Indicates that the given bean is an process engine handler. A process engine handler is a bean
that is so annotated to respond to events ("states") in a Camunda Platform process.
Generically, it is a class that has been adapted to be usable in a Camunda Platform process.
For example, suppose we have registered a BPMN process that has
the following declaration:
<service-task camunda:expression = "myBean" id = "confirm-receipt" />
This is a state that will be entered from Camunda Platform and execution will flow through to the bean
registered in the context as "myBean." To subscribe to that, a POJO need only implement
and, on a method, add
to indicate that the method in particular is
tasked with responding to a state. If applied to a bean and there are no
annotations present, then one option might be to automatically enlist all public methods
as handlers for states whose IDs or names are inferred from the method name:
public void confirmReceipt(..)
would be treated the same as
@State( "confirm-receipt") public void confirmReceipt (..)