TaskQuery |
TaskQuery.active() |
Only select tasks which are active (ie.
TaskQuery |
TaskQuery.activityInstanceIdIn(String... activityInstanceIds) |
Only select task which have one of the activity instance ids.
TaskQuery |
TaskQuery.caseDefinitionId(String caseDefinitionId) |
Only select tasks which are part of a case instance which has the given
case definition id.
TaskQuery |
TaskQuery.caseDefinitionKey(String caseDefinitionKey) |
Only select tasks which are part of a case instance which has the given
case definition key.
TaskQuery |
TaskQuery.caseDefinitionName(String caseDefinitionName) |
Only select tasks which are part of a case instance which has the given
case definition name.
TaskQuery |
TaskQuery.caseDefinitionNameLike(String caseDefinitionNameLike) |
Only select tasks which are part of a case instance which case definition
name is like the given parameter.
TaskQuery |
TaskQuery.caseExecutionId(String caseExecutionId) |
Only select tasks for the given case execution.
TaskQuery |
TaskQuery.caseInstanceBusinessKey(String caseInstanceBusinessKey) |
Only select tasks for the given case instance business key
TaskQuery |
TaskQuery.caseInstanceBusinessKeyLike(String caseInstanceBusinessKeyLike) |
Only select tasks matching the given case instance business key.
TaskQuery |
TaskQuery.caseInstanceId(String caseInstanceId) |
Only select tasks for the given case instance id.
TaskQuery |
TaskQuery.caseInstanceVariableValueEquals(String variableName,
Object variableValue) |
Only select tasks which are part of a case instance that have a variable
with the given name set to the given value.
TaskQuery |
TaskQuery.caseInstanceVariableValueGreaterThan(String variableName,
Object variableValue) |
Only select tasks which are part of a case instance that have a variable
with the given name and a variable value greater than the passed value.
TaskQuery |
TaskQuery.caseInstanceVariableValueGreaterThanOrEquals(String variableName,
Object variableValue) |
Only select tasks which are part of a case instance that have a
variable value greater than or equal to the passed value.
TaskQuery |
TaskQuery.caseInstanceVariableValueLessThan(String variableName,
Object variableValue) |
Only select tasks which are part of a case instance that have a variable
value less than the passed value.
TaskQuery |
TaskQuery.caseInstanceVariableValueLessThanOrEquals(String variableName,
Object variableValue) |
Only select tasks which are part of a case instance that have a variable
value less than or equal to the passed value.
TaskQuery |
TaskQuery.caseInstanceVariableValueLike(String variableName,
String variableValue) |
Only select tasks which are part of a case instance that have a variable value
like the given value.
TaskQuery |
TaskQuery.caseInstanceVariableValueNotEquals(String variableName,
Object variableValue) |
Only select tasks which are part of a case instance that have a variable
with the given name, but with a different value than the passed value.
TaskQuery |
TaskQuery.caseInstanceVariableValueNotLike(String variableName,
String variableValue) |
Only select tasks which are part of a case instance that have a variable value
not like the given value.
TaskQuery |
TaskQuery.dueAfter(Date dueDate) |
Only select tasks which have a due date after the given date.
TaskQuery |
TaskQuery.dueAfterExpression(String dueDateExpression) |
Only select tasks which have a due date after the described date by the given expression.
TaskQuery |
TaskQuery.dueBefore(Date dueDate) |
Only select tasks which have a due date before the given date.
TaskQuery |
TaskQuery.dueBeforeExpression(String dueDateExpression) |
Only select tasks which have a due date before the described date by the given expression.
TaskQuery |
TaskQuery.dueDate(Date dueDate) |
Only select tasks with the given due date.
TaskQuery |
TaskQuery.dueDateExpression(String dueDateExpression) |
Only select tasks with the described due date by the given expression.
TaskQuery |
TaskQuery.endOr() |
endOr() terminates an OR query on which an arbitrary amount of filter criteria were applied.
TaskQuery |
TaskQuery.excludeSubtasks() |
Only select tasks that have no parent (i.e.
TaskQuery |
TaskQuery.executionId(String executionId) |
Only select tasks for the given execution.
TaskQuery |
TaskQuery.followUpAfter(Date followUpDate) |
Only select tasks which have a follow-up date after the given date.
TaskQuery |
TaskQuery.followUpAfterExpression(String followUpDateExpression) |
Only select tasks which have a follow-up date after the described date by the given expression.
TaskQuery |
TaskQuery.followUpBefore(Date followUpDate) |
Only select tasks which have a follow-up date before the given date.
TaskQuery |
TaskQuery.followUpBeforeExpression(String followUpDateExpression) |
Only select tasks which have a follow-up date before the described date by the given expression.
TaskQuery |
TaskQuery.followUpBeforeOrNotExistent(Date followUpDate) |
Only select tasks which have no follow-up date or a follow-up date before the given date.
TaskQuery |
TaskQuery.followUpBeforeOrNotExistentExpression(String followUpDateExpression) |
Only select tasks which have no follow-up date or a follow-up date before the described date by the given expression.
TaskQuery |
TaskQuery.followUpDate(Date followUpDate) |
Only select tasks with the given follow-up date.
TaskQuery |
TaskQuery.followUpDateExpression(String followUpDateExpression) |
Only select tasks with the described follow-up date by the given expression.
TaskQuery |
TaskQuery.includeAssignedTasks() |
Select both assigned and not assigned tasks for candidate user or group queries.
TaskQuery |
TaskQuery.initializeFormKeys() |
TaskQuery |
TaskQuery.matchVariableNamesIgnoreCase() |
All queries for task-, process- and case-variables will match the variable names in a case-insensitive way.
TaskQuery |
TaskQuery.matchVariableValuesIgnoreCase() |
All queries for task-, process- and case-variables will match the variable values in a case-insensitive way.
TaskQuery |
TaskQuery.or() |
After calling or(), a chain of several filter criteria could follow.
TaskQuery |
TaskQuery.orderByCaseExecutionId() |
TaskQuery |
TaskQuery.orderByCaseExecutionVariable(String variableName,
ValueType valueType) |
Order by a task variable value of a certain type.
TaskQuery |
TaskQuery.orderByCaseInstanceId() |
TaskQuery |
TaskQuery.orderByCaseInstanceVariable(String variableName,
ValueType valueType) |
Order by a task variable value of a certain type.
TaskQuery |
TaskQuery.orderByDueDate() |
TaskQuery |
TaskQuery.orderByExecutionId() |
TaskQuery |
TaskQuery.orderByExecutionVariable(String variableName,
ValueType valueType) |
Order by an execution variable value of a certain type.
TaskQuery |
TaskQuery.orderByFollowUpDate() |
TaskQuery |
TaskQuery.orderByProcessInstanceId() |
TaskQuery |
TaskQuery.orderByProcessVariable(String variableName,
ValueType valueType) |
Order by a process instance variable value of a certain type.
TaskQuery |
TaskQuery.orderByTaskAssignee() |
TaskQuery |
TaskQuery.orderByTaskCreateTime() |
TaskQuery |
TaskQuery.orderByTaskDescription() |
TaskQuery |
TaskQuery.orderByTaskId() |
TaskQuery |
TaskQuery.orderByTaskName() |
TaskQuery |
TaskQuery.orderByTaskNameCaseInsensitive() |
TaskQuery |
TaskQuery.orderByTaskPriority() |
TaskQuery |
TaskQuery.orderByTaskVariable(String variableName,
ValueType valueType) |
Order by a task variable value of a certain type.
TaskQuery |
TaskQuery.orderByTenantId() |
TaskQuery |
TaskQuery.processDefinitionId(String processDefinitionId) |
Only select tasks which are part of a process instance which has the given
process definition id.
TaskQuery |
TaskQuery.processDefinitionKey(String processDefinitionKey) |
Only select tasks which are part of a process instance which has the given
process definition key.
TaskQuery |
TaskQuery.processDefinitionKeyIn(String... processDefinitionKeys) |
Only select tasks which are part of a process instance which has one of the
given process definition keys.
TaskQuery |
TaskQuery.processDefinitionName(String processDefinitionName) |
Only select tasks which are part of a process instance which has the given
process definition name.
TaskQuery |
TaskQuery.processDefinitionNameLike(String processDefinitionName) |
Only select tasks which are part of a process instance which process definition
name is like the given parameter.
TaskQuery |
TaskQuery.processInstanceBusinessKey(String processInstanceBusinessKey) |
Only select tasks for the given process instance business key
TaskQuery |
TaskQuery.processInstanceBusinessKeyExpression(String processInstanceBusinessKeyExpression) |
Only select tasks for the given process instance business key described by the given expression
TaskQuery |
TaskQuery.processInstanceBusinessKeyIn(String... processInstanceBusinessKeys) |
Only select tasks for any of the given the given process instance business keys.
TaskQuery |
TaskQuery.processInstanceBusinessKeyLike(String processInstanceBusinessKey) |
Only select tasks matching the given process instance business key.
TaskQuery |
TaskQuery.processInstanceBusinessKeyLikeExpression(String processInstanceBusinessKeyExpression) |
Only select tasks matching the given process instance business key described by the given expression.
TaskQuery |
TaskQuery.processInstanceId(String processInstanceId) |
Only select tasks for the given process instance id.
TaskQuery |
TaskQuery.processInstanceIdIn(String... processInstanceIds) |
Only select tasks for the given process instance ids.
TaskQuery |
TaskQuery.processVariableValueEquals(String variableName,
Object variableValue) |
Only select tasks which have are part of a process that have a variable
with the given name set to the given value.
TaskQuery |
TaskQuery.processVariableValueGreaterThan(String variableName,
Object variableValue) |
Only select tasks which are part of a process that have a variable
with the given name and a value greater than the given one.
TaskQuery |
TaskQuery.processVariableValueGreaterThanOrEquals(String variableName,
Object variableValue) |
Only select tasks which are part of a process that have a variable
with the given name and a value greater than or equal to the given one.
TaskQuery |
TaskQuery.processVariableValueLessThan(String variableName,
Object variableValue) |
Only select tasks which are part of a process that have a variable
with the given name and a value less than the given one.
TaskQuery |
TaskQuery.processVariableValueLessThanOrEquals(String variableName,
Object variableValue) |
Only select tasks which are part of a process that have a variable
with the given name and a value greater than or equal to the given one.
TaskQuery |
TaskQuery.processVariableValueLike(String variableName,
String variableValue) |
Only select tasks which are part of a process that have a variable
with the given name and matching the given value.
TaskQuery |
TaskQuery.processVariableValueNotEquals(String variableName,
Object variableValue) |
Only select tasks which have a variable with the given name, but
with a different value than the passed value.
TaskQuery |
TaskQuery.processVariableValueNotLike(String variableName,
String variableValue) |
Only select tasks which are part of a process that have a variable
with the given name and not matching the given value.
TaskQuery |
TaskQuery.suspended() |
Only select tasks which are suspended, because its process instance was suspended.
TaskQuery |
TaskQuery.taskAssigned() |
Only select tasks which have an assignee.
TaskQuery |
TaskQuery.taskAssignee(String assignee) |
Only select tasks which are assigned to the given user.
TaskQuery |
TaskQuery.taskAssigneeExpression(String assigneeExpression) |
Only select tasks which are assigned to the user described by the given expression.
TaskQuery |
TaskQuery.taskAssigneeIn(String... assignees) |
Only select tasks which are assigned to one of the given users.
TaskQuery |
TaskQuery.taskAssigneeLike(String assignee) |
Only select tasks which are matching the given user.
TaskQuery |
TaskQuery.taskAssigneeLikeExpression(String assigneeLikeExpression) |
Only select tasks which are assigned to the user described by the given expression.
TaskQuery |
TaskQuery.taskAssigneeNotIn(String... assignees) |
Only select tasks which are not assigned to any of the given users.
TaskQuery |
TaskQuery.taskCandidateGroup(String candidateGroup) |
Only select tasks for which users in the given group are candidates.
TaskQuery |
TaskQuery.taskCandidateGroupExpression(String candidateGroupExpression) |
Only select tasks for which users in the described group by the given expression are candidates.
TaskQuery |
TaskQuery.taskCandidateGroupIn(List<String> candidateGroups) |
Only select tasks for which the 'candidateGroup' is one of the given groups.
TaskQuery |
TaskQuery.taskCandidateGroupInExpression(String candidateGroupsExpression) |
Only select tasks for which the 'candidateGroup' is one of the described groups of the given expression.
TaskQuery |
TaskQuery.taskCandidateUser(String candidateUser) |
Only select tasks for which the given user or one of his groups is a candidate.
TaskQuery |
TaskQuery.taskCandidateUserExpression(String candidateUserExpression) |
Only select tasks for which the described user by the given expression is a candidate.
TaskQuery |
TaskQuery.taskCreatedAfter(Date after) |
Only select tasks that are created after the given date.
TaskQuery |
TaskQuery.taskCreatedAfterExpression(String afterExpression) |
Only select tasks that are created after the described date by the given expression.
TaskQuery |
TaskQuery.taskCreatedBefore(Date before) |
Only select tasks that are created before the given date.
TaskQuery |
TaskQuery.taskCreatedBeforeExpression(String beforeExpression) |
Only select tasks that are created before the described date by the given expression.
TaskQuery |
TaskQuery.taskCreatedOn(Date createTime) |
Only select tasks that are created on the given date.
TaskQuery |
TaskQuery.taskCreatedOnExpression(String createTimeExpression) |
Only select tasks that are created on the described date by the given expression.
TaskQuery |
TaskQuery.taskDefinitionKey(String key) |
Only select tasks with the given taskDefinitionKey.
TaskQuery |
TaskQuery.taskDefinitionKeyIn(String... taskDefinitionKeys) |
Only select tasks which have one of the taskDefinitionKeys.
TaskQuery |
TaskQuery.taskDefinitionKeyLike(String keyLike) |
Only select tasks with a taskDefinitionKey that match the given parameter.
TaskQuery |
TaskQuery.taskDelegationState(DelegationState delegationState) |
TaskQuery |
TaskQuery.taskDescription(String description) |
Only select tasks with the given description.
TaskQuery |
TaskQuery.taskDescriptionLike(String descriptionLike) |
Only select tasks with a description matching the parameter .
TaskQuery |
TaskQuery.taskId(String taskId) |
Only select tasks with the given task id (in practice, there will be
maximum one of this kind)
TaskQuery |
TaskQuery.taskIdIn(String... taskIds) |
Only select tasks with the given task ids.
TaskQuery |
TaskQuery.taskInvolvedUser(String involvedUser) |
Only select tasks for which there exist an IdentityLink with the given user
TaskQuery |
TaskQuery.taskInvolvedUserExpression(String involvedUserExpression) |
Only select tasks for which there exist an IdentityLink with the
described user by the given expression
TaskQuery |
TaskQuery.taskMaxPriority(Integer maxPriority) |
Only select tasks with the given priority or lower.
TaskQuery |
TaskQuery.taskMinPriority(Integer minPriority) |
Only select tasks with the given priority or higher.
TaskQuery |
TaskQuery.taskName(String name) |
Only select tasks with the given name.
TaskQuery |
TaskQuery.taskNameLike(String nameLike) |
Only select tasks with a name matching the parameter.
TaskQuery |
TaskQuery.taskNameNotEqual(String name) |
Only select tasks with a name not matching the given name/
The query will match the names of tasks in a case-insensitive way.
TaskQuery |
TaskQuery.taskNameNotLike(String nameNotLike) |
Only select tasks with a name not matching the parameter.
TaskQuery |
TaskQuery.taskOwner(String owner) |
Only select tasks for which the given user is the owner.
TaskQuery |
TaskQuery.taskOwnerExpression(String ownerExpression) |
Only select tasks for which the described user by the given expression is the owner.
TaskQuery |
TaskQuery.taskParentTaskId(String parentTaskId) |
Select the tasks which are sub tasks of the given parent task.
TaskQuery |
TaskQuery.taskPriority(Integer priority) |
Only select tasks with the given priority.
TaskQuery |
TaskQuery.taskUnassigned() |
Only select tasks which don't have an assignee.
TaskQuery |
TaskQuery.taskUnnassigned() |
TaskQuery |
TaskQuery.taskVariableValueEquals(String variableName,
Object variableValue) |
Only select tasks which have a local task variable with the given name
set to the given value.
TaskQuery |
TaskQuery.taskVariableValueGreaterThan(String variableName,
Object variableValue) |
Only select tasks which have a local task variable with the given name
and a value greater than the given one.
TaskQuery |
TaskQuery.taskVariableValueGreaterThanOrEquals(String variableName,
Object variableValue) |
Only select tasks which have a local task variable with the given name
and a value greater than or equal to the given one.
TaskQuery |
TaskQuery.taskVariableValueLessThan(String variableName,
Object variableValue) |
Only select tasks which have a local task variable with the given name
and a value less than the given one.
TaskQuery |
TaskQuery.taskVariableValueLessThanOrEquals(String variableName,
Object variableValue) |
Only select tasks which have a local task variable with the given name
and a value less than or equal to the given one.
TaskQuery |
TaskQuery.taskVariableValueLike(String variableName,
String variableValue) |
Only select tasks which have a local task variable with the given name
matching the given value.
TaskQuery |
TaskQuery.taskVariableValueNotEquals(String variableName,
Object variableValue) |
Only select tasks which have a local task variable with the given name, but
with a different value than the passed value.
TaskQuery |
TaskQuery.tenantIdIn(String... tenantIds) |
Only select tasks with one of the given tenant ids.
TaskQuery |
TaskQuery.withCandidateGroups() |
Only select tasks which have a candidate group
TaskQuery |
TaskQuery.withCandidateUsers() |
Only select tasks which have a candidate user
TaskQuery |
TaskQuery.withoutCandidateGroups() |
Only select tasks which have no candidate group
TaskQuery |
TaskQuery.withoutCandidateUsers() |
Only select tasks which have no candidate user
TaskQuery |
TaskQuery.withoutDueDate() |
Only select tasks which have no due date.
TaskQuery |
TaskQuery.withoutTenantId() |
Only select tasks which have no tenant id.