Interface HistoricDecisionInstanceQuery

    • Method Detail

      • decisionInstanceId

        HistoricDecisionInstanceQuery decisionInstanceId​(String decisionInstanceId)
        Only select historic decision instances with the given decision instance id.
      • decisionInstanceIdIn

        HistoricDecisionInstanceQuery decisionInstanceIdIn​(String... decisionInstanceIdIn)
        Only select historic decision instances whose id is in the given list of ids.
      • decisionDefinitionId

        HistoricDecisionInstanceQuery decisionDefinitionId​(String decisionDefinitionId)
        Only select historic decision instances for the given decision definition
      • decisionDefinitionIdIn

        HistoricDecisionInstanceQuery decisionDefinitionIdIn​(String... decisionDefinitionIdIn)
        Only select historic decision instances for the given decision definitions
      • decisionDefinitionKey

        HistoricDecisionInstanceQuery decisionDefinitionKey​(String decisionDefinitionKey)
        Only select historic decision instances with the given key of the decision definition.
      • decisionDefinitionKeyIn

        HistoricDecisionInstanceQuery decisionDefinitionKeyIn​(String... decisionDefinitionKeyIn)
        Only select historic decision instances with the given keys of the decision definition.
      • decisionDefinitionName

        HistoricDecisionInstanceQuery decisionDefinitionName​(String decisionDefinitionName)
        Only select historic decision instances with the given name of the decision definition.
      • decisionDefinitionNameLike

        HistoricDecisionInstanceQuery decisionDefinitionNameLike​(String decisionDefinitionNameLike)
        Only select historic decision instances with the given name of the decision definition using LIKE construct.
      • processDefinitionKey

        HistoricDecisionInstanceQuery processDefinitionKey​(String processDefinitionKey)
        Only select historic decision instances that are evaluated inside a process with the given process definition key.
      • processDefinitionId

        HistoricDecisionInstanceQuery processDefinitionId​(String processDefinitionId)
        Only select historic decision instances that are evaluated inside a process with the given process definition id.
      • processInstanceId

        HistoricDecisionInstanceQuery processInstanceId​(String processInstanceId)
        Only select historic decision instances that are evaluated inside a process with the given process instance id.
      • caseDefinitionKey

        HistoricDecisionInstanceQuery caseDefinitionKey​(String caseDefinitionKey)
        Only select historic decision instances that are evaluated inside a case with the given case definition key.
      • caseDefinitionId

        HistoricDecisionInstanceQuery caseDefinitionId​(String caseDefinitionId)
        Only select historic decision instances that are evaluated inside a case with the given case definition id.
      • caseInstanceId

        HistoricDecisionInstanceQuery caseInstanceId​(String caseInstanceId)
        Only select historic decision instances that are evaluated inside a case with the given case instance id.
      • activityIdIn

        HistoricDecisionInstanceQuery activityIdIn​(String... activityIds)
        Only select historic decision instances that are evaluated inside a process or a case which have one of the activity ids.
      • activityInstanceIdIn

        HistoricDecisionInstanceQuery activityInstanceIdIn​(String... activityInstanceIds)
        Only select historic decision instances that are evaluated inside a process or a case which have one of the activity instance ids.
      • userId

        HistoricDecisionInstanceQuery userId​(String userId)
        Only select historic decision instances that were evaluated by the user with the given user ID.

        The user ID is saved for decisions which are evaluated by a authenticated user without a process or case instance

      • disableBinaryFetching

        HistoricDecisionInstanceQuery disableBinaryFetching()
        Disable fetching of byte array input and output values. By default, the query will fetch the value of a byte array. By calling this method you can prevent the values of (potentially large) blob data chunks to be fetched.
      • disableCustomObjectDeserialization

        HistoricDecisionInstanceQuery disableCustomObjectDeserialization()
        Disable deserialization of input and output values that are custom objects. By default, the query will attempt to deserialize the value of these variables. By calling this method you can prevent such attempts in environments where their classes are not available. Independent of this setting, variable serialized values are accessible.
      • rootDecisionInstanceId

        HistoricDecisionInstanceQuery rootDecisionInstanceId​(String decisionInstanceId)
        Only select historic decision instances with a given root historic decision instance id. This also includes the historic decision instance with the given id.
      • rootDecisionInstancesOnly

        HistoricDecisionInstanceQuery rootDecisionInstancesOnly()
        Only select historic decision instances that are the root decision instance of an evaluation.
      • decisionRequirementsDefinitionId

        HistoricDecisionInstanceQuery decisionRequirementsDefinitionId​(String decisionRequirementsDefinitionId)
        Only select historic decision instances that belongs to a decision requirements definition with the given id.
      • decisionRequirementsDefinitionKey

        HistoricDecisionInstanceQuery decisionRequirementsDefinitionKey​(String decisionRequirementsDefinitionKey)
        Only select historic decision instances that belongs to a decision requirements definition with the given key.