public interface HistoricTaskInstanceQuery extends Query<HistoricTaskInstanceQuery,HistoricTaskInstance>
s.Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
HistoricTaskInstanceQuery |
activityInstanceIdIn(String... activityInstanceIds)
Only select historic task instances which have one of the given activity instance ids.
HistoricTaskInstanceQuery |
caseDefinitionId(String caseDefinitionId)
Only select historic task instances for the given case definition.
HistoricTaskInstanceQuery |
caseDefinitionKey(String caseDefinitionKey)
Only select historic task instances which are part of a case instance
which has the given case definition key.
HistoricTaskInstanceQuery |
caseDefinitionName(String caseDefinitionName)
Only select historic task instances which are part of a (historic) case instance
which has the given case definition name.
HistoricTaskInstanceQuery |
caseExecutionId(String caseExecutionId)
Only select historic task instances for the given case execution id.
HistoricTaskInstanceQuery |
caseInstanceId(String caseInstanceId)
Only select historic task instances for the given case instance.
HistoricTaskInstanceQuery |
executionId(String executionId)
Only select historic task instances for the given execution.
HistoricTaskInstanceQuery |
Only select historic task instances which are finished.
HistoricTaskInstanceQuery |
finishedAfter(Date date)
Only select tasks where end time is after given date
HistoricTaskInstanceQuery |
finishedBefore(Date date)
Only select tasks where end time is before given date
HistoricTaskInstanceQuery |
Order by case definition id (needs to be followed by
Query.asc() or Query.desc() ). |
HistoricTaskInstanceQuery |
Order by case execution id (needs to be followed by
Query.asc() or Query.desc() ). |
HistoricTaskInstanceQuery |
Order by case instance id (needs to be followed by
Query.asc() or Query.desc() ). |
HistoricTaskInstanceQuery |
Order by task delete reason (needs to be followed by
Query.asc() or Query.desc() ). |
HistoricTaskInstanceQuery |
Order by execution id (needs to be followed by
Query.asc() or Query.desc() ). |
HistoricTaskInstanceQuery |
Order by the historic activity instance id this task was used in
(needs to be followed by
Query.asc() or Query.desc() ). |
HistoricTaskInstanceQuery |
Order by start time (needs to be followed by
Query.asc() or Query.desc() ). |
HistoricTaskInstanceQuery |
Order by duration (needs to be followed by
Query.asc() or Query.desc() ). |
HistoricTaskInstanceQuery |
Order by end time (needs to be followed by
Query.asc() or Query.desc() ). |
HistoricTaskInstanceQuery |
Order by process definition id (needs to be followed by
Query.asc() or Query.desc() ). |
HistoricTaskInstanceQuery |
Order by process instance id (needs to be followed by
Query.asc() or Query.desc() ). |
HistoricTaskInstanceQuery |
Order by task assignee (needs to be followed by
Query.asc() or Query.desc() ). |
HistoricTaskInstanceQuery |
Order by task definition key (needs to be followed by
Query.asc() or Query.desc() ). |
HistoricTaskInstanceQuery |
Order by task description (needs to be followed by
Query.asc() or Query.desc() ). |
HistoricTaskInstanceQuery |
Order by task due date (needs to be followed by
Query.asc() or Query.desc() ). |
HistoricTaskInstanceQuery |
Order by task follow-up date (needs to be followed by
Query.asc() or Query.desc() ). |
HistoricTaskInstanceQuery |
Order by task id (needs to be followed by
Query.asc() or Query.desc() ). |
HistoricTaskInstanceQuery |
Order by task name (needs to be followed by
Query.asc() or Query.desc() ). |
HistoricTaskInstanceQuery |
Order by task owner (needs to be followed by
Query.asc() or Query.desc() ). |
HistoricTaskInstanceQuery |
Order by task priority key (needs to be followed by
Query.asc() or Query.desc() ). |
HistoricTaskInstanceQuery |
Order by tenant id (needs to be followed by
Query.asc() or Query.desc() ). |
HistoricTaskInstanceQuery |
processDefinitionId(String processDefinitionId)
Only select historic task instances for the given process definition.
HistoricTaskInstanceQuery |
processDefinitionKey(String processDefinitionKey)
Only select historic task instances which are part of a (historic) process instance
which has the given process definition key.
HistoricTaskInstanceQuery |
processDefinitionName(String processDefinitionName)
Only select historic task instances which are part of a (historic) process instance
which has the given definition name.
HistoricTaskInstanceQuery |
Only select historic task instances which are part of a process
instance which is already finished.
HistoricTaskInstanceQuery |
processInstanceBusinessKey(String processInstanceBusinessKey)
Only select historic tasks for the given process instance business key
HistoricTaskInstanceQuery |
processInstanceBusinessKeyIn(String... processInstanceBusinessKeys)
Only select historic tasks for any of the given the given process instance business keys.
HistoricTaskInstanceQuery |
processInstanceBusinessKeyLike(String processInstanceBusinessKey)
Only select historic tasks matching the given process instance business key.
HistoricTaskInstanceQuery |
processInstanceId(String processInstanceId)
Only select historic task instances for the given process instance.
HistoricTaskInstanceQuery |
Only select historic task instances which are part of a process
instance which is not finished yet.
HistoricTaskInstanceQuery |
processVariableValueEquals(String variableName,
Object variableValue)
Only select historic task instances which are part of a process instance which have a variable
with the given name set to the given value.
HistoricTaskInstanceQuery |
processVariableValueGreaterThan(String variableName,
Object variableValue)
Only select historic task instances which are part of a process that have a variable
with the given name and a value greater than the given one.
HistoricTaskInstanceQuery |
processVariableValueGreaterThanOrEquals(String variableName,
Object variableValue)
Only select historic task instances which are part of a process that have a variable
with the given name and a value greater than or equal to the given one.
HistoricTaskInstanceQuery |
processVariableValueLessThan(String variableName,
Object variableValue)
Only select historic task instances which are part of a process that have a variable
with the given name and a value less than the given one.
HistoricTaskInstanceQuery |
processVariableValueLessThanOrEquals(String variableName,
Object variableValue)
Only select historic task instances which are part of a process that have a variable
with the given name and a value less than or equal to the given one.
HistoricTaskInstanceQuery |
processVariableValueLike(String variableName,
Object variableValue)
Only select historic task instances which are part of a process that have a variable
with the given name and matching the given value.
HistoricTaskInstanceQuery |
processVariableValueNotEquals(String variableName,
Object variableValue)
Only select historic task instances which have a variable with the given name, but
with a different value than the passed value.
HistoricTaskInstanceQuery |
startedAfter(Date date)
Only select tasks where started after given date
HistoricTaskInstanceQuery |
startedBefore(Date date)
Only select tasks where started before given date
HistoricTaskInstanceQuery |
Only select historic task instances with an assignee.
HistoricTaskInstanceQuery |
taskAssignee(String taskAssignee)
Only select historic task instances which were last taskAssigned to the given assignee.
HistoricTaskInstanceQuery |
taskAssigneeLike(String taskAssigneeLike)
Only select historic task instances which were last taskAssigned to an assignee like
the given value.
HistoricTaskInstanceQuery |
taskDefinitionKey(String taskDefinitionKey)
Only select historic task instances with the given task definition key.
HistoricTaskInstanceQuery |
taskDefinitionKeyIn(String... taskDefinitionKeys)
Only select historic task instances with one of the given task definition keys.
HistoricTaskInstanceQuery |
taskDeleteReason(String taskDeleteReason)
Only select historic task instances with the given task delete reason.
HistoricTaskInstanceQuery |
taskDeleteReasonLike(String taskDeleteReasonLike)
Only select historic task instances with a task description like the given value.
HistoricTaskInstanceQuery |
taskDescription(String taskDescription)
Only select historic task instances with the given task description.
HistoricTaskInstanceQuery |
taskDescriptionLike(String taskDescriptionLike)
Only select historic task instances with a task description like the given value.
HistoricTaskInstanceQuery |
taskDueAfter(Date dueDate)
Only select select historic task instances which have a due date after the given date.
HistoricTaskInstanceQuery |
taskDueBefore(Date dueDate)
Only select select historic task instances which have a due date before the given date.
HistoricTaskInstanceQuery |
taskDueDate(Date dueDate)
Only select select historic task instances with the given due date.
HistoricTaskInstanceQuery |
taskFollowUpAfter(Date followUpDate)
Only select select historic task instances which have a follow-up date after the given date.
HistoricTaskInstanceQuery |
taskFollowUpBefore(Date followUpDate)
Only select select historic task instances which have a follow-up date before the given date.
HistoricTaskInstanceQuery |
taskFollowUpDate(Date followUpDate)
Only select select historic task instances with the given follow-up date.
HistoricTaskInstanceQuery |
taskHadCandidateGroup(String candidateGroup)
Only select historic task instances which have mapping
with Historic identity links with the condition of group being a candidate
HistoricTaskInstanceQuery |
taskHadCandidateUser(String candidateUser)
Only select historic task instances which have mapping
with Historic identity links with the condition of user being a candidate
HistoricTaskInstanceQuery |
taskId(String taskId)
Only select historic task instances for the given task id.
HistoricTaskInstanceQuery |
taskInvolvedGroup(String involvedGroup)
Only select historic task instances which have mapping
with Historic identity links based on group id
HistoricTaskInstanceQuery |
taskInvolvedUser(String involvedUser)
Only select historic task instances which have mapping
with Historic identity links based on user id
HistoricTaskInstanceQuery |
taskName(String taskName)
Only select historic task instances with the given task name.
HistoricTaskInstanceQuery |
taskNameLike(String taskNameLike)
Only select historic task instances with a task name like the given value.
HistoricTaskInstanceQuery |
taskOwner(String taskOwner)
Only select historic task instances which have the given owner.
HistoricTaskInstanceQuery |
taskOwnerLike(String taskOwnerLike)
Only select historic task instances which have an owner like the one specified.
HistoricTaskInstanceQuery |
taskParentTaskId(String parentTaskId)
Only select subtasks of the given parent task
HistoricTaskInstanceQuery |
taskPriority(Integer taskPriority)
Only select historic task instances with the given priority.
HistoricTaskInstanceQuery |
Only select historic task instances without an assignee.
HistoricTaskInstanceQuery |
taskVariableValueEquals(String variableName,
Object variableValue)
Only select historic task instances which have a local task variable with the
given name set to the given value.
HistoricTaskInstanceQuery |
tenantIdIn(String... tenantIds)
Only select historic task instances with one of the given tenant ids.
HistoricTaskInstanceQuery |
Only select historic task instances which aren't finished yet.
HistoricTaskInstanceQuery |
Only select historic task instances which have a candidate group
HistoricTaskInstanceQuery |
Only select historic task instances which have no candidate group
HistoricTaskInstanceQuery taskId(String taskId)
HistoricTaskInstanceQuery processInstanceId(String processInstanceId)
HistoricTaskInstanceQuery processInstanceBusinessKey(String processInstanceBusinessKey)
HistoricTaskInstanceQuery processInstanceBusinessKeyIn(String... processInstanceBusinessKeys)
HistoricTaskInstanceQuery processInstanceBusinessKeyLike(String processInstanceBusinessKey)
HistoricTaskInstanceQuery executionId(String executionId)
HistoricTaskInstanceQuery activityInstanceIdIn(String... activityInstanceIds)
HistoricTaskInstanceQuery processDefinitionId(String processDefinitionId)
HistoricTaskInstanceQuery processDefinitionKey(String processDefinitionKey)
HistoricTaskInstanceQuery processDefinitionName(String processDefinitionName)
HistoricTaskInstanceQuery caseDefinitionId(String caseDefinitionId)
HistoricTaskInstanceQuery caseDefinitionKey(String caseDefinitionKey)
HistoricTaskInstanceQuery caseDefinitionName(String caseDefinitionName)
HistoricTaskInstanceQuery caseInstanceId(String caseInstanceId)
HistoricTaskInstanceQuery caseExecutionId(String caseExecutionId)
HistoricTaskInstanceQuery taskName(String taskName)
HistoricTaskInstanceQuery taskNameLike(String taskNameLike)
HistoricTaskInstanceQuery taskDescription(String taskDescription)
HistoricTaskInstanceQuery taskDescriptionLike(String taskDescriptionLike)
HistoricTaskInstanceQuery taskDefinitionKey(String taskDefinitionKey)
HistoricTaskInstanceQuery taskDefinitionKeyIn(String... taskDefinitionKeys)
HistoricTaskInstanceQuery taskDeleteReason(String taskDeleteReason)
HistoricTaskInstanceQuery taskDeleteReasonLike(String taskDeleteReasonLike)
HistoricTaskInstanceQuery taskAssigned()
HistoricTaskInstanceQuery taskUnassigned()
HistoricTaskInstanceQuery taskAssignee(String taskAssignee)
HistoricTaskInstanceQuery taskAssigneeLike(String taskAssigneeLike)
HistoricTaskInstanceQuery taskOwner(String taskOwner)
HistoricTaskInstanceQuery taskOwnerLike(String taskOwnerLike)
HistoricTaskInstanceQuery taskPriority(Integer taskPriority)
HistoricTaskInstanceQuery finished()
HistoricTaskInstanceQuery unfinished()
HistoricTaskInstanceQuery processFinished()
HistoricTaskInstanceQuery processUnfinished()
HistoricTaskInstanceQuery taskInvolvedUser(String involvedUser)
HistoricTaskInstanceQuery taskInvolvedGroup(String involvedGroup)
HistoricTaskInstanceQuery taskHadCandidateUser(String candidateUser)
HistoricTaskInstanceQuery taskHadCandidateGroup(String candidateGroup)
HistoricTaskInstanceQuery withCandidateGroups()
HistoricTaskInstanceQuery withoutCandidateGroups()
HistoricTaskInstanceQuery taskVariableValueEquals(String variableName, Object variableValue)
HistoricTaskInstanceQuery taskParentTaskId(String parentTaskId)
HistoricTaskInstanceQuery processVariableValueEquals(String variableName, Object variableValue)
) will be used, so make sure history-level is configured
>= AUDIT when this feature is used.HistoricTaskInstanceQuery processVariableValueNotEquals(String variableName, Object variableValue)
objects (which are not primitive type wrappers)
are not supported.HistoricTaskInstanceQuery processVariableValueLike(String variableName, Object variableValue)
HistoricTaskInstanceQuery processVariableValueGreaterThan(String variableName, Object variableValue)
HistoricTaskInstanceQuery processVariableValueGreaterThanOrEquals(String variableName, Object variableValue)
HistoricTaskInstanceQuery processVariableValueLessThan(String variableName, Object variableValue)
HistoricTaskInstanceQuery processVariableValueLessThanOrEquals(String variableName, Object variableValue)
HistoricTaskInstanceQuery taskDueDate(Date dueDate)
HistoricTaskInstanceQuery taskDueBefore(Date dueDate)
HistoricTaskInstanceQuery taskDueAfter(Date dueDate)
HistoricTaskInstanceQuery taskFollowUpDate(Date followUpDate)
HistoricTaskInstanceQuery taskFollowUpBefore(Date followUpDate)
HistoricTaskInstanceQuery taskFollowUpAfter(Date followUpDate)
HistoricTaskInstanceQuery tenantIdIn(String... tenantIds)
HistoricTaskInstanceQuery finishedAfter(Date date)
HistoricTaskInstanceQuery finishedBefore(Date date)
HistoricTaskInstanceQuery startedAfter(Date date)
HistoricTaskInstanceQuery startedBefore(Date date)
HistoricTaskInstanceQuery orderByTenantId()
or Query.desc()
Note that the ordering of historic task instances without tenant id is database-specific.HistoricTaskInstanceQuery orderByTaskId()
or Query.desc()
).HistoricTaskInstanceQuery orderByHistoricActivityInstanceId()
or Query.desc()
).HistoricTaskInstanceQuery orderByProcessDefinitionId()
or Query.desc()
).HistoricTaskInstanceQuery orderByProcessInstanceId()
or Query.desc()
).HistoricTaskInstanceQuery orderByExecutionId()
or Query.desc()
).HistoricTaskInstanceQuery orderByHistoricTaskInstanceDuration()
or Query.desc()
).HistoricTaskInstanceQuery orderByHistoricTaskInstanceEndTime()
or Query.desc()
).HistoricTaskInstanceQuery orderByHistoricActivityInstanceStartTime()
or Query.desc()
).HistoricTaskInstanceQuery orderByTaskName()
or Query.desc()
).HistoricTaskInstanceQuery orderByTaskDescription()
or Query.desc()
).HistoricTaskInstanceQuery orderByTaskAssignee()
or Query.desc()
).HistoricTaskInstanceQuery orderByTaskOwner()
or Query.desc()
).HistoricTaskInstanceQuery orderByTaskDueDate()
or Query.desc()
).HistoricTaskInstanceQuery orderByTaskFollowUpDate()
or Query.desc()
).HistoricTaskInstanceQuery orderByDeleteReason()
or Query.desc()
).HistoricTaskInstanceQuery orderByTaskDefinitionKey()
or Query.desc()
).HistoricTaskInstanceQuery orderByTaskPriority()
or Query.desc()
).HistoricTaskInstanceQuery orderByCaseDefinitionId()
or Query.desc()
).HistoricTaskInstanceQuery orderByCaseInstanceId()
or Query.desc()
).HistoricTaskInstanceQuery orderByCaseExecutionId()
or Query.desc()
).Copyright © 2019. All rights reserved.