Process Engine Configuration

The auto starter uses the org.camunda.bpm.engine.impl.cfg.ProcessEnginePlugin mechanism to configure the engine.

The configuration is divided into sections. These sections are represented by the marker interfaces:

  • org.camunda.bpm.spring.boot.starter.configuration.CamundaProcessEngineConfiguration
  • org.camunda.bpm.spring.boot.starter.configuration.CamundaDatasourceConfiguration
  • org.camunda.bpm.spring.boot.starter.configuration.CamundaHistoryConfiguration
  • org.camunda.bpm.spring.boot.starter.configuration.CamundaHistoryLevelAutoHandlingConfiguration
  • org.camunda.bpm.spring.boot.starter.configuration.CamundaJobConfiguration
  • org.camunda.bpm.spring.boot.starter.configuration.CamundaDeploymentConfiguration
  • org.camunda.bpm.spring.boot.starter.configuration.CamundaJpaConfiguration
  • org.camunda.bpm.spring.boot.starter.configuration.CamundaAuthorizationConfiguration
  • org.camunda.bpm.spring.boot.starter.configuration.CamundaFailedJobConfiguration
  • org.camunda.bpm.spring.boot.starter.configuration.CamundaMetricsConfiguration

Default Configurations

The following default and best practice configurations are provided by the starter and can be customized or overridden.


Sets the process engine name and automatically adds all ProcessEnginePlugin beans to the configuration.


Applies the datasource and transaction management configurations to the process engine. If you want to configure more than one datasource and don’t want to use the @Primary one for the process engine, then name the one you want to use as camundaBpmDataSource.

public DataSource primaryDataSource() {
  return DataSourceBuilder.create().build();

public DataSource secondaryDataSource() {
  return DataSourceBuilder.create().build();


Applies the history configuration to the process engine. If not configured, the history level FULL is used. If you want to use a custom HistoryEventHandler, you just have to provide a bean implementing the interface.

public HistoryEventHandler customHistoryEventHandler() {
  return new CustomHistoryEventHanlder();


As camunda version >= 7.4 supports history-level auto, this configuration adds support for versions <= 7.3.

To have more control over the handling, you can provide your own

  • org.camunda.bpm.spring.boot.starter.jdbc.HistoryLevelDeterminator with name historyLevelDeterminator

IMPORTANT: The default configuration is applied after all other default configurations using the ordering mechanism.


Applies the job execution properties to the process engine.

To have more control over the execution itself, you can provide your own

  • org.camunda.bpm.engine.impl.jobexecutor.JobExecutor
  • org.springframework.core.task.TaskExecutor named camundaTaskExecutor


IMPORTANT: The job executor is not enabled in the configuration. This is done after the spring context successfully loaded (see org.camunda.bpm.spring.boot.starter.runlistener).


If auto deployment is enabled (this is the case by default), all processes found in the classpath are deployed. The resource pattern can be changed using properties (see properties).


If JPA is enabled and a entityManagerFactory bean is configured, the process engine is enabled to use JPA (see properties).


Applies the authorization configuration to the process engine. If not configured, the camunda default values are used (see properties).

Overriding the Default Configuration

Provide a bean implementing one of the marker interfaces. For example to customize the datasource configuration:

public class MyCamundaConfiguration {

	public static CamundaDatasourceConfiguration camundaDatasourceConfiguration() {
		return new MyCamundaDatasourceConfiguration();


Adding Additional Configurations

You just have to provide one or more beans implementing the org.camunda.bpm.engine.impl.cfg.ProcessEnginePlugin interface (or extend from org.camunda.bpm.spring.boot.starter.configuration.impl.AbstractCamundaConfiguration). The configurations are applied ordered using the spring ordering mechanism (@Order annotation and Ordered interface). So if you want your configuration to be applied before the default configurations, add a @Order(Ordering.DEFAULT_ORDER - 1) annotation to your class. If you want your configuration to be applied after the default configurations, add a @Order(Ordering.DEFAULT_ORDER + 1) annotation to your class.

public class MyCamundaConfiguration {

	@Order(Ordering.DEFAULT_ORDER + 1)
	public static ProcessEnginePlugin myCustomConfiguration() {
		return new MyCustomConfiguration();


Or, if you have component scan enabled:

@Order(Ordering.DEFAULT_ORDER + 1)
public class MyCustomConfiguration implements ProcessEnginePlugin {

	public void preInit(ProcessEngineConfigurationImpl processEngineConfiguration) {




@Order(Ordering.DEFAULT_ORDER + 1)
public class MyCustomConfiguration extends AbstractCamundaConfiguration {

	public void preInit(SpringProcessEngineConfiguration springProcessEngineConfiguration) {



Camunda Engine Properties

Prefix Property name Description Default value
camunda.bpm .enabled Switch to disable the Camunda auto-configuration. Use to exclude Camunda in integration tests. true
.process-engine-name Name of the process engine Camunda default value
.default-serialization-format Default serialization format Camunda default value
.history-level Camunda history level FULL
.history-level-default Camunda history level to use when history-level is auto, but the level can not determined automatically FULL
.auto-deployment-enabled If processes should be auto deployed. This is disabled when using the SpringBootProcessApplication true
.license-file Provides an URL to your Camunda license file and is automatically inserted into the DB when the application starts (but only if no license key is found in the DB). By default, the license key will be loaded:
  1. from the file with the name camunda-license.txt from classpath (if present)
  2. from path ${user.home}/.camunda/license.txt (if present)
.id-generator Configure idGenerator. Allowed values: simple, strong, prefixed. prefixed id generator is like strong, but uses a Spring application name (${}) as the prefix for each id. strong
.version Version of the process engine Read only value, e.g., 7.4.0
.formatted-version Formatted version of the process engine Read only value, e.g., (v7.4.0)
.deployment-resource-pattern Location for auto deployment classpath*:**/*.bpmn, classpath*:**/*.bpmn20.xml, classpath*:**/*.dmn, classpath*:**/*.dmn11.xml, classpath*:**/*.cmmn, classpath*:**/*.cmmn10.xml, classpath*:**/*.cmmn11.xml
Process application
camunda.bpm.application .delete-upon-undeploy Indicates whether the undeployment of the process archive should trigger deleting the process engine deployment. If the process engine deployment is deleted, all running and historic process instances are removed as well. false
.scan-for-process-definitions Indicates whether the classloader should be scanned for process definitions. true
.deploy-changed-only Indicates whether only changed resources should be part of the deployment. This is independent of the setting that if no resources change, no deployment takes place but the previous deployment is resumed. false
.resume-previous-versions Indicates whether old versions of the deployment should be resumed. false
.resume-previous-by Indicates which previous deployments should be resumed by this deployment. process-definition-key
Job Execution
camunda.bpm.job-execution .enabled If set to false, no JobExecutor bean is created at all. Maybe used for testing. true
.deployment-aware If job executor is deployment aware false
.core-pool-size Set to value > 1 to activate parallel job execution. 3
.max-pool-size Maximum number of parallel threads executing jobs 10
camunda.bpm.database .schema-update If automatic schema update should be applied, use one of [true, false, create, create-drop, drop-create] true
.type Type of the underlying database. Possible values: h2, mysql, mariadb, oracle, postgres, mssql, db2. Will be automatically determined from datasource
.table-prefix Prefix of the camunda database tables. Attention: The table prefix will not be applied if you are using schema-update! Camunda default value
.schema-name The dataBase schema name Camunda default value
camunda.bpm.jpa .enabled Enables jpa configuration true. Depends on entityManagerFactory bean.
.persistence-unit-name JPA persistence unit name -
.close-entity-manager Close JPA entity manager true
.handle-transaction JPA handle transaction true
Management .health.camunda.enabled Enables default camunda health indicators true
camunda.bpm.metrics .enabled Enables metrics reporting Camunda default value
.db-reporter-activate Enables db metrics reporting Camunda default value
camunda.bpm.webapp .index-redirect-enabled Registers a redirect from / to camundas bundled index.html true
camunda.bpm.authorization .enabled Enables authorization Camunda default value
.enabled-for-custom-code Enables authorization for custom code Camunda default value
.authorization-check-revokes Configures authorization check revokes Camunda default value
.tenant-check-enabled Performs tenant checks to ensure that an authenticated user can only access data that belongs to one of his tenants. true
Admin User
camunda.bpm.admin-user .id The username (e.g., 'admin') -
.password The initial password =id
.firstName, .lastName, .email Additional (optional) user attributes Defaults to value of 'id'
camunda.bpm.filter .create Name of a "show all" filter. If set, a new filter is created on start that displayes all tasks. Useful for testing on h2 db. -

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