Interface InstantiationBuilder<T extends InstantiationBuilder<T>>

All Known Subinterfaces:
ModificationBuilder, ProcessInstanceModificationBuilder, ProcessInstanceModificationInstantiationBuilder, ProcessInstantiationBuilder, RestartProcessInstanceBuilder
All Known Implementing Classes:
ModificationBuilderImpl, ProcessInstanceModificationBuilderImpl, ProcessInstantiationBuilderImpl, RestartProcessInstanceBuilderImpl

public interface InstantiationBuilder<T extends InstantiationBuilder<T>>
Thorben Lindhauer
  • Method Details

    • startBeforeActivity

      T startBeforeActivity(String activityId)

      Submits the instruction:

      Start before the specified activity.

      In particular:

      • In the parent activity hierarchy, determine the closest existing ancestor activity instance
      • Instantiate all parent activities up to the ancestor's activity
      • Instantiate and execute the given activity (respects the asyncBefore attribute of the activity)

      activityId - the activity to instantiate
      ProcessEngineException - if more than one possible ancestor activity instance exists
    • startAfterActivity

      T startAfterActivity(String activityId)
      Submits an instruction that behaves like startTransition(String) and always instantiates the single outgoing sequence flow of the given activity. Does not consider asyncAfter.
      activityId - the activity for which the outgoing flow should be executed
      ProcessEngineException - if the activity has 0 or more than 1 outgoing sequence flows
    • startTransition

      T startTransition(String transitionId)

      Submits the instruction:

      Start a sequence flow.

      In particular:

      • In the parent activity hierarchy, determine the closest existing ancestor activity instance
      • Instantiate all parent activities up to the ancestor's activity
      • Execute the given transition (does not consider sequence flow conditions)

      transitionId - the sequence flow to execute
      ProcessEngineException - if more than one possible ancestor activity instance exists