Class DefaultPriorityProvider<T>

Type Parameters:
T - the type of the param to determine the priority
All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
DefaultExternalTaskPriorityProvider, DefaultJobPriorityProvider

public abstract class DefaultPriorityProvider<T> extends Object implements PriorityProvider<T>
Represents a default priority provider, which contains some functionality to evaluate the priority. Can be used as base class for other priority providers. *
Christopher Zell <>
  • Field Details


      public static long DEFAULT_PRIORITY
      The default priority.

      The default priority in case of resolution failure.
  • Constructor Details

    • DefaultPriorityProvider

      public DefaultPriorityProvider()
  • Method Details

    • getDefaultPriority

      public long getDefaultPriority()
      Returns the default priority.
      the default priority
    • getDefaultPriorityOnResolutionFailure

      public long getDefaultPriorityOnResolutionFailure()
      Returns the default priority in case of resolution failure.
      the default priority
    • evaluateValueProvider

      protected Long evaluateValueProvider(ParameterValueProvider valueProvider, ExecutionEntity execution, String errorMessageHeading)
      Evaluates a given value provider with the given execution entity to determine the correct value. The error message heading is used for the error message if the validation fails because the value is no valid priority.
      valueProvider - the provider which contains the value
      execution - the execution entity
      errorMessageHeading - the heading which is used for the error message
      the valid priority value
    • determinePriority

      public long determinePriority(ExecutionEntity execution, T param, String jobDefinitionId)
      Specified by:
      determinePriority in interface PriorityProvider<T>
      execution - may be null when the job is not created in the context of a running process instance (e.g. a timer start event)
      param - extra parameter to determine priority on
      jobDefinitionId - the job definition id if related to a job
      the determined priority
    • getSpecificPriority

      protected abstract Long getSpecificPriority(ExecutionEntity execution, T param, String jobDefinitionId)
      Returns the priority defined in the specific entity. Like a job definition priority or an activity priority. The result can also be null in that case the process priority will be used.
      execution - the current execution
      param - the generic param
      jobDefinitionId - the job definition id if related to a job
      the specific priority
    • getProcessDefinitionPriority

      protected abstract Long getProcessDefinitionPriority(ExecutionEntity execution, T param)
      Returns the priority defined in the process definition. Can also be null in that case the fallback is the default priority.
      execution - the current execution
      param - the generic param
      the priority defined in the process definition
    • getProcessDefinedPriority

      protected Long getProcessDefinedPriority(ProcessDefinitionImpl processDefinition, String propertyKey, ExecutionEntity execution, String errorMsgHead)
      Returns the priority which is defined in the given process definition. The priority value is identified with the given propertyKey. Returns null if the process definition is null or no priority was defined.
      processDefinition - the process definition that should contains the priority
      propertyKey - the key which identifies the property
      execution - the current execution
      errorMsgHead - the error message header which is used if the evaluation fails
      the priority defined in the given process
    • logNotDeterminingPriority

      protected abstract void logNotDeterminingPriority(ExecutionEntity execution, Object value, ProcessEngineException e)
      Logs the exception which was thrown if the priority can not be determined.
      execution - the current execution entity
      value - the current value
      e - the exception which was catched
    • isSymptomOfContextSwitchFailure

      protected boolean isSymptomOfContextSwitchFailure(Throwable t, ExecutionEntity contextExecution)
    • isValidLongValue

      protected boolean isValidLongValue(Number value)
      Checks if the given number is a valid long value.
      value - the number which should be checked
      true if is a valid long value, false otherwise