Class ProcessEngineConfiguration

Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class ProcessEngineConfiguration extends Object
Configuration information from which a process engine can be build.

Most common is to create a process engine based on the default configuration file:

ProcessEngine processEngine = ProcessEngineConfiguration

To create a process engine programatic, without a configuration file, the first option is createStandaloneProcessEngineConfiguration()

ProcessEngine processEngine = ProcessEngineConfiguration
This creates a new process engine with all the defaults to connect to a remote h2 database (jdbc:h2:tcp://localhost/activiti) in standalone mode. Standalone mode means that Activiti will manage the transactions on the JDBC connections that it creates. One transaction per service method. For a description of how to write the configuration files, see the userguide.

The second option is great for testing: createStandaloneInMemProcessEngineConfiguration()

ProcessEngine processEngine = ProcessEngineConfiguration
This creates a new process engine with all the defaults to connect to an memory h2 database (jdbc:h2:tcp://localhost/activiti) in standalone mode. The DB schema strategy default is in this case create-drop. Standalone mode means that Activiti will manage the transactions on the JDBC connections that it creates. One transaction per service method.

On all forms of creating a process engine, you can first customize the configuration before calling the buildProcessEngine() method by calling any of the setters like this:

ProcessEngine processEngine = ProcessEngineConfiguration

Tom Baeyens
See Also:
  • Field Details


      public static final String DB_SCHEMA_UPDATE_FALSE
      Checks the version of the DB schema against the library when the process engine is being created and throws an exception if the versions don't match.
      See Also:

      public static final String DB_SCHEMA_UPDATE_CREATE_DROP
      Creates the schema when the process engine is being created and drops the schema when the process engine is being closed.
      See Also:

      public static final String DB_SCHEMA_UPDATE_TRUE
      Upon building of the process engine, a check is performed and an update of the schema is performed if it is necessary.
      See Also:

      public static final String HISTORY_NONE
      Value for setHistory(String) to ensure that no history is being recorded.
      See Also:

      public static final String HISTORY_ACTIVITY
      Value for setHistory(String) to ensure that only historic process instances and historic activity instances are being recorded. This means no details for those entities.
      See Also:

      @Deprecated public static final String HISTORY_VARIABLE
      Value for setHistory(String) to ensure that only historic process instances, historic activity instances and last process variable values are being recorded.

      NOTE: This history level has been deprecated. Use level HISTORY_ACTIVITY instead.

      See Also:

      public static final String HISTORY_AUDIT
      Value for setHistory(String) to ensure that only historic process instances, historic activity instances and submitted form property values are being recorded.
      See Also:

      public static final String HISTORY_FULL
      Value for setHistory(String) to ensure that all historic information is being recorded, including the variable updates.
      See Also:

      public static final String HISTORY_AUTO
      Value for setHistory(String). Choosing auto causes the configuration to choose the level already present on the database. If none can be found, "audit" is taken.
      See Also:

      public static final String HISTORY_DEFAULT
      The default history level that is used when no history level is configured
      See Also:

      public static final String HISTORY_CLEANUP_STRATEGY_END_TIME_BASED
      History cleanup is performed based on end time.
      See Also:

      History cleanup is performed based on removal time.
      See Also:

      public static final String HISTORY_REMOVAL_TIME_STRATEGY_START
      Removal time for historic entities is set on execution start.
      See Also:

      public static final String HISTORY_REMOVAL_TIME_STRATEGY_END
      Removal time for historic entities is set if execution has been ended.
      See Also:

      public static final String HISTORY_REMOVAL_TIME_STRATEGY_NONE
      Removal time for historic entities is not set.
      See Also:

      public static final String AUTHORIZATION_CHECK_REVOKE_ALWAYS
      Always enables check for revoke authorizations. This mode is equal to the < 7.5 behavior.

      *NOTE:* Checking revoke authorizations is very expensive for resources with a high potential cardinality like tasks or process instances and can render authorized access to the process engine effectively unusable on most databases. You are therefore strongly discouraged from using this mode.

      See Also:

      public static final String AUTHORIZATION_CHECK_REVOKE_NEVER
      Never checks for revoke authorizations. This mode has best performance effectively disables the use of Authorization.AUTH_TYPE_REVOKE. *Note*: It is strongly recommended to use this mode.
      See Also:

      public static final String AUTHORIZATION_CHECK_REVOKE_AUTO
      This mode only checks for revoke authorizations if at least one revoke authorization currently exits for the current user or one of the groups the user is a member of. To achieve this it is checked once per command whether potentially applicable revoke authorizations exist. Based on the outcome, the authorization check then uses revoke or not.

      *NOTE:* Checking revoke authorizations is very expensive for resources with a high potential cardinality like tasks or process instances and can render authorized access to the process engine effectively unusable on most databases.

      See Also:
    • processEngineName

      protected String processEngineName
    • idBlockSize

      protected int idBlockSize
    • history

      protected String history
    • jobExecutorActivate

      protected boolean jobExecutorActivate
    • jobExecutorDeploymentAware

      protected boolean jobExecutorDeploymentAware
    • jobExecutorPreferTimerJobs

      protected boolean jobExecutorPreferTimerJobs
    • jobExecutorAcquireByDueDate

      protected boolean jobExecutorAcquireByDueDate
    • jobExecutorAcquireByPriority

      protected boolean jobExecutorAcquireByPriority
    • ensureJobDueDateNotNull

      protected boolean ensureJobDueDateNotNull
    • producePrioritizedJobs

      protected boolean producePrioritizedJobs
    • producePrioritizedExternalTasks

      protected boolean producePrioritizedExternalTasks
    • hintJobExecutor

      protected boolean hintJobExecutor
      The flag will be used inside the method "JobManager#send()". It will be used to decide whether to notify the job executor that a new job has been created. It will be used for performance improvement, so that the new job could be executed in some situations immediately.
    • mailServerHost

      protected String mailServerHost
    • mailServerUsername

      protected String mailServerUsername
    • mailServerPassword

      protected String mailServerPassword
    • mailServerPort

      protected int mailServerPort
    • useTLS

      protected boolean useTLS
    • mailServerDefaultFrom

      protected String mailServerDefaultFrom
    • databaseType

      protected String databaseType
    • databaseVendor

      protected String databaseVendor
    • databaseVersion

      protected String databaseVersion
    • databaseSchemaUpdate

      protected String databaseSchemaUpdate
    • jdbcDriver

      protected String jdbcDriver
    • jdbcUrl

      protected String jdbcUrl
    • jdbcUsername

      protected String jdbcUsername
    • jdbcPassword

      protected String jdbcPassword
    • dataSourceJndiName

      protected String dataSourceJndiName
    • jdbcMaxActiveConnections

      protected int jdbcMaxActiveConnections
    • jdbcMaxIdleConnections

      protected int jdbcMaxIdleConnections
    • jdbcMaxCheckoutTime

      protected int jdbcMaxCheckoutTime
    • jdbcMaxWaitTime

      protected int jdbcMaxWaitTime
    • jdbcPingEnabled

      protected boolean jdbcPingEnabled
    • jdbcPingQuery

      protected String jdbcPingQuery
    • jdbcPingConnectionNotUsedFor

      protected int jdbcPingConnectionNotUsedFor
    • dataSource

      protected DataSource dataSource
    • schemaOperationsCommand

      protected SchemaOperationsCommand schemaOperationsCommand
    • bootstrapCommand

      protected ProcessEngineBootstrapCommand bootstrapCommand
    • historyLevelCommand

      protected HistoryLevelSetupCommand historyLevelCommand
    • transactionsExternallyManaged

      protected boolean transactionsExternallyManaged
    • jdbcStatementTimeout

      protected Integer jdbcStatementTimeout
      the number of seconds the jdbc driver will wait for a response from the database
    • jdbcBatchProcessing

      protected boolean jdbcBatchProcessing
    • defaultNumberOfRetries

      protected int defaultNumberOfRetries
    • classLoader

      protected ClassLoader classLoader
    • createIncidentOnFailedJobEnabled

      protected boolean createIncidentOnFailedJobEnabled
    • enablePasswordPolicy

      protected boolean enablePasswordPolicy
      configuration of password policy
    • passwordPolicy

      protected PasswordPolicy passwordPolicy
    • authorizationEnabled

      protected boolean authorizationEnabled
      switch for controlling whether the process engine performs authorization checks. The default value is false.
    • defaultUserPermissionNameForTask

      protected String defaultUserPermissionNameForTask
      Provides the default task permission for the user related to a task User can be related to a task in the following ways - Candidate user - Part of candidate group - Assignee - Owner The default value is UPDATE.
    • authorizationEnabledForCustomCode

      protected boolean authorizationEnabledForCustomCode

      The following flag authorizationEnabledForCustomCode will only be taken into account iff authorizationEnabled is set true.

      If the value of the flag authorizationEnabledForCustomCode is set true then an authorization check will be performed by executing commands inside custom code (e.g. inside JavaDelegate).

      The default value is false.

    • tenantCheckEnabled

      protected boolean tenantCheckEnabled
      If the value of this flag is set true then the process engine performs tenant checks to ensure that an authenticated user can only access data that belongs to one of his tenants.
    • valueTypeResolver

      protected ValueTypeResolver valueTypeResolver
    • authorizationCheckRevokes

      protected String authorizationCheckRevokes
    • generalResourceWhitelistPattern

      protected String generalResourceWhitelistPattern
      A parameter used for defining acceptable values for the User, Group and Tenant IDs. The pattern can be defined by using the standard Java Regular Expression syntax should be used.

      By default only alphanumeric values (or 'camunda-admin') will be accepted.

    • userResourceWhitelistPattern

      protected String userResourceWhitelistPattern
      A parameter used for defining acceptable values for the User IDs. The pattern can be defined by using the standard Java Regular Expression syntax should be used.

      If not defined, the general pattern is used. Only alphanumeric values (or 'camunda-admin') will be accepted.

    • groupResourceWhitelistPattern

      protected String groupResourceWhitelistPattern
      A parameter used for defining acceptable values for the Group IDs. The pattern can be defined by using the standard Java Regular Expression syntax should be used.

      If not defined, the general pattern is used. Only alphanumeric values (or 'camunda-admin') will be accepted.

    • tenantResourceWhitelistPattern

      protected String tenantResourceWhitelistPattern
      A parameter used for defining acceptable values for the Tenant IDs. The pattern can be defined by using the standard Java Regular Expression syntax should be used.

      If not defined, the general pattern is used. Only alphanumeric values (or 'camunda-admin') will be accepted.

    • enableExceptionsAfterUnhandledBpmnError

      protected boolean enableExceptionsAfterUnhandledBpmnError
      If the value of this flag is set true then the process engine throws ProcessEngineException when no catching boundary event was defined for an error event.

      The default value is false.

    • skipHistoryOptimisticLockingExceptions

      protected boolean skipHistoryOptimisticLockingExceptions
      If the value of this flag is set to false, OptimisticLockingExceptions are not skipped for UPDATE or DELETE operations applied to historic entities.

      The default value is true.

    • enforceSpecificVariablePermission

      protected boolean enforceSpecificVariablePermission
      If the value of this flag is set to true, READ_INSTANCE_VARIABLE, READ_HISTORY_VARIABLE, or READ_TASK_VARIABLE on Process Definition resource, and READ_VARIABLE on Task resource READ_VARIABLE on Historic Task Instance resource will be required to fetch variables when the authorizations are enabled.
    • disabledPermissions

      protected List<String> disabledPermissions
      Specifies which permissions will not be taken into account in the authorizations checks if authorization is enabled.
    • enableCmdExceptionLogging

      protected boolean enableCmdExceptionLogging
      If the value of this flag is set to false exceptions that occur during command execution will not be logged before re-thrown. This can prevent multiple logs of the same exception (e.g. exceptions that occur during job execution) but can also hide valuable debugging/rootcausing information.
    • enableReducedJobExceptionLogging

      protected boolean enableReducedJobExceptionLogging
      If the value of this flag is set to true exceptions that occur during the execution of a job that still has retries left will not be logged. If the job does not have any retries left, the exception will still be logged on logging level WARN.
    • deserializationAllowedClasses

      protected String deserializationAllowedClasses
      Specifies which classes are allowed for deserialization
    • deserializationAllowedPackages

      protected String deserializationAllowedPackages
      Specifies which packages are allowed for deserialization
    • deserializationTypeValidator

      protected DeserializationTypeValidator deserializationTypeValidator
      Validates types before deserialization
    • deserializationTypeValidationEnabled

      protected boolean deserializationTypeValidationEnabled
      Indicates whether type validation should be done before deserialization
    • installationId

      protected String installationId
      An unique installation identifier
    • skipOutputMappingOnCanceledActivities

      protected boolean skipOutputMappingOnCanceledActivities
      On failing activities we can skip output mapping. This might be helpful if output mapping uses variables that might not be available on failure (e.g. with external tasks or RPA tasks).
  • Constructor Details

    • ProcessEngineConfiguration

      protected ProcessEngineConfiguration()
      use one of the static createXxxx methods instead
  • Method Details

    • buildProcessEngine

      public abstract ProcessEngine buildProcessEngine()
    • createProcessEngineConfigurationFromResourceDefault

      public static ProcessEngineConfiguration createProcessEngineConfigurationFromResourceDefault()
    • createProcessEngineConfigurationFromResource

      public static ProcessEngineConfiguration createProcessEngineConfigurationFromResource(String resource)
    • createProcessEngineConfigurationFromResource

      public static ProcessEngineConfiguration createProcessEngineConfigurationFromResource(String resource, String beanName)
    • createProcessEngineConfigurationFromInputStream

      public static ProcessEngineConfiguration createProcessEngineConfigurationFromInputStream(InputStream inputStream)
    • createProcessEngineConfigurationFromInputStream

      public static ProcessEngineConfiguration createProcessEngineConfigurationFromInputStream(InputStream inputStream, String beanName)
    • createStandaloneProcessEngineConfiguration

      public static ProcessEngineConfiguration createStandaloneProcessEngineConfiguration()
    • createStandaloneInMemProcessEngineConfiguration

      public static ProcessEngineConfiguration createStandaloneInMemProcessEngineConfiguration()
    • getProcessEngineName

      public String getProcessEngineName()
    • setProcessEngineName

      public ProcessEngineConfiguration setProcessEngineName(String processEngineName)
    • getIdBlockSize

      public int getIdBlockSize()
    • setIdBlockSize

      public ProcessEngineConfiguration setIdBlockSize(int idBlockSize)
    • getHistory

      public String getHistory()
    • setHistory

      public ProcessEngineConfiguration setHistory(String history)
    • getMailServerHost

      public String getMailServerHost()
    • setMailServerHost

      public ProcessEngineConfiguration setMailServerHost(String mailServerHost)
    • getMailServerUsername

      public String getMailServerUsername()
    • setMailServerUsername

      public ProcessEngineConfiguration setMailServerUsername(String mailServerUsername)
    • getMailServerPassword

      public String getMailServerPassword()
    • setMailServerPassword

      public ProcessEngineConfiguration setMailServerPassword(String mailServerPassword)
    • getMailServerPort

      public int getMailServerPort()
    • setMailServerPort

      public ProcessEngineConfiguration setMailServerPort(int mailServerPort)
    • getMailServerUseTLS

      public boolean getMailServerUseTLS()
    • setMailServerUseTLS

      public ProcessEngineConfiguration setMailServerUseTLS(boolean useTLS)
    • getMailServerDefaultFrom

      public String getMailServerDefaultFrom()
    • setMailServerDefaultFrom

      public ProcessEngineConfiguration setMailServerDefaultFrom(String mailServerDefaultFrom)
    • getDatabaseType

      public String getDatabaseType()
    • setDatabaseType

      public ProcessEngineConfiguration setDatabaseType(String databaseType)
    • getDatabaseVendor

      public String getDatabaseVendor()
    • setDatabaseVendor

      public ProcessEngineConfiguration setDatabaseVendor(String databaseVendor)
    • getDatabaseVersion

      public String getDatabaseVersion()
    • setDatabaseVersion

      public ProcessEngineConfiguration setDatabaseVersion(String databaseVersion)
    • getDatabaseSchemaUpdate

      public String getDatabaseSchemaUpdate()
    • setDatabaseSchemaUpdate

      public ProcessEngineConfiguration setDatabaseSchemaUpdate(String databaseSchemaUpdate)
    • getDataSource

      public DataSource getDataSource()
    • setDataSource

      public ProcessEngineConfiguration setDataSource(DataSource dataSource)
    • getSchemaOperationsCommand

      public SchemaOperationsCommand getSchemaOperationsCommand()
    • setSchemaOperationsCommand

      public void setSchemaOperationsCommand(SchemaOperationsCommand schemaOperationsCommand)
    • getProcessEngineBootstrapCommand

      public ProcessEngineBootstrapCommand getProcessEngineBootstrapCommand()
    • setProcessEngineBootstrapCommand

      public void setProcessEngineBootstrapCommand(ProcessEngineBootstrapCommand bootstrapCommand)
    • getHistoryLevelCommand

      public HistoryLevelSetupCommand getHistoryLevelCommand()
    • setHistoryLevelCommand

      public void setHistoryLevelCommand(HistoryLevelSetupCommand historyLevelCommand)
    • getJdbcDriver

      public String getJdbcDriver()
    • setJdbcDriver

      public ProcessEngineConfiguration setJdbcDriver(String jdbcDriver)
    • getJdbcUrl

      public String getJdbcUrl()
    • setJdbcUrl

      public ProcessEngineConfiguration setJdbcUrl(String jdbcUrl)
    • getJdbcUsername

      public String getJdbcUsername()
    • setJdbcUsername

      public ProcessEngineConfiguration setJdbcUsername(String jdbcUsername)
    • getJdbcPassword

      public String getJdbcPassword()
    • setJdbcPassword

      public ProcessEngineConfiguration setJdbcPassword(String jdbcPassword)
    • isTransactionsExternallyManaged

      public boolean isTransactionsExternallyManaged()
    • setTransactionsExternallyManaged

      public ProcessEngineConfiguration setTransactionsExternallyManaged(boolean transactionsExternallyManaged)
    • getJdbcMaxActiveConnections

      public int getJdbcMaxActiveConnections()
    • setJdbcMaxActiveConnections

      public ProcessEngineConfiguration setJdbcMaxActiveConnections(int jdbcMaxActiveConnections)
    • getJdbcMaxIdleConnections

      public int getJdbcMaxIdleConnections()
    • setJdbcMaxIdleConnections

      public ProcessEngineConfiguration setJdbcMaxIdleConnections(int jdbcMaxIdleConnections)
    • getJdbcMaxCheckoutTime

      public int getJdbcMaxCheckoutTime()
    • setJdbcMaxCheckoutTime

      public ProcessEngineConfiguration setJdbcMaxCheckoutTime(int jdbcMaxCheckoutTime)
    • getJdbcMaxWaitTime

      public int getJdbcMaxWaitTime()
    • setJdbcMaxWaitTime

      public ProcessEngineConfiguration setJdbcMaxWaitTime(int jdbcMaxWaitTime)
    • isJdbcPingEnabled

      public boolean isJdbcPingEnabled()
    • setJdbcPingEnabled

      public ProcessEngineConfiguration setJdbcPingEnabled(boolean jdbcPingEnabled)
    • getJdbcPingQuery

      public String getJdbcPingQuery()
    • setJdbcPingQuery

      public ProcessEngineConfiguration setJdbcPingQuery(String jdbcPingQuery)
    • getJdbcPingConnectionNotUsedFor

      public int getJdbcPingConnectionNotUsedFor()
    • setJdbcPingConnectionNotUsedFor

      public ProcessEngineConfiguration setJdbcPingConnectionNotUsedFor(int jdbcPingNotUsedFor)
    • getJdbcStatementTimeout

      public Integer getJdbcStatementTimeout()
      Gets the number of seconds the jdbc driver will wait for a response from the database.
    • setJdbcStatementTimeout

      public ProcessEngineConfiguration setJdbcStatementTimeout(Integer jdbcStatementTimeout)
      Sets the number of seconds the jdbc driver will wait for a response from the database.
    • isJdbcBatchProcessing

      public boolean isJdbcBatchProcessing()
    • setJdbcBatchProcessing

      public ProcessEngineConfiguration setJdbcBatchProcessing(boolean jdbcBatchProcessing)
    • isJobExecutorActivate

      public boolean isJobExecutorActivate()
    • setJobExecutorActivate

      public ProcessEngineConfiguration setJobExecutorActivate(boolean jobExecutorActivate)
    • isJobExecutorDeploymentAware

      public boolean isJobExecutorDeploymentAware()
    • setJobExecutorDeploymentAware

      public ProcessEngineConfiguration setJobExecutorDeploymentAware(boolean jobExecutorDeploymentAware)
    • isJobExecutorAcquireByDueDate

      public boolean isJobExecutorAcquireByDueDate()
    • setJobExecutorAcquireByDueDate

      public ProcessEngineConfiguration setJobExecutorAcquireByDueDate(boolean jobExecutorAcquireByDueDate)
    • isJobExecutorPreferTimerJobs

      public boolean isJobExecutorPreferTimerJobs()
    • setJobExecutorPreferTimerJobs

      public ProcessEngineConfiguration setJobExecutorPreferTimerJobs(boolean jobExecutorPreferTimerJobs)
    • isHintJobExecutor

      public boolean isHintJobExecutor()
    • setHintJobExecutor

      public ProcessEngineConfiguration setHintJobExecutor(boolean hintJobExecutor)
    • getClassLoader

      public ClassLoader getClassLoader()
    • setClassLoader

      public ProcessEngineConfiguration setClassLoader(ClassLoader classLoader)
    • getDataSourceJndiName

      public String getDataSourceJndiName()
    • setDataSourceJndiName

      public void setDataSourceJndiName(String dataSourceJndiName)
    • isCreateIncidentOnFailedJobEnabled

      public boolean isCreateIncidentOnFailedJobEnabled()
    • setCreateIncidentOnFailedJobEnabled

      public ProcessEngineConfiguration setCreateIncidentOnFailedJobEnabled(boolean createIncidentOnFailedJobEnabled)
    • isAuthorizationEnabled

      public boolean isAuthorizationEnabled()
    • setAuthorizationEnabled

      public ProcessEngineConfiguration setAuthorizationEnabled(boolean isAuthorizationChecksEnabled)
    • getDefaultUserPermissionNameForTask

      public String getDefaultUserPermissionNameForTask()
    • setDefaultUserPermissionNameForTask

      public ProcessEngineConfiguration setDefaultUserPermissionNameForTask(String defaultUserPermissionNameForTask)
    • isAuthorizationEnabledForCustomCode

      public boolean isAuthorizationEnabledForCustomCode()
    • setAuthorizationEnabledForCustomCode

      public ProcessEngineConfiguration setAuthorizationEnabledForCustomCode(boolean authorizationEnabledForCustomCode)
    • isTenantCheckEnabled

      public boolean isTenantCheckEnabled()
    • setTenantCheckEnabled

      public ProcessEngineConfiguration setTenantCheckEnabled(boolean isTenantCheckEnabled)
    • getGeneralResourceWhitelistPattern

      public String getGeneralResourceWhitelistPattern()
    • setGeneralResourceWhitelistPattern

      public void setGeneralResourceWhitelistPattern(String generalResourceWhitelistPattern)
    • getUserResourceWhitelistPattern

      public String getUserResourceWhitelistPattern()
    • setUserResourceWhitelistPattern

      public void setUserResourceWhitelistPattern(String userResourceWhitelistPattern)
    • getGroupResourceWhitelistPattern

      public String getGroupResourceWhitelistPattern()
    • setGroupResourceWhitelistPattern

      public void setGroupResourceWhitelistPattern(String groupResourceWhitelistPattern)
    • getTenantResourceWhitelistPattern

      public String getTenantResourceWhitelistPattern()
    • setTenantResourceWhitelistPattern

      public void setTenantResourceWhitelistPattern(String tenantResourceWhitelistPattern)
    • getDefaultNumberOfRetries

      public int getDefaultNumberOfRetries()
    • setDefaultNumberOfRetries

      public void setDefaultNumberOfRetries(int defaultNumberOfRetries)
    • getValueTypeResolver

      public ValueTypeResolver getValueTypeResolver()
    • setValueTypeResolver

      public ProcessEngineConfiguration setValueTypeResolver(ValueTypeResolver valueTypeResolver)
    • isEnsureJobDueDateNotNull

      public boolean isEnsureJobDueDateNotNull()
    • setEnsureJobDueDateNotNull

      public void setEnsureJobDueDateNotNull(boolean ensureJobDueDateNotNull)
    • isProducePrioritizedJobs

      public boolean isProducePrioritizedJobs()
    • setProducePrioritizedJobs

      public void setProducePrioritizedJobs(boolean producePrioritizedJobs)
    • isJobExecutorAcquireByPriority

      public boolean isJobExecutorAcquireByPriority()
    • setJobExecutorAcquireByPriority

      public void setJobExecutorAcquireByPriority(boolean jobExecutorAcquireByPriority)
    • isProducePrioritizedExternalTasks

      public boolean isProducePrioritizedExternalTasks()
    • setProducePrioritizedExternalTasks

      public void setProducePrioritizedExternalTasks(boolean producePrioritizedExternalTasks)
    • setAuthorizationCheckRevokes

      public void setAuthorizationCheckRevokes(String authorizationCheckRevokes)
    • getAuthorizationCheckRevokes

      public String getAuthorizationCheckRevokes()
    • isEnableExceptionsAfterUnhandledBpmnError

      public boolean isEnableExceptionsAfterUnhandledBpmnError()
    • setEnableExceptionsAfterUnhandledBpmnError

      public void setEnableExceptionsAfterUnhandledBpmnError(boolean enableExceptionsAfterUnhandledBpmnError)
    • isSkipHistoryOptimisticLockingExceptions

      public boolean isSkipHistoryOptimisticLockingExceptions()
    • setSkipHistoryOptimisticLockingExceptions

      public ProcessEngineConfiguration setSkipHistoryOptimisticLockingExceptions(boolean skipHistoryOptimisticLockingExceptions)
    • isEnforceSpecificVariablePermission

      public boolean isEnforceSpecificVariablePermission()
    • setEnforceSpecificVariablePermission

      public void setEnforceSpecificVariablePermission(boolean ensureSpecificVariablePermission)
    • getDisabledPermissions

      public List<String> getDisabledPermissions()
    • setDisabledPermissions

      public void setDisabledPermissions(List<String> disabledPermissions)
    • isEnablePasswordPolicy

      public boolean isEnablePasswordPolicy()
    • setEnablePasswordPolicy

      public ProcessEngineConfiguration setEnablePasswordPolicy(boolean enablePasswordPolicy)
    • getPasswordPolicy

      public PasswordPolicy getPasswordPolicy()
    • setPasswordPolicy

      public ProcessEngineConfiguration setPasswordPolicy(PasswordPolicy passwordPolicy)
    • isEnableCmdExceptionLogging

      public boolean isEnableCmdExceptionLogging()
    • setEnableCmdExceptionLogging

      public ProcessEngineConfiguration setEnableCmdExceptionLogging(boolean enableCmdExceptionLogging)
    • isEnableReducedJobExceptionLogging

      public boolean isEnableReducedJobExceptionLogging()
    • setEnableReducedJobExceptionLogging

      public ProcessEngineConfiguration setEnableReducedJobExceptionLogging(boolean enableReducedJobExceptionLogging)
    • getDeserializationAllowedClasses

      public String getDeserializationAllowedClasses()
    • setDeserializationAllowedClasses

      public ProcessEngineConfiguration setDeserializationAllowedClasses(String deserializationAllowedClasses)
    • getDeserializationAllowedPackages

      public String getDeserializationAllowedPackages()
    • setDeserializationAllowedPackages

      public ProcessEngineConfiguration setDeserializationAllowedPackages(String deserializationAllowedPackages)
    • getDeserializationTypeValidator

      public DeserializationTypeValidator getDeserializationTypeValidator()
    • setDeserializationTypeValidator

      public ProcessEngineConfiguration setDeserializationTypeValidator(DeserializationTypeValidator deserializationTypeValidator)
    • isDeserializationTypeValidationEnabled

      public boolean isDeserializationTypeValidationEnabled()
    • setDeserializationTypeValidationEnabled

      public ProcessEngineConfiguration setDeserializationTypeValidationEnabled(boolean deserializationTypeValidationEnabled)
    • getInstallationId

      public String getInstallationId()
    • setInstallationId

      public ProcessEngineConfiguration setInstallationId(String installationId)
    • isSkipOutputMappingOnCanceledActivities

      public boolean isSkipOutputMappingOnCanceledActivities()
    • setSkipOutputMappingOnCanceledActivities

      public void setSkipOutputMappingOnCanceledActivities(boolean skipOutputMappingOnCanceledActivities)