Before downloading Optimize, make sure you have a JRE (Java Runtime Environment), or better, a JDK (Java Development Kit) installed. It is required to install Java version 8.
Download the Runtime
Optimize is a flexible framework which can be used in different contexts.
Please note that Optimize is an extension to the Camunda BPM platform that is only available to enterprise customers.
Distribution with Elasticsearch
Download the full distribution if you want to use Optimize with an embedded Elasticsearch or if you want to get to know Optimize quickly, without any additional setup or installation steps required.
To install the full distribution, please download the archive with the latest version from the download page:
The full distribution bundles
- Optimize
- The Container / Application Server itself
- Configuration files and plugin folder
- Elasticsearch
See the Installation Guide for additional details.
Distribution without Elasticsearch
You can download the standalone Optimize distribution, which contains all the required files to startup Camunda Optimize, and configure it to connect to your pre-installed Elasticsearch instance.
Get the standalone application from the the download page:
This distribution bundles
- Optimize
- Container / Application Server itself
- Configuration files and plugin folder
See the Installation Guide for additional details.