Interface ProcessInstantiationBuilder

    • Method Detail

      • processDefinitionTenantId

        ProcessInstantiationBuilder processDefinitionTenantId​(String tenantId)
        Specify the id of the tenant the process definition belongs to. Can only be used when the definition is referenced by key and not by id.
      • processDefinitionWithoutTenantId

        ProcessInstantiationBuilder processDefinitionWithoutTenantId()
        Specify that the process definition belongs to no tenant. Can only be used when the definition is referenced by key and not by id.
      • execute

        ProcessInstance execute​(boolean skipCustomListeners,
                                boolean skipIoMappings)
        Start the process instance.
        skipCustomListeners - specifies whether custom listeners (task and execution) should be invoked when executing the instructions. Only supported for instructions.
        skipIoMappings - specifies whether input/output mappings for tasks should be invoked throughout the transaction when executing the instructions. Only supported for instructions.
        the newly created process instance
        See Also:
      • executeWithVariablesInReturn

        ProcessInstanceWithVariables executeWithVariablesInReturn​(boolean skipCustomListeners,
                                                                  boolean skipIoMappings)
        Start the process instance. If no instantiation instructions are set then the instance start at the default start activity. Otherwise, all instructions are executed in the order they are submitted.
        skipCustomListeners - specifies whether custom listeners (task and execution) should be invoked when executing the instructions. Only supported for instructions.
        skipIoMappings - specifies whether input/output mappings for tasks should be invoked throughout the transaction when executing the instructions. Only supported for instructions.
        the newly created process instance with the latest variables
        AuthorizationException - if the user has no Permissions.CREATE permission on Resources.PROCESS_INSTANCE and no Permissions.CREATE_INSTANCE permission on Resources.PROCESS_DEFINITION.
        ProcessEngineException - if skipCustomListeners or skipIoMappings is set to true but no instructions are submitted. Both options are not supported when the instance starts at the default start activity. Use execute() instead.