Interface ExternalTaskQuery

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public interface ExternalTaskQuery extends Query<ExternalTaskQuery,ExternalTask>
Thorben Lindhauer, Christopher Zell
  • Method Details

    • externalTaskId

      ExternalTaskQuery externalTaskId(String externalTaskId)
      Only select the external task with the given id
    • externalTaskIdIn

      ExternalTaskQuery externalTaskIdIn(Set<String> externalTaskIds)
      Only select external tasks with any of the given ids
    • workerId

      ExternalTaskQuery workerId(String workerId)
      Only select external tasks that was most recently locked by the given worker
    • lockExpirationBefore

      ExternalTaskQuery lockExpirationBefore(Date lockExpirationDate)
      Only select external tasks that have a lock expiring before the given date
    • lockExpirationAfter

      ExternalTaskQuery lockExpirationAfter(Date lockExpirationDate)
      Only select external tasks that have a lock expiring after the given date
    • topicName

      ExternalTaskQuery topicName(String topicName)
      Only select external tasks of the given topic
    • locked

      Only select external tasks that are currently locked, i.e. that have a lock expiration time that is in the future
    • notLocked

      ExternalTaskQuery notLocked()
      Only select external tasks that are not currently locked, i.e. that have no lock expiration time or one that is overdue
    • executionId

      ExternalTaskQuery executionId(String executionId)
      Only select external tasks created in the context of the given execution
    • processInstanceId

      ExternalTaskQuery processInstanceId(String processInstanceId)
      Only select external tasks created in the context of the given process instance
    • processInstanceIdIn

      ExternalTaskQuery processInstanceIdIn(String... processInstanceIdIn)
      Only select external tasks created in the context of the given process instances
    • processDefinitionId

      ExternalTaskQuery processDefinitionId(String processDefinitionId)
      Only select external tasks that belong to an instance of the given process definition
    • activityId

      ExternalTaskQuery activityId(String activityId)
      Only select external tasks that belong to an instance of the given activity
    • activityIdIn

      ExternalTaskQuery activityIdIn(String... activityIdIn)
      Only select external tasks that belong to an instances of the given activities.
    • priorityHigherThanOrEquals

      ExternalTaskQuery priorityHigherThanOrEquals(long priority)
      Only select external tasks with a priority that is higher than or equal to the given priority.
      priority - the priority which is used for the query
      the builded external task query
    • priorityLowerThanOrEquals

      ExternalTaskQuery priorityLowerThanOrEquals(long priority)
      Only select external tasks with a priority that is lower than or equal to the given priority.
      priority - the priority which is used for the query
      the builded external task query
    • suspended

      ExternalTaskQuery suspended()
      Only select external tasks that are currently suspended
    • active

      Only select external tasks that are currently not suspended
    • withRetriesLeft

      ExternalTaskQuery withRetriesLeft()
      Only select external tasks that have retries > 0
    • noRetriesLeft

      ExternalTaskQuery noRetriesLeft()
      Only select external tasks that have retries = 0
    • tenantIdIn

      ExternalTaskQuery tenantIdIn(String... tenantIds)
      Only select external tasks that belong to one of the given tenant ids.
    • orderById

      ExternalTaskQuery orderById()
      Order by external task id (needs to be followed by Query.asc() or Query.desc()).
    • orderByLockExpirationTime

      ExternalTaskQuery orderByLockExpirationTime()
      Order by lock expiration time (needs to be followed by Query.asc() or Query.desc()). Ordering of tasks with no lock expiration time is database-dependent.
    • orderByProcessInstanceId

      ExternalTaskQuery orderByProcessInstanceId()
      Order by process instance id (needs to be followed by Query.asc() or Query.desc()).
    • orderByProcessDefinitionId

      ExternalTaskQuery orderByProcessDefinitionId()
      Order by process definition id (needs to be followed by Query.asc() or Query.desc()).
    • orderByProcessDefinitionKey

      ExternalTaskQuery orderByProcessDefinitionKey()
      Order by process definition key (needs to be followed by Query.asc() or Query.desc()).
    • orderByTenantId

      ExternalTaskQuery orderByTenantId()
      Order by tenant id (needs to be followed by Query.asc() or Query.desc()). Note that the ordering of external tasks without tenant id is database-specific.
    • orderByPriority

      ExternalTaskQuery orderByPriority()
      Order by priority (needs to be followed by Query.asc() or Query.desc()).
    • orderByCreateTime

      ExternalTaskQuery orderByCreateTime()
      Order by create time (needs to be followed by Query.asc() or Query.desc()).