Event Ingestion

Warning! Uncharted territory!

This feature is currently in early beta stage and by no means production ready yet.

The API, the configuration as well as underlying data structures are subject to change and for the latter there is no guarantee of a migration path to the official release.

Event ingestion is the process of sending event data from third-party systems to Camunda Optimize related to business processes that are not fully automated with Camunda BPM yet. Based on this data it is possible to create process models inside Optimize - called event based processes - that can be used in reports.

To enable that beta feature please refer to Event Based Process Configuration

Event Ingestion API

Events can be ingested via a REST API.


To ingest events a shared secret needs to be provided for requests to be accepted. Please refer to Ingestion Configuration for the particular configuration key to set this secret.

An example configuration looks like the following:

    apiSecret: secret

Once configured on every HTTP Request a header X-Optimize-API-Secret with the secret value needs to be provided. Given a configured example value of mySecret, the header would need to be set like this:

X-Optimize-API-Secret: mySecret

Batch Ingestion


PUT /api/ingestion/event/batch

Request Body

A JSON array of event objects:

Name Value/Type Required Description
id String yes A global unique id (GUID) that uniquely identifies a particular event.
group String no A group identifier that may allow to easier identify a group of related events for a user at the stage of mapping events to a process model. An example could be a domain of events that are most likely related to each other, e.g. billing.

Note: The triplet of group, source and eventName will be used as a unique identifier for classes of events.
source String no A source identifier that identifies the originating system, e.g. order-service. It’s purpose is to make it easier for a user to uniquely identify event classes at the stage of mapping events to a process model.

A functional use-case might be if you have conflicting eventNames across different sources, e.g. an eventName:OrderProcessed originating from both order-service and shipping-service. In this case the source field provides means to clearly separate these different types of events even though their name is equal.

Note: The triplet of group, source and eventName will be used as a unique identifier for classes of events.
eventName String yes An event name or type that identifies the nature of the event, e.g. OrderCreated in combination with it’s group and source it’s the most important property to distinguish between events when mapping events to a process model.

Note: The triplet of group, source and eventName will be used as a unique identifier for classes of events.
traceId String yes A traceId is a correlation key that relates multiple events to a single business transaction or process instance speaking in BPMN terms. Events with the same traceId will be correlated into one event based process instance.
timestamp Long yes Milliseconds since Epoch Time of when the event occurred.
data Object no A generic JSON object that includes data related to the event. You may provide any JSON object here but only simple properties of that object will be converted to process instance variables of an event based process instance.

The following is example of a valid simple properties:
  “reviewSuccessful”: true,
  “amount”: 10.5,
  “customerId”: “lovelyCustomer1”
Nested objects like customer like in this example however would get ignored:
  “customer”: {


This method returns no content.

Response Codes

Code Description
204 Request successful.
400 Returned if some of the properties in the request body are invalid or missing.
401 No or wrong secret provided in HTTP Header `X-Optimize-API-Secret`. See [Authentication](#authentication) on how to authenticate.
500 Some error occured while processing the ingested event, best check the Optimize log.



PUT /api/ingestion/event/batch

Request Body:

      "id": "1edc4160-74e5-4ffc-af59-2d281cf5aca341",
      "group": "shop",
      "source": "order-service",
      "eventName": "orderCreated",
      "traceId": "id1",
      "timestamp": 1576589400831,
      "data": {
          "numberField": 1,
          "stringField": "example"
      "id": "1edc4160-74e5-4ffc-af59-2d281cf5aca342",
      "group": "shop",
      "source": "order-service",
      "eventName": "orderValidated",
      "traceId": "id1",
      "timestamp": 1576589400831,
      "data": {
          "numberField": 1,
          "stringField": "example"
      "id": "1edc4160-74e5-4ffc-af59-2d281cf5aca343",
      "group": "shop",
      "source": "shipping-service",
      "eventName": "packageShipped",
      "traceId": "id1",
      "timestamp": 1576589800831


Status 204.

Event Based Process Configuration

In order to make use of ingested events and create event based process mappings based on them, the event based process beta feature needs to be enabled in the Optimize configuration. This also includes authorizing particular users by their userId to access this feature in the user interface.

A full configuration example enabling the event based process beta feature, authorizing the user demo to access it as well as configuring an Event Ingestion API secret with the value secret looks like the following:

  enabled: true
  authorizedUserIds: ['demo']
    apiSecret: secret

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