Class AbstractEndEventBuilder<B extends AbstractEndEventBuilder<B>>

Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class AbstractEndEventBuilder<B extends AbstractEndEventBuilder<B>> extends AbstractThrowEventBuilder<B,EndEvent>
Sebastian Menski
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • error

      public B error(String errorCode)
      Sets an error definition for the given error code. If already an error with this code exists it will be used, otherwise a new error is created.
      errorCode - the code of the error
      the builder object
    • error

      public B error(String errorCode, String errorMessage)
      Sets an error definition for the given error code. If already an error with this code exists it will be used, otherwise a new error is created with the given errorMessage.
      errorCode - the code of the error
      errorMessage - the error message that is used when a new error needs to be created
      the builder object