Uses of Package

Public API of the Camunda Platform engine.

Typical usage of the API starts by the creation of a ProcessEngineConfiguration (typically based on a configuration file), from which a ProcessEngine can be obtained.

Through the services obtained from such a ProcessEngine, BPM and workflow operation can be executed:

RepositoryService: Manages Deployments
RuntimeService: For starting and searching ProcessInstances
TaskService: Exposes operations to manage human (standalone) Tasks, such as claiming, completing and assigning tasks
IdentityService: Used for managing Users, Groups and the relations between them
ManagementService: Exposes engine admin and maintenance operations, which have no relation to the runtime execution of business processes
HistoryService: Exposes information about ongoing and past process instances.
FormService: Access to form data and rendered forms for starting new process instances and completing tasks.
Classes related to the HistoryService.
classes related to the IdentityService.
API implementation classes, which shouldn't directly be used by end-users.
Classes related to the ManagementService.
Classes related to the querying entities in the engine.
Classes related to the RepositoryService.
Classes related to the RuntimeService.
Classes related to the TaskService.