Interface HistoricIdentityLinkLog

  • All Known Implementing Classes:
    HistoricIdentityLinkLogEntity, OptimizeHistoricIdentityLinkLogEntity

    public interface HistoricIdentityLinkLog
    An historic identity link stores the association of a task with a certain identity. For example, historic identity link is logged on the following conditions: - a user can be an assignee/Candidate/Owner (= identity link type) for a task - a group can be a candidate-group (= identity link type) for a task - a user can be an candidate in the scope of process definition - a group can be a candidate-group in the scope of process definition For every log, an operation type (add/delete) is added to the database based on the identity link operation
    • Method Detail

      • getId

        String getId()
        Returns the id of historic identity link (Candidate or Assignee or Owner).
      • getType

        String getType()
        Returns the type of link (Candidate or Assignee or Owner). See IdentityLinkType for the native supported types by the process engine.
      • getUserId

        String getUserId()
        If the identity link involves a user, then this will be a non-null id of a user. That userId can be used to query for user information through the UserQuery API.
      • getGroupId

        String getGroupId()
        If the identity link involves a group, then this will be a non-null id of a group. That groupId can be used to query for user information through the GroupQuery API.
      • getTaskId

        String getTaskId()
        The id of the task associated with this identity link.
      • getAssignerId

        String getAssignerId()
        Returns the userId of the user who assigns a task to the user
      • getOperationType

        String getOperationType()
        Returns the type of identity link history (add or delete identity link)
      • getTime

        Date getTime()
        Returns the time of identity link event (Creation/Deletion)
      • getProcessDefinitionId

        String getProcessDefinitionId()
        Returns the id of the related process definition
      • getProcessDefinitionKey

        String getProcessDefinitionKey()
        Returns the key of the related process definition
      • getTenantId

        String getTenantId()
        Returns the id of the related tenant
      • getRootProcessInstanceId

        String getRootProcessInstanceId()
        Returns the root process instance id of the related process instance
      • getRemovalTime

        Date getRemovalTime()
        The time the historic identity link log will be removed.