                                       Object variableValue)
        Only select tasks which are part of a case instance that have a variable with the given name and a variable value greater than the passed value. Booleans, Byte-arrays and Serializable objects (which are not primitive type wrappers) are not supported.
        name - variable name, cannot be null.
      • caseInstanceVariableValueGreaterThanOrEquals

        TaskQuery caseInstanceVariableValueGreaterThanOrEquals​(String variableName,
                                                               Object variableValue)
        Only select tasks which are part of a case instance that have a variable value greater than or equal to the passed value. Booleans, Byte-arrays and Serializable objects (which are not primitive type wrappers) are not supported.
        name - variable name, cannot be null.
      • caseInstanceVariableValueLessThan

        TaskQuery caseInstanceVariableValueLessThan​(String variableName,
                                                    Object variableValue)
        Only select tasks which are part of a case instance that have a variable value less than the passed value. Booleans, Byte-arrays and Serializable objects (which are not primitive type wrappers) are not supported.
        name - variable name, cannot be null.
      • caseInstanceVariableValueLessThanOrEquals

        TaskQuery caseInstanceVariableValueLessThanOrEquals​(String variableName,
                                                            Object variableValue)
        Only select tasks which are part of a case instance that have a variable value less than or equal to the passed value. Booleans, Byte-arrays and Serializable objects (which are not primitive type wrappers) are not supported.
        name - variable name, cannot be null.
      • processDefinitionKey

        TaskQuery processDefinitionKey​(String processDefinitionKey)
        Only select tasks which are part of a process instance which has the given process definition key.
      • processDefinitionKeyIn

        TaskQuery processDefinitionKeyIn​(String... processDefinitionKeys)
        Only select tasks which are part of a process instance which has one of the given process definition keys.
      • processDefinitionId

        TaskQuery processDefinitionId​(String processDefinitionId)
        Only select tasks which are part of a process instance which has the given process definition id.
      • processDefinitionName

        TaskQuery processDefinitionName​(String processDefinitionName)
        Only select tasks which are part of a process instance which has the given process definition name.
      • processDefinitionNameLike

        TaskQuery processDefinitionNameLike​(String processDefinitionName)
        Only select tasks which are part of a process instance which process definition name is like the given parameter. The syntax is that of SQL: for example usage: nameLike(%processDefinitionName%)
      • dueDate

        TaskQuery dueDate​(Date dueDate)
        Only select tasks with the given due date.
      • dueDateExpression

        TaskQuery dueDateExpression​(String dueDateExpression)

        Only select tasks with the described due date by the given expression.

        BadUserRequestException -
        • When the query is executed and expressions are disabled for adhoc queries (in case the query is executed via Query.list(), Query.listPage(int, int), Query.singleResult(), or Query.count()) or stored queries (in case the query is stored along with a filter). Expression evaluation can be activated by setting the process engine configuration properties enableExpressionsInAdhocQueries (default false) and enableExpressionsInStoredQueries (default true) to true.
      • dueBefore

        TaskQuery dueBefore​(Date dueDate)
        Only select tasks which have a due date before the given date.
      • dueBeforeExpression

        TaskQuery dueBeforeExpression​(String dueDateExpression)

        Only select tasks which have a due date before the described date by the given expression.

        BadUserRequestException -
        • When the query is executed and expressions are disabled for adhoc queries (in case the query is executed via Query.list(), Query.listPage(int, int), Query.singleResult(), or Query.count()) or stored queries (in case the query is stored along with a filter). Expression evaluation can be activated by setting the process engine configuration properties enableExpressionsInAdhocQueries (default false) and enableExpressionsInStoredQueries (default true) to true.
      • dueAfter

        TaskQuery dueAfter​(Date dueDate)
        Only select tasks which have a due date after the given date.
      • dueAfterExpression

        TaskQuery dueAfterExpression​(String dueDateExpression)

        Only select tasks which have a due date after the described date by the given expression.

        BadUserRequestException -
        • When the query is executed and expressions are disabled for adhoc queries (in case the query is executed via Query.list(), Query.listPage(int, int), Query.singleResult(), or Query.count()) or stored queries (in case the query is stored along with a filter). Expression evaluation can be activated by setting the process engine configuration properties enableExpressionsInAdhocQueries (default false) and enableExpressionsInStoredQueries (default true) to true.
      • followUpDate

        TaskQuery followUpDate​(Date followUpDate)
        Only select tasks with the given follow-up date.
      • followUpDateExpression

        TaskQuery followUpDateExpression​(String followUpDateExpression)

        Only select tasks with the described follow-up date by the given expression.

        BadUserRequestException -
        • When the query is executed and expressions are disabled for adhoc queries (in case the query is executed via Query.list(), Query.listPage(int, int), Query.singleResult(), or Query.count()) or stored queries (in case the query is stored along with a filter). Expression evaluation can be activated by setting the process engine configuration properties enableExpressionsInAdhocQueries (default false) and enableExpressionsInStoredQueries (default true) to true.
      • followUpBefore

        TaskQuery followUpBefore​(Date followUpDate)
        Only select tasks which have a follow-up date before the given date.
      • followUpBeforeExpression

        TaskQuery followUpBeforeExpression​(String followUpDateExpression)

        Only select tasks which have a follow-up date before the described date by the given expression.

        BadUserRequestException -
        • When the query is executed and expressions are disabled for adhoc queries (in case the query is executed via Query.list(), Query.listPage(int, int), Query.singleResult(), or Query.count()) or stored queries (in case the query is stored along with a filter). Expression evaluation can be activated by setting the process engine configuration properties enableExpressionsInAdhocQueries (default false) and enableExpressionsInStoredQueries (default true) to true.
      • followUpBeforeOrNotExistent

        TaskQuery followUpBeforeOrNotExistent​(Date followUpDate)
        Only select tasks which have no follow-up date or a follow-up date before the given date. Serves the typical use case "give me all tasks without follow-up or follow-up date which is already due"
      • followUpBeforeOrNotExistentExpression

        TaskQuery followUpBeforeOrNotExistentExpression​(String followUpDateExpression)

        Only select tasks which have no follow-up date or a follow-up date before the described date by the given expression. Serves the typical use case "give me all tasks without follow-up or follow-up date which is already due"

        BadUserRequestException -
        • When the query is executed and expressions are disabled for adhoc queries (in case the query is executed via Query.list(), Query.listPage(int, int), Query.singleResult(), or Query.count()) or stored queries (in case the query is stored along with a filter). Expression evaluation can be activated by setting the process engine configuration properties enableExpressionsInAdhocQueries (default false) and enableExpressionsInStoredQueries (default true) to true.
      • followUpAfter

        TaskQuery followUpAfter​(Date followUpDate)
        Only select tasks which have a follow-up date after the given date.
      • followUpAfterExpression

        TaskQuery followUpAfterExpression​(String followUpDateExpression)

        Only select tasks which have a follow-up date after the described date by the given expression.

        BadUserRequestException -
        • When the query is executed and expressions are disabled for adhoc queries (in case the query is executed via Query.list(), Query.listPage(int, int), Query.singleResult(), or Query.count()) or stored queries (in case the query is stored along with a filter). Expression evaluation can be activated by setting the process engine configuration properties enableExpressionsInAdhocQueries (default false) and enableExpressionsInStoredQueries (default true) to true.
      • suspended

        TaskQuery suspended()
        Only select tasks which are suspended, because its process instance was suspended.
      • active

        TaskQuery active()
        Only select tasks which are active (ie. not suspended)
      • initializeFormKeys

        TaskQuery initializeFormKeys()
        If called, the form keys and form references of the fetched tasks are initialized and Task.getFormKey() and Task.getCamundaFormRef() will return a value (in case the task has is linked to a form).
        the query itself
        ProcessEngineException - When method has been executed within "or query". Method must be executed on the base query.
      • tenantIdIn

        TaskQuery tenantIdIn​(String... tenantIds)
        Only select tasks with one of the given tenant ids.
        ProcessEngineException -
        • When a query is executed and withoutTenantId() has been executed on the "and query" instance. No exception is thrown when a query is executed and withoutTenantId() has been executed on the "or query" instance.
        • When a null tenant id is passed.
      • withoutDueDate

        TaskQuery withoutDueDate()
        Only select tasks which have no due date.
      • orderByProcessVariable

        TaskQuery orderByProcessVariable​(String variableName,
                                         ValueType valueType)
        Order by a process instance variable value of a certain type. Calling this method multiple times specifies secondary, tertiary orderings, etc. The ordering of variables with null values is database-specific.
        ProcessEngineException - When method has been executed within "or query".
      • orderByExecutionVariable

        TaskQuery orderByExecutionVariable​(String variableName,
                                           ValueType valueType)
        Order by an execution variable value of a certain type. Calling this method multiple times specifies secondary, tertiary orderings, etc. The ordering of variables with null values is database-specific.
        ProcessEngineException - When method has been executed within "or query".
      • orderByTaskVariable

        TaskQuery orderByTaskVariable​(String variableName,
                                      ValueType valueType)
        Order by a task variable value of a certain type. Calling this method multiple times specifies secondary, tertiary orderings, etc. The ordering of variables with null values is database-specific.
        ProcessEngineException - When method has been executed within "or query".
      • orderByCaseExecutionVariable

        TaskQuery orderByCaseExecutionVariable​(String variableName,
                                               ValueType valueType)
        Order by a task variable value of a certain type. Calling this method multiple times specifies secondary, tertiary orderings, etc. The ordering of variables with null values is database-specific.
        ProcessEngineException - When method has been executed within "or query".
      • orderByCaseInstanceVariable

        TaskQuery orderByCaseInstanceVariable​(String variableName,
                                              ValueType valueType)
        Order by a task variable value of a certain type. Calling this method multiple times specifies secondary, tertiary orderings, etc. The ordering of variables with null values is database-specific.
        ProcessEngineException - When method has been executed within "or query".
      • orderByTenantId

        TaskQuery orderByTenantId()
        Order by tenant id (needs to be followed by Query.asc() or Query.desc()). Note that the ordering of tasks without tenant id is database-specific.
        ProcessEngineException - When method has been executed within "or query".
      • or

        TaskQuery or()

        After calling or(), a chain of several filter criteria could follow. Each filter criterion that follows or() will be linked together with an OR expression until the OR query is terminated. To terminate the OR query right after the last filter criterion was applied, endOr() must be invoked.

        an object of the type TaskQuery on which an arbitrary amount of filter criteria could be applied. The several filter criteria will be linked together by an OR expression.
        ProcessEngineException - when or() has been invoked directly after or() or after or() and trailing filter criteria. To prevent throwing this exception, endOr() must be invoked after a chain of filter criteria to mark the end of the OR query.
      • endOr

        TaskQuery endOr()

        endOr() terminates an OR query on which an arbitrary amount of filter criteria were applied. To terminate the OR query which has been started by invoking or(), endOr() must be invoked. Filter criteria which are applied after calling endOr() are linked together by an AND expression.

        an object of the type TaskQuery on which an arbitrary amount of filter criteria could be applied. The filter criteria will be linked together by an AND expression.
        ProcessEngineException - when endOr() has been invoked before or() was invoked. To prevent throwing this exception, or() must be invoked first.