Class ProcessEngineConfigurationImpl

    • Field Detail


        public static final int HISTORYLEVEL_NONE

        public static final int HISTORYLEVEL_ACTIVITY

        public static final int HISTORYLEVEL_AUDIT

        public static final int HISTORYLEVEL_FULL

        public static final int DEFAULT_FAILED_JOB_LISTENER_MAX_RETRIES
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int DEFAULT_INVOCATIONS_PER_BATCH_JOB
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        protected static final Map<Object,​Object> DEFAULT_BEANS_MAP
      • cachedSqlSessionFactory

        public static org.apache.ibatis.session.SqlSessionFactory cachedSqlSessionFactory
      • customPostCommandInterceptorsTxRequired

        protected List<CommandInterceptor> customPostCommandInterceptorsTxRequired
      • commandExecutorTxRequired

        protected CommandExecutor commandExecutorTxRequired
        this will be initialized during the configurationComplete()
      • customPostCommandInterceptorsTxRequiresNew

        protected List<CommandInterceptor> customPostCommandInterceptorsTxRequiresNew
      • commandExecutorTxRequiresNew

        protected CommandExecutor commandExecutorTxRequiresNew
        this will be initialized during the configurationComplete()
      • commandExecutorSchemaOperations

        protected CommandExecutor commandExecutorSchemaOperations
        Separate command executor to be used for db schema operations. Must always use NON-JTA transactions
      • commandRetries

        protected int commandRetries
        Allows for specific commands to be retried when using CockroachDB. This is due to the fact that OptimisticLockingExceptions can't be handled on CockroachDB and transactions must be rolled back. The commands where CockroachDB retries are possible are:
        • BootstrapEngineCommand
        • AcquireJobsCmd
        • DeployCmd
        • FetchExternalTasksCmd
        • HistoryCleanupCmd
        • HistoryLevelSetupCommand
      • customPreDeployers

        protected List<Deployer> customPreDeployers
      • customPostDeployers

        protected List<Deployer> customPostDeployers
      • cacheCapacity

        protected int cacheCapacity
      • enableFetchProcessDefinitionDescription

        protected boolean enableFetchProcessDefinitionDescription
      • jobExecutorPriorityRangeMin

        protected Long jobExecutorPriorityRangeMin
      • jobExecutorPriorityRangeMax

        protected Long jobExecutorPriorityRangeMax
      • sqlSessionFactory

        protected org.apache.ibatis.session.SqlSessionFactory sqlSessionFactory
      • transactionFactory

        protected org.apache.ibatis.transaction.TransactionFactory transactionFactory
      • idGeneratorDataSource

        protected DataSource idGeneratorDataSource
      • idGeneratorDataSourceJndiName

        protected String idGeneratorDataSourceJndiName
      • batchJobsPerSeed

        protected int batchJobsPerSeed
        Number of jobs created by a batch seed job invocation
      • invocationsPerBatchJob

        protected int invocationsPerBatchJob
        Number of invocations executed by a single batch job
      • invocationsPerBatchJobByBatchType

        protected Map<String,​Integer> invocationsPerBatchJobByBatchType
        Map to set an individual value for each batch type to control the invocations per batch job. Unless specified in this map, value of 'invocationsPerBatchJob' is used.
      • batchPollTime

        protected int batchPollTime
        seconds to wait between polling for batch completion
      • batchJobPriority

        protected long batchJobPriority
        default priority for batch jobs
      • disableStrictCamundaFormParsing

        protected boolean disableStrictCamundaFormParsing
        don't throw parsing exceptions for Camunda Forms if set to true
      • defaultSerializationFormat

        protected String defaultSerializationFormat
      • javaSerializationFormatEnabled

        protected boolean javaSerializationFormatEnabled
      • defaultCharsetName

        protected String defaultCharsetName
      • defaultCharset

        protected Charset defaultCharset
      • scriptEngineNameJavaScript

        protected String scriptEngineNameJavaScript
      • autoStoreScriptVariables

        protected boolean autoStoreScriptVariables
      • enableScriptCompilation

        protected boolean enableScriptCompilation
      • enableScriptEngineCaching

        protected boolean enableScriptEngineCaching
      • enableFetchScriptEngineFromProcessApplication

        protected boolean enableFetchScriptEngineFromProcessApplication
      • enableScriptEngineLoadExternalResources

        protected boolean enableScriptEngineLoadExternalResources
      • enableScriptEngineNashornCompatibility

        protected boolean enableScriptEngineNashornCompatibility
      • configureScriptEngineHostAccess

        protected boolean configureScriptEngineHostAccess
      • cmmnEnabled

        protected boolean cmmnEnabled
        When set to false, the following behavior changes:
        • The automated schema maintenance (creating and dropping tables, see property databaseSchemaUpdate) does not cover the tables required for CMMN execution.
        • CMMN resources are not deployed as CaseDefinition to the engine.
        • Tasks from CMMN cases are not returned by the TaskQuery.
      • dmnEnabled

        protected boolean dmnEnabled
        When set to false, the following behavior changes:
        • The automated schema maintenance (creating and dropping tables, see property databaseSchemaUpdate) does not cover the tables required for DMN execution.
        • DMN resources are not deployed as DecisionDefinition or DecisionRequirementsDefinition to the engine.
      • standaloneTasksEnabled

        protected boolean standaloneTasksEnabled
        When set to false, the following behavior changes:
        • Standalone tasks can no longer be created via API.
        • Standalone tasks are not returned by the TaskQuery.
      • enableGracefulDegradationOnContextSwitchFailure

        protected boolean enableGracefulDegradationOnContextSwitchFailure
      • wsSyncFactoryClassName

        protected String wsSyncFactoryClassName
      • dmnFeelCustomFunctionProviders

        protected List<FeelCustomFunctionProvider> dmnFeelCustomFunctionProviders
        a list of DMN FEEL custom function providers
      • dmnFeelEnableLegacyBehavior

        protected boolean dmnFeelEnableLegacyBehavior
        Enable DMN FEEL legacy behavior
      • historyLevels

        protected List<HistoryLevel> historyLevels
        a list of supported history levels
      • customHistoryLevels

        protected List<HistoryLevel> customHistoryLevels
        a list of supported custom history levels
      • isDbIdentityUsed

        protected boolean isDbIdentityUsed
      • isDbHistoryUsed

        protected boolean isDbHistoryUsed
      • databaseTablePrefix

        protected String databaseTablePrefix
      • databaseSchema

        protected String databaseSchema
        In some situations you want to set the schema to use for table checks / generation if the database metadata doesn't return that correctly, see,
      • isCreateDiagramOnDeploy

        protected boolean isCreateDiagramOnDeploy
      • identityProviderSessionFactory

        protected SessionFactory identityProviderSessionFactory
        session factory to be used for obtaining identity provider sessions
      • registeredDeployments

        protected Set<String> registeredDeployments
      • enableDefaultDbHistoryEventHandler

        protected boolean enableDefaultDbHistoryEventHandler
        If true, the default DbHistoryEventHandler will be included in the list of history event handlers.
      • isExecutionTreePrefetchEnabled

        protected boolean isExecutionTreePrefetchEnabled
      • isDeploymentLockUsed

        protected boolean isDeploymentLockUsed
        If true the process engine will attempt to acquire an exclusive lock before creating a deployment.
      • isDeploymentSynchronized

        protected boolean isDeploymentSynchronized
        If true then several deployments will be processed strictly sequentially. When false they may be processed in parallel.
      • isDbEntityCacheReuseEnabled

        protected boolean isDbEntityCacheReuseEnabled
        Allows setting whether the process engine should try reusing the first level entity cache. Default setting is false, enabling it improves performance of asynchronous continuations.
      • isInvokeCustomVariableListeners

        protected boolean isInvokeCustomVariableListeners
      • processEngine

        protected ProcessEngineImpl processEngine
        The process engine created by this configuration.
      • artifactFactory

        protected ArtifactFactory artifactFactory
        used to create instances for listeners, JavaDelegates, etc
      • metricsRegistry

        protected MetricsRegistry metricsRegistry
        the metrics registry
      • isMetricsEnabled

        protected boolean isMetricsEnabled
      • isDbMetricsReporterActivate

        protected boolean isDbMetricsReporterActivate
      • isTaskMetricsEnabled

        protected boolean isTaskMetricsEnabled
      • hostname

        protected String hostname
        the historic job log host name
      • enableExpressionsInAdhocQueries

        protected boolean enableExpressionsInAdhocQueries
        handling of expressions submitted via API; can be used as guards against remote code execution
      • enableExpressionsInStoredQueries

        protected boolean enableExpressionsInStoredQueries
      • enableXxeProcessing

        protected boolean enableXxeProcessing
        If false, disables XML eXternal Entity (XXE) Processing. This provides protection against XXE Processing attacks.
      • restrictUserOperationLogToAuthenticatedUsers

        protected boolean restrictUserOperationLogToAuthenticatedUsers
        If true, user operation log entries are only written if there is an authenticated user present in the context. If false, user operation log entries are written regardless of authentication state.
      • disableStrictCallActivityValidation

        protected boolean disableStrictCallActivityValidation
      • isBpmnStacktraceVerbose

        protected boolean isBpmnStacktraceVerbose
      • forceCloseMybatisConnectionPool

        protected boolean forceCloseMybatisConnectionPool
      • defaultUserPermissionForTask

        protected Permission defaultUserPermissionForTask
      • enableHistoricInstancePermissions

        protected boolean enableHistoricInstancePermissions
        Historic instance permissions are disabled by default
      • isUseSharedSqlSessionFactory

        protected boolean isUseSharedSqlSessionFactory
      • historyCleanupBatchWindowStartTime

        protected String historyCleanupBatchWindowStartTime
      • historyCleanupBatchWindowEndTime

        protected String historyCleanupBatchWindowEndTime
      • historyCleanupBatchWindowStartTimeAsDate

        protected Date historyCleanupBatchWindowStartTimeAsDate
      • historyCleanupBatchWindowEndTimeAsDate

        protected Date historyCleanupBatchWindowEndTimeAsDate
      • mondayHistoryCleanupBatchWindowStartTime

        protected String mondayHistoryCleanupBatchWindowStartTime
      • mondayHistoryCleanupBatchWindowEndTime

        protected String mondayHistoryCleanupBatchWindowEndTime
      • tuesdayHistoryCleanupBatchWindowStartTime

        protected String tuesdayHistoryCleanupBatchWindowStartTime
      • tuesdayHistoryCleanupBatchWindowEndTime

        protected String tuesdayHistoryCleanupBatchWindowEndTime
      • wednesdayHistoryCleanupBatchWindowStartTime

        protected String wednesdayHistoryCleanupBatchWindowStartTime
      • wednesdayHistoryCleanupBatchWindowEndTime

        protected String wednesdayHistoryCleanupBatchWindowEndTime
      • thursdayHistoryCleanupBatchWindowStartTime

        protected String thursdayHistoryCleanupBatchWindowStartTime
      • thursdayHistoryCleanupBatchWindowEndTime

        protected String thursdayHistoryCleanupBatchWindowEndTime
      • fridayHistoryCleanupBatchWindowStartTime

        protected String fridayHistoryCleanupBatchWindowStartTime
      • fridayHistoryCleanupBatchWindowEndTime

        protected String fridayHistoryCleanupBatchWindowEndTime
      • saturdayHistoryCleanupBatchWindowStartTime

        protected String saturdayHistoryCleanupBatchWindowStartTime
      • saturdayHistoryCleanupBatchWindowEndTime

        protected String saturdayHistoryCleanupBatchWindowEndTime
      • sundayHistoryCleanupBatchWindowStartTime

        protected String sundayHistoryCleanupBatchWindowStartTime
      • sundayHistoryCleanupBatchWindowEndTime

        protected String sundayHistoryCleanupBatchWindowEndTime
      • historyCleanupDegreeOfParallelism

        protected int historyCleanupDegreeOfParallelism
      • historyTimeToLive

        protected String historyTimeToLive
      • batchOperationHistoryTimeToLive

        protected String batchOperationHistoryTimeToLive
      • batchOperationsForHistoryCleanup

        protected Map<String,​String> batchOperationsForHistoryCleanup
      • parsedBatchOperationsForHistoryCleanup

        protected Map<String,​Integer> parsedBatchOperationsForHistoryCleanup
      • historyCleanupJobPriority

        protected long historyCleanupJobPriority
        Default priority for history cleanup jobs.
      • historyCleanupJobLogTimeToLive

        protected String historyCleanupJobLogTimeToLive
        Time to live for historic job log entries written by history cleanup jobs. Must be an ISO-8601 conform String specifying only a number of days. Only works in conjunction with removal-time-based cleanup strategy.
      • taskMetricsTimeToLive

        protected String taskMetricsTimeToLive
      • parsedTaskMetricsTimeToLive

        protected Integer parsedTaskMetricsTimeToLive
      • historyRemovalTimeStrategy

        protected String historyRemovalTimeStrategy
      • historyCleanupStrategy

        protected String historyCleanupStrategy
      • historyCleanupEnabled

        protected boolean historyCleanupEnabled
        Controls whether engine participates in history cleanup or not.
      • failedJobRetryTimeCycle

        protected String failedJobRetryTimeCycle
      • loginMaxAttempts

        protected int loginMaxAttempts
      • loginDelayFactor

        protected int loginDelayFactor
      • loginDelayMaxTime

        protected int loginDelayMaxTime
      • loginDelayBase

        protected int loginDelayBase
      • queryMaxResultsLimit

        protected int queryMaxResultsLimit
      • loggingContextActivityId

        protected String loggingContextActivityId
      • loggingContextApplicationName

        protected String loggingContextApplicationName
      • loggingContextBusinessKey

        protected String loggingContextBusinessKey
      • loggingContextProcessDefinitionId

        protected String loggingContextProcessDefinitionId
      • loggingContextProcessInstanceId

        protected String loggingContextProcessInstanceId
      • loggingContextTenantId

        protected String loggingContextTenantId
      • initializeTelemetry

        protected Boolean initializeTelemetry
        Sets the initial property value of telemetry configuration only once when it has never been enabled/disabled before. Subsequent changes can be done only via the Telemetry API in ManagementService
      • telemetryEndpoint

        protected String telemetryEndpoint
        The endpoint which telemetry is sent to
      • telemetryRequestRetries

        protected int telemetryRequestRetries
        The number of times the telemetry request is retried in case it fails
      • isTelemetryReporterActivate

        protected boolean isTelemetryReporterActivate
        Determines if the telemetry reporter thread runs. For telemetry to be sent, this flag must be set to true and telemetry must be enabled via API (see ManagementService.toggleTelemetry(boolean).
      • telemetryHttpConnector

        protected org.camunda.connect.spi.Connector<? extends org.camunda.connect.spi.ConnectorRequest<?>> telemetryHttpConnector
        http client used for sending telemetry
      • telemetryReportingPeriod

        protected long telemetryReportingPeriod
        default: once every 24 hours
      • telemetryData

        protected Data telemetryData
      • telemetryRequestTimeout

        protected int telemetryRequestTimeout
        the connection and socket timeout configuration of the telemetry request in milliseconds default: 15 seconds
      • databaseTypeMappings

        protected static Properties databaseTypeMappings
    • Constructor Detail

      • ProcessEngineConfigurationImpl

        public ProcessEngineConfigurationImpl()