Class | Description |
ActivationConditionImpl |
The BPMN element activationCondition of the BPMN tComplexGateway type
ActivityImpl |
The BPMN activity element
ArtifactImpl |
The BPMN artifact element
AssignmentImpl |
The BPMN assignment element
AssociationImpl | |
AuditingImpl |
The BPMN auditing element
BaseElementImpl |
The BPMN baseElement element
BoundaryEventImpl |
The BPMN boundaryEvent element
BpmnModelElementInstanceImpl |
Shared base class for all BPMN Model Elements.
BusinessRuleTaskImpl |
The BPMN businessRuleTask element
CallableElementImpl |
The BPMN callableElement element
CallActivityImpl |
The BPMN callActivity element
CallConversationImpl |
The BPMN callConversation element
CancelEventDefinitionImpl |
The BPMN cancelEventDefinition element
CatchEventImpl |
The BPMN catchEvent element
CategoryValueImpl |
The BPMN categoryValue element
CategoryValueRef |
The BPMN categoryValueRef element of the BPMN tFlowElement type
ChildLaneSet |
The BPMN childLaneSet element of the BPMN tLaneSet type
CollaborationImpl |
The BPMN collaboration element
CompensateEventDefinitionImpl |
The BPMN compensateEventDefinition element
CompletionConditionImpl |
The BPMN 2.0 completionCondition element from the
tMultiInstanceLoopCharacteristics type
ComplexBehaviorDefinitionImpl |
The BPMN 2.0 complexBehaviorDefinition element
ComplexGatewayImpl |
The BPMN complexGateway element
ConditionalEventDefinitionImpl |
The BPMN conditionalEventDefinition element
ConditionExpressionImpl |
The BPMN conditionExpression element of the BPMN tSequenceFlow type
ConditionImpl |
The BPMN condition element of the BPMN tConditionalEventDefinition type
ConversationAssociationImpl |
The BPMN conversationAssociation element
ConversationImpl |
The BPMN conversation element
ConversationLinkImpl |
The BPMN conversationLink element
ConversationNodeImpl |
The BPMN conversationNode element
CorrelationKeyImpl |
The BPMN correlationKey element
CorrelationPropertyBindingImpl |
The BPMN correlationPropertyBinding element
CorrelationPropertyImpl |
The BPMN correlationProperty element
CorrelationPropertyRef |
The BPMN correlationPropertyRef element of the BPMN tCorrelationKey type
CorrelationPropertyRetrievalExpressionImpl |
The BPMN correlationPropertyRetrievalExpression element
CorrelationSubscriptionImpl |
The BPMN correlationSubscription element
DataAssociationImpl |
The BPMN dataAssociation element
DataInputAssociationImpl |
The BPMN dataInputAssociation element
DataInputImpl |
The BPMN dataInput element
DataInputRefs |
The BPMN element dataInputRef of the BPMN tInputSet type
DataObjectImpl |
The BPMN dataObject element
DataObjectReferenceImpl | |
DataOutputAssociationImpl |
The BPMN dataOutputAssociation element
DataOutputImpl | |
DataOutputRefs |
The BPMN dataOutputRefs element of the BPMN tOutputSet type
DataPath |
The BPMN dataPath element of the BPMN tCorrelationPropertyBinding type
DataStateImpl | |
DataStoreImpl |
The BPMN dataStore element
DefinitionsImpl |
The BPMN definitions element
DocumentationImpl |
The BPMN documentation element
EndEventImpl |
The BPMN endEvent element
EndPointImpl |
The BPMN endPoint element
EndPointRef |
The BPMN interfaceRef element of the BPMN tParticipant type
ErrorEventDefinitionImpl |
The BPMN errorEventDefinition element
ErrorImpl | |
ErrorRef |
The BPMN errorRef element of the BPMN tOperation type
EscalationEventDefinitionImpl |
The BPMN escalationEventDefinition element
EscalationImpl |
The BPMN escalation element
EventBasedGatewayImpl |
The BPMN eventBasedGateway element
EventDefinitionImpl |
The BPMN eventDefinition element
EventDefinitionRef |
The BPMN eventDefinitionRef element of the BPMN tCatchEvent type
EventImpl |
The BPMN event element
ExclusiveGatewayImpl |
The BPMN exclusiveGateway element
ExpressionImpl |
The BPMN expression element
ExtensionElementsImpl |
The BPMN extensionElements element
ExtensionImpl |
The BPMN extension element
FlowElementImpl |
The BPMN flowElement element
FlowNodeImpl |
The BPMN flowNode element
FlowNodeRef |
The BPMN flowNodeRef element of the BPMN tLane type
FormalExpressionImpl |
The BPMN formalExpression element
From |
The BPMN from element of the BPMN tAssignment type
GatewayImpl |
The BPMN gateway element
GlobalConversationImpl |
The BPMN globalConversation element
HumanPerformerImpl |
The BPMN humanPerformer element
ImportImpl |
The BPMN import element
InclusiveGatewayImpl |
The BPMN inclusiveGateway element
Incoming |
The BPMN incoming element of the BPMN tFlowNode type
InMessageRef |
The BPMN inMessageRef element of the BPMN tOperation type
InnerParticipantRef |
The BPMN innerParticipantRef element of the BPMN tParticipantAssociation type
InputDataItemImpl |
The BPMN 2.0 inputDataItem from the tMultiInstanceLoopCharacteristics type
InputSetImpl |
The BPMN inputSet element
InputSetRefs |
The BPMN inputSetRefs element of the BPMN tOutputSet type
InteractionNodeImpl |
The BPMN interactionNode interface
InterfaceImpl |
The BPMN interface element
InterfaceRef |
The BPMN interfaceRef element of the BPMN tParticipant type
IntermediateCatchEventImpl |
The BPMN intermediateCatchEvent element
IntermediateThrowEventImpl |
The BPMN intermediateThrowEvent element
IoBindingImpl |
The BPMN ioBinding element
IoSpecificationImpl |
The BPMN IoSpecification element
ItemAwareElementImpl | |
ItemDefinitionImpl | |
LaneImpl |
The BPMN lane element
LaneSetImpl |
The BPMN laneSet element
LinkEventDefinitionImpl |
The BPMN linkEventDefinition element
LoopCardinalityImpl |
The loopCardinality element from the tMultiInstanceLoopCharacteristics
complex type
LoopCharacteristicsImpl |
The BPMN loopCharacteristics element
LoopDataInputRef |
The BPMN 2.0 loopDataInputRef element of the BPMN 2.0
tMultiInstanceLoopCharacteristics type
LoopDataOutputRef |
The BPMN 2.0 loopDataOutputRef element of the BPMN 2.0
tMultiInstanceLoopCharacteristics type
ManualTaskImpl |
The BPMN manualTask element
MessageEventDefinitionImpl | |
MessageFlowAssociationImpl |
The BPMN messageFlowAssociation element
MessageFlowImpl |
The BPMN messageFlow element
MessageFlowRef |
The BPMN messageFlowRef element of the BPMN tConversationNode type
MessageImpl |
The BPMN message event
MessagePath |
The BPMN messagePath element of the BPMN tCorrelationPropertyRetrievalExpression type
MonitoringImpl |
The BPMN monitoring element
MultiInstanceLoopCharacteristicsImpl |
The BPMN 2.0 multiInstanceLoopCharacteristics element
OperationImpl |
The BPMN operation element
OperationRef |
The BPMN operationRef element of the BPMN tMessageEventDefinition type
OptionalInputRefs |
The BPMN optionalInputRefs element of the BPMN tInputSet type
OptionalOutputRefs |
The BPMN optionalOutputRefs element of the BPMN tOutputSet type
OuterParticipantRef |
The BPMN outerParticipantRef element of the BPMN tParticipantAssociation type
Outgoing |
The BPMN outgoing element of the BPMN tFlowNode type
OutMessageRef |
The BPMN outMessageRef of the BPMN tOperation type
OutputDataItemImpl |
The BPMN 2.0 outputDataItem from the tMultiInstanceLoopCharacteristics type
OutputSetImpl |
The BPMN outputSet element
OutputSetRefs |
The BPMN outputSetRefs element of the BPMN tInputSet type
ParallelGatewayImpl |
The BPMN parallelGateway element
ParticipantAssociationImpl |
The BPMN participantAssociation element
ParticipantImpl |
The BPMN participant element
ParticipantMultiplicityImpl |
The BPMN participantMultiplicity element
ParticipantRef |
The BPMN participantRef element of the BPMN tConversationNode type
PartitionElement |
The BPMN partitionElement of the BPMN tLane type
PerformerImpl |
The BPMN performer element
PotentialOwnerImpl |
The BPMN potentialOwner element
ProcessImpl |
The BPMN process element
PropertyImpl |
The BPMN property element
ReceiveTaskImpl |
The BPMN receiveTask element
RelationshipImpl |
The BPMN relationship element
RenderingImpl |
The BPMN rendering element
ResourceAssignmentExpressionImpl |
The BPMN resourceAssignmentExpression element
ResourceImpl |
The BPMN resource element
ResourceParameterBindingImpl |
The BPMN resourceParameterBinding element
ResourceParameterImpl |
The BPMN resourceParameter element
ResourceRef |
The BPMN resourceRef element of the BPMN tResourceRole type
ResourceRoleImpl |
The BPMN resourceRole element
RootElementImpl |
The BPMN rootElement element
ScriptImpl |
The BPMN script element
ScriptTaskImpl |
The BPMN scriptTask element
SendTaskImpl |
The BPMN sendTask element
SequenceFlowImpl |
The BPMN sequenceFlow element
ServiceTaskImpl |
The BPMN serviceTask element
SignalEventDefinitionImpl |
The BPMN signalEventDefinition element
SignalImpl |
The BPMN signal element
Source |
The BPMN source element of the BPMN tRelationship and tLinkEventDefinition type
SourceRef |
The BPMN sourceRef element of the BPMN tDataAssociation type
StartEventImpl |
The BPMN startEvent element
SubConversationImpl |
The BPMN subConversation element
SubProcessImpl |
The BPMN subProcess element
SupportedInterfaceRef |
The BPMN supportedInterfaceRef element of the BPMN tCallableElement type
Supports |
The BPMN supports element of the BPMN tProcess type
Target |
The BPMN target element of the BPMN tRelationship type
TargetRef |
The BPMN targetRef element of the BPMN tDataAssociation type
TaskImpl |
The BPMN task element
TerminateEventDefinitionImpl |
The BPMN terminateEventDefinition element
TextAnnotationImpl |
The BPMN 2.0 textAnnotation element
TextImpl |
The BPMN 2.0 text element from the tTextAnnotation complex type
ThrowEventImpl |
The BPMN throwEvent element
TimeCycleImpl |
The BPMN timeDuration element of the BPMN tTimerEventDefinition type
TimeDateImpl |
The BPMN timeDate element of the BPMN tTimerEventDefinition type
TimeDurationImpl |
The BPMN timeDuration element of the BPMN tTimerEventDefinition type
TimerEventDefinitionImpl |
The BPMN timerEventDefinition element
To |
The BPMN to element of the BPMN tAssignment type
TransactionImpl | |
Transformation |
The BPMN transformation element of the BPMN tDataAssociation type
UserTaskImpl |
The BPMN userTask element
WhileExecutingInputRefs |
The BPMN whileExecutingInputRefs of the BPMN tInputSet type
WhileExecutingOutputRefs |
The BPMN whileExecutingOutputRefs element of the BPMN tOutputSet type
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