Interface HistoricVariableInstanceQuery

    • Method Detail

      • variableId

        HistoricVariableInstanceQuery variableId​(java.lang.String id)
        Only select the variable with the given Id
        id - of the variable to select
        the query object
      • processInstanceId

        HistoricVariableInstanceQuery processInstanceId​(java.lang.String processInstanceId)
        Only select historic process variables with the given process instance.
      • processDefinitionId

        HistoricVariableInstanceQuery processDefinitionId​(java.lang.String processDefinitionId)
        Only select historic process variables for the given process definition
      • processDefinitionKey

        HistoricVariableInstanceQuery processDefinitionKey​(java.lang.String processDefinitionKey)
        Only select historic process variables for the given process definition key
      • caseInstanceId

        HistoricVariableInstanceQuery caseInstanceId​(java.lang.String caseInstanceId)
        Only select historic case variables with the given case instance.
      • variableName

        HistoricVariableInstanceQuery variableName​(java.lang.String variableName)
        Only select historic process variables with the given variable name.
      • variableNameLike

        HistoricVariableInstanceQuery variableNameLike​(java.lang.String variableNameLike)
        Only select historic process variables where the given variable name is like.
      • variableTypeIn

        HistoricVariableInstanceQuery variableTypeIn​(java.lang.String... variableTypes)
        Only select historic process variables which match one of the given variable types.
      • matchVariableNamesIgnoreCase

        HistoricVariableInstanceQuery matchVariableNamesIgnoreCase()
        The query will match the names of task and process variables in a case-insensitive way.
      • matchVariableValuesIgnoreCase

        HistoricVariableInstanceQuery matchVariableValuesIgnoreCase()
        The query will match the values of task and process variables in a case-insensitive way.
      • variableValueEquals

        HistoricVariableInstanceQuery variableValueEquals​(java.lang.String variableName,
                                                          java.lang.Object variableValue)
        only select historic process variables with the given name and value
      • processInstanceIdIn

        HistoricVariableInstanceQuery processInstanceIdIn​(java.lang.String... processInstanceIds)
        Only select historic process variables with the given process instance ids.
      • taskIdIn

        HistoricVariableInstanceQuery taskIdIn​(java.lang.String... taskIds)
        Only select historic variable instances which have one of the task ids.
      • executionIdIn

        HistoricVariableInstanceQuery executionIdIn​(java.lang.String... executionIds)
        Only select historic variable instances which have one of the executions ids.
      • caseExecutionIdIn

        HistoricVariableInstanceQuery caseExecutionIdIn​(java.lang.String... caseExecutionIds)
        Only select historic variable instances which have one of the case executions ids.
      • caseActivityIdIn

        HistoricVariableInstanceQuery caseActivityIdIn​(java.lang.String... caseActivityIds)
        Only select historic variable instances with one of the given case activity ids.
      • activityInstanceIdIn

        HistoricVariableInstanceQuery activityInstanceIdIn​(java.lang.String... activityInstanceIds)
        Only select historic variable instances which have one of the activity instance ids.
      • tenantIdIn

        HistoricVariableInstanceQuery tenantIdIn​(java.lang.String... tenantIds)
        Only select historic variable instances with one of the given tenant ids.
      • disableBinaryFetching

        HistoricVariableInstanceQuery disableBinaryFetching()
        Disable fetching of byte array and file values. By default, the query will fetch such values. By calling this method you can prevent the values of (potentially large) blob data chunks to be fetched. The variables themselves are nonetheless included in the query result.
        the query builder
      • disableCustomObjectDeserialization

        HistoricVariableInstanceQuery disableCustomObjectDeserialization()
        Disable deserialization of variable values that are custom objects. By default, the query will attempt to deserialize the value of these variables. By calling this method you can prevent such attempts in environments where their classes are not available. Independent of this setting, variable serialized values are accessible.
      • variableNameIn

        HistoricVariableInstanceQuery variableNameIn​(java.lang.String... names)
        Only select historic process variables with the given variable names.