Interface DataFormatConfigurator<T extends DataFormat<?>>

All Known Implementing Classes:
CamundaJacksonFormatConfiguratorJdk8, CamundaJacksonFormatConfiguratorJSR310, CamundaJacksonFormatConfiguratorParameterNames

public interface DataFormatConfigurator<T extends DataFormat<?>>

Can be used to configure data formats of a certain type. An implementation will be supplied with all discovered data formats of the specified class. DataFormat.getName() may be used to further restrict configuration to data formats with a specific name.

Thorben Lindhauer
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    configure(T dataFormat)
    Applies configuration to the desired format.
  • Method Details

    • getDataFormatClass

      Class<T> getDataFormatClass()
      the dataformat class this configurator can configure (including subclasses)
    • configure

      void configure(T dataFormat)
      Applies configuration to the desired format. This method is invoked with all dataformats of the required type.