Class AbstractCockpitPluginResource

    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractCockpitPluginResource

        public AbstractCockpitPluginResource​(String engineName)
    • Method Detail

      • getCommandExecutor

        protected CommandExecutor getCommandExecutor()
        Return a CommandExecutor for the current engine to execute plugin commands.
      • getQueryService

        protected QueryService getQueryService()
        Return a QueryService for the current engine to execute queries against the engine datbase.
      • isAuthorizationEnabled

        protected boolean isAuthorizationEnabled()
        Return true if authorization is enabled.
      • isTenantCheckEnabled

        protected boolean isTenantCheckEnabled()
        Return true if tenant check is enabled.
      • isCamundaAdmin

        protected boolean isCamundaAdmin​(Authentication authentication)
        Return true if the given authentication is part of the admin groups or admin users
      • getCurrentAuthentication

        protected Authentication getCurrentAuthentication()
        Return the current authentication.
      • configureAuthorizationCheck

        protected void configureAuthorizationCheck​(QueryParameters query)
        Configure the authorization check for the given QueryParameters.
      • isPermissionDisabled

        protected boolean isPermissionDisabled​(Permission permission)