class |
AbstractGetFormVariablesCmd |
class |
AbstractInstanceCancellationCmd |
class |
AbstractInstantiationCmd |
class |
AbstractPatchVariablesCmd |
class |
AbstractProcessInstanceModificationCommand |
class |
AbstractRemoveVariableCmd |
class |
AbstractSetBatchStateCmd |
class |
AbstractSetJobDefinitionStateCmd |
class |
AbstractSetJobsRetriesBatchCmd |
class |
AbstractSetJobStateCmd |
class |
AbstractSetProcessDefinitionStateCmd |
class |
AbstractSetProcessInstanceStateCmd |
class |
AbstractSetStateCmd |
class |
AbstractSetVariableCmd |
class |
AbstractVariableCmd |
class |
AbstractWritableIdentityServiceCmd<T> |
class |
AcquireJobsCmd |
class |
ActivateBatchCmd |
class |
ActivateJobCmd |
class |
ActivateJobDefinitionCmd |
class |
ActivateProcessDefinitionCmd |
class |
ActivateProcessInstanceCmd |
class |
ActivityAfterInstantiationCmd |
class |
ActivityBeforeInstantiationCmd |
class |
ActivityCancellationCmd |
class |
ActivityInstanceCancellationCmd |
class |
AddCommentCmd |
class |
AddGroupIdentityLinkCmd |
class |
AddIdentityLinkCmd |
class |
AddIdentityLinkForProcessDefinitionCmd |
class |
AddUserIdentityLinkCmd |
class |
AssignTaskCmd |
class |
Command allowing to perform an authorization check
class |
CheckPassword |
class |
ClaimTaskCmd |
class |
CompleteExternalTaskCmd |
class |
CompleteTaskCmd |
class |
CorrelateAllMessageCmd |
class |
CorrelateMessageCmd |
class |
CorrelateStartMessageCmd |
class |
CreateAttachmentCmd |
class |
CreateAuthorizationCommand |
class |
CreateFilterCmd |
class |
CreateGroupCmd |
class |
CreateGroupQueryCmd |
class |
CreateMembershipCmd |
class |
CreateMigrationPlanCmd |
class |
CreateTaskCmd |
class |
CreateTenantCmd |
class |
CreateTenantGroupMembershipCmd |
class |
CreateTenantQueryCmd |
class |
CreateTenantUserMembershipCmd |
class |
CreateUserCmd |
class |
CreateUserQueryCmd |
class |
DecrementJobRetriesCmd |
class |
DelegateTaskCmd |
class |
DeleteAttachmentCmd |
class |
DeleteAuthorizationCmd |
class |
DeleteDeploymentCmd |
class |
DeleteFilterCmd |
class |
DeleteGroupCmd |
class |
DeleteGroupIdentityLinkCmd |
class |
DeleteHistoricCaseInstanceCmd |
class |
DeleteHistoricProcessInstanceCmd |
class |
DeleteHistoricProcessInstancesCmd |
class |
DeleteHistoricTaskInstanceCmd |
class |
DeleteIdentityLinkCmd |
class |
DeleteIdentityLinkForProcessDefinitionCmd |
class |
DeleteJobCmd |
class |
DeleteJobsCmd |
class |
DeleteMembershipCmd |
class |
DeleteMetricsCmd |
class |
Command to delete a process definition form a deployment.
class |
DeleteProcessInstanceCmd |
class |
DeleteProcessInstancesCmd |
class |
DeletePropertyCmd |
class |
DeleteTaskAttachmentCmd |
class |
DeleteTaskCmd |
class |
DeleteTenantCmd |
class |
DeleteTenantGroupMembershipCmd |
class |
DeleteTenantUserMembershipCmd |
class |
DeleteUserCmd |
class |
DeleteUserIdentityLinkCmd |
class |
DeleteUserInfoCmd |
class |
DeleteUserOperationLogEntryCmd |
class |
DeleteUserPictureCmd |
class |
DeployCmd<T> |
class |
Read the already configured historyLevel from DB and map to given list of total levels.
class |
ExecuteFilterCountCmd |
class |
ExecuteFilterListCmd |
class |
ExecuteFilterListPageCmd |
class |
ExecuteFilterSingleResultCmd |
class |
ExecuteJobsCmd |
class |
Represents a base class for the external task commands.
class |
FetchExternalTasksCmd |
class |
FindActiveActivityIdsCmd |
class |
FoxDeleteProcessInstanceCmd |
class |
FoxJobRetryCmd |
class |
Creates an activity instance tree according to the following strategy:
Event scope executions are not considered at all
For every leaf execution, generate an activity/transition instance;
the activity instance id is set in the leaf execution and the parent instance id is set in the parent execution
For every non-leaf scope execution, generate an activity instance;
the activity instance id is always set in the parent execution and the parent activity
instance id is always set in the parent's parent (because of tree compactation, we ensure
that an activity instance id for a scope activity is always stored in the corresponding scope execution's parent,
unless the execution is a leaf)
Compensation is an exception to the above procedure: A compensation throw event is not a scope, however the compensating executions
are added as child executions of the (probably non-scope) execution executing the throw event.
class |
GetAttachmentCmd |
class |
GetAttachmentContentCmd |
class |
GetDeployedProcessDefinitionCmd |
class |
Gives access to a deploy BPMN model instance which can be accessed by
the BPMN model API.
class |
Gives access to a deployed process diagram, e.g., a PNG image, through a
stream of bytes.
class |
class |
Gives access to a deployed process model, e.g., a BPMN 2.0 XML file, through
a stream of bytes.
class |
GetDeploymentResourceCmd |
class |
GetDeploymentResourceForIdCmd |
class |
GetDeploymentResourceNamesCmd |
class |
GetDeploymentResourcesCmd |
class |
GetExecutionVariableCmd |
class |
GetExecutionVariablesCmd |
class |
GetExecutionVariableTypedCmd<T extends org.camunda.bpm.engine.variable.value.TypedValue> |
class |
GetExternalTaskErrorDetailsCmd |
class |
GetFilterCmd |
class |
Command for retrieving start or task form keys.
class |
GetHistoricJobLogExceptionStacktraceCmd |
class |
GetHistoryLevelCmd |
class |
GetIdentityLinksForProcessDefinitionCmd |
class |
GetIdentityLinksForTaskCmd |
class |
GetJobExceptionStacktraceCmd |
class |
GetNextIdBlockCmd |
class |
GetProcessApplicationForDeploymentCmd |
class |
GetProcessInstanceAttachmentsCmd |
class |
GetProcessInstanceCommentsCmd |
class |
GetPropertiesCmd |
class |
GetRenderedStartFormCmd |
class |
GetRenderedTaskFormCmd |
class |
GetStartFormCmd |
class |
GetStartFormVariablesCmd |
class |
GetSubTasksCmd |
class |
GetTableCountCmd |
class |
GetTableMetaDataCmd |
class |
GetTableNameCmd |
class |
GetTaskAttachmentCmd |
class |
GetTaskAttachmentContentCmd |
class |
GetTaskAttachmentsCmd |
class |
GetTaskCommentCmd |
class |
GetTaskCommentsCmd |
class |
GetTaskEventsCmd |
class |
GetTaskFormCmd |
class |
GetTaskFormVariablesCmd |
class |
GetTaskVariableCmd |
class |
GetTaskVariableCmdTyped |
class |
GetTaskVariablesCmd |
class |
GetUserAccountCmd |
class |
GetUserInfoCmd |
class |
GetUserInfoKeysCmd |
class |
GetUserPictureCmd |
class |
Command to handle an external task BPMN error.
class |
Represents an abstract class for the handle of external task commands.
class |
HandleExternalTaskFailureCmd |
class |
IsIdentityServiceReadOnlyCmd |
class |
JobRetryCmd |
class |
MessageEventReceivedCmd |
class |
ModifyProcessInstanceCmd |
class |
Patches execution variables: First, applies modifications to existing variables and then deletes
specified variables.
class |
Patches task variables: First, applies modifications to existing variables and then deletes
specified variables.
class |
Purges the database and the deployment cache.
class |
RegisterDeploymentCmd |
class |
RegisterProcessApplicationCmd |
class |
RemoveExecutionVariablesCmd |
class |
RemoveTaskVariablesCmd |
class |
ReportDbMetricsCmd |
class |
ResolveTaskCmd |
class |
SaveAttachmentCmd |
class |
SaveAuthorizationCmd |
class |
SaveFilterCmd |
class |
SaveGroupCmd |
class |
SaveTaskCmd |
class |
SaveTenantCmd |
class |
SaveUserCmd |
class |
SetExecutionVariablesCmd |
class |
Represents the command to set the priority of an existing external task.
class |
SetExternalTaskRetriesCmd |
class |
SetJobDefinitionPriorityCmd |
class |
SetJobDuedateCmd |
class |
SetJobPriorityCmd |
class |
SetJobRetriesCmd |
class |
SetJobsRetriesBatchCmd |
class |
SetJobsRetriesCmd |
class |
Command that changes the process definition version of an existing
process instance.
class |
Command which can be used for setting the value of a property
class |
SetTaskOwnerCmd |
class |
SetTaskPriorityCmd |
class |
SetTaskVariablesCmd |
class |
SetUserInfoCmd |
class |
SetUserPictureCmd |
class |
SignalCmd |
class |
SignalEventReceivedCmd |
class |
StartProcessInstanceAtActivitiesCmd |
class |
StartProcessInstanceCmd |
class |
SubmitStartFormCmd |
class |
SubmitTaskFormCmd |
class |
SuspendBatchCmd |
class |
SuspendJobCmd |
class |
SuspendJobDefinitionCmd |
class |
SuspendProcessDefinitionCmd |
class |
SuspendProcessInstanceCmd |
class |
TransitionInstanceCancellationCmd |
class |
TransitionInstantiationCmd |
class |
UnlockExternalTaskCmd |
class |
Unlock job.
class |
UnregisterDeploymentCmd |
class |
UnregisterProcessApplicationCmd |