Interface JobQuery

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public interface JobQuery extends Query<JobQuery,Job>
Allows programmatic querying of Jobs.
Joram Barrez, Falko Menge
  • Method Details

    • jobId

      JobQuery jobId(String jobId)
      Only select jobs with the given id
    • jobIds

      JobQuery jobIds(Set<String> ids)
      Only select jobs whose id is in the given set of ids
    • jobDefinitionId

      JobQuery jobDefinitionId(String jobDefinitionId)
      Only select jobs which exist for the given job definition id.
    • rootProcessInstanceId

      JobQuery rootProcessInstanceId(String rootProcessInstanceId)
      Only select jobs which exist for the given root process instance.
    • processInstanceId

      JobQuery processInstanceId(String processInstanceId)
      Only select jobs which exist for the given process instance.
    • processInstanceIds

      JobQuery processInstanceIds(Set<String> processInstanceIds)
      Only select jobs which exist for any of the given process instance ids
    • processDefinitionId

      JobQuery processDefinitionId(String processDefinitionId)
      Only select jobs which exist for the given process definition id.
    • processDefinitionKey

      JobQuery processDefinitionKey(String processDefinitionKey)
      Only select jobs which exist for the given process definition key.
    • executionId

      JobQuery executionId(String executionId)
      Only select jobs which exist for the given execution
    • activityId

      JobQuery activityId(String activityId)
      Only select jobs which are defined on an activity with the given id.
    • withRetriesLeft

      JobQuery withRetriesLeft()
      Only select jobs which have retries left
    • executable

      JobQuery executable()
      Only select jobs which are executable, ie. retries > 0 and duedate is null or duedate is in the past
    • timers

      JobQuery timers()
      Only select jobs that are timers. Cannot be used together with messages()
    • messages

      JobQuery messages()
      Only select jobs that are messages. Cannot be used together with timers()
    • duedateLowerThan

      JobQuery duedateLowerThan(Date date)
      Only select jobs where the duedate is lower than the given date.
    • duedateHigherThan

      JobQuery duedateHigherThan(Date date)
      Only select jobs where the duedate is higher then the given date.
    • duedateLowerThen

      @Deprecated JobQuery duedateLowerThen(Date date)
      Only select jobs where the duedate is lower then the given date.
    • duedateLowerThenOrEquals

      @Deprecated JobQuery duedateLowerThenOrEquals(Date date)
      Only select jobs where the duedate is lower then or equals the given date.
    • duedateHigherThen

      @Deprecated JobQuery duedateHigherThen(Date date)
      Only select jobs where the duedate is higher then the given date.
    • duedateHigherThenOrEquals

      @Deprecated JobQuery duedateHigherThenOrEquals(Date date)
      Only select jobs where the duedate is higher then or equals the given date.
    • createdBefore

      JobQuery createdBefore(Date date)
      Only select jobs created before the given date.
    • createdAfter

      JobQuery createdAfter(Date date)
      Only select jobs created after the given date.
    • priorityHigherThanOrEquals

      JobQuery priorityHigherThanOrEquals(long priority)
      Only select jobs with a priority that is higher than or equal to the given priority.
    • priorityLowerThanOrEquals

      JobQuery priorityLowerThanOrEquals(long priority)
      Only select jobs with a priority that is lower than or equal to the given priority.
    • withException

      JobQuery withException()
      Only select jobs that failed due to an exception.
    • exceptionMessage

      JobQuery exceptionMessage(String exceptionMessage)
      Only select jobs that failed due to an exception with the given message.
    • failedActivityId

      JobQuery failedActivityId(String activityId)
      Only select jobs that failed due to an exception at an activity with the given id.
    • noRetriesLeft

      JobQuery noRetriesLeft()
      Only select jobs which have no retries left
    • active

      JobQuery active()
      Only select jobs that are not suspended.
    • suspended

      JobQuery suspended()
      Only select jobs that are suspended.
    • tenantIdIn

      JobQuery tenantIdIn(String... tenantIds)
      Only select jobs that belong to one of the given tenant ids.
    • withoutTenantId

      JobQuery withoutTenantId()
      Only select jobs which have no tenant id.
    • includeJobsWithoutTenantId

      JobQuery includeJobsWithoutTenantId()
      Select jobs which have no tenant id. Can be used in combination with tenantIdIn(String...).
    • orderByJobId

      JobQuery orderByJobId()
      Order by job id (needs to be followed by Query.asc() or Query.desc()).
    • orderByJobDuedate

      JobQuery orderByJobDuedate()
      Order by duedate (needs to be followed by Query.asc() or Query.desc()).
    • orderByJobRetries

      JobQuery orderByJobRetries()
      Order by retries (needs to be followed by Query.asc() or Query.desc()).
    • orderByJobPriority

      JobQuery orderByJobPriority()
      Order by priority for execution (needs to be followed by Query.asc() or Query.desc()).
    • orderByProcessInstanceId

      JobQuery orderByProcessInstanceId()
      Order by process instance id (needs to be followed by Query.asc() or Query.desc()).
    • orderByProcessDefinitionId

      JobQuery orderByProcessDefinitionId()
      Order by process definition id (needs to be followed by Query.asc() or Query.desc()).
    • orderByProcessDefinitionKey

      JobQuery orderByProcessDefinitionKey()
      Order by process definition key (needs to be followed by Query.asc() or Query.desc()).
    • orderByExecutionId

      JobQuery orderByExecutionId()
      Order by execution id (needs to be followed by Query.asc() or Query.desc()).
    • orderByTenantId

      JobQuery orderByTenantId()
      Order by tenant id (needs to be followed by Query.asc() or Query.desc()). Note that the ordering of job without tenant id is database-specific.