Interface UserQuery

    • Method Detail

      • userFirstName

        UserQuery userFirstName​(String firstName)
        Only select Users with the given firstName.
      • userFirstNameLike

        UserQuery userFirstNameLike​(String firstNameLike)
        Only select Users where the first name matches the given parameter. The syntax is that of SQL, eg. %activivi%.
      • userLastName

        UserQuery userLastName​(String lastName)
        Only select Users with the given lastName.
      • userLastNameLike

        UserQuery userLastNameLike​(String lastNameLike)
        Only select Users where the last name matches the given parameter. The syntax is that of SQL, eg. %activivi%.
      • userEmail

        UserQuery userEmail​(String email)
        Only those Users with the given email addres.
      • userEmailLike

        UserQuery userEmailLike​(String emailLike)
        Only select Users where the email matches the given parameter. The syntax is that of SQL, eg. %activivi%.
      • memberOfGroup

        UserQuery memberOfGroup​(String groupId)
        Only select Users that belong to the given group.
      • potentialStarter

        UserQuery potentialStarter​(String procDefId)
        Only select UserS that are potential starter for the given process definition.
      • memberOfTenant

        UserQuery memberOfTenant​(String tenantId)
        Only select Users that belongs to the given tenant.