Class TestHelper

  • public abstract class TestHelper
    extends Object
    Tom Baeyens
    • Field Detail


        public static final List<String> TABLENAMES_EXCLUDED_FROM_DB_CLEAN_CHECK

        public static final List<String> RESOURCE_SUFFIXES
    • Constructor Detail

      • TestHelper

        public TestHelper()
    • Method Detail

      • annotationDeploymentSetUp

        public static String annotationDeploymentSetUp​(ProcessEngine processEngine,
                                                       String[] resources,
                                                       Class<?> testClass,
                                                       boolean onMethod,
                                                       String methodName)
      • annotationDeploymentSetUp

        public static String annotationDeploymentSetUp​(ProcessEngine processEngine,
                                                       Class<?> testClass,
                                                       String methodName)
      • annotationDeploymentTearDown

        public static void annotationDeploymentTearDown​(ProcessEngine processEngine,
                                                        String deploymentId,
                                                        Class<?> testClass,
                                                        String methodName)
      • deleteDeployment

        public static void deleteDeployment​(ProcessEngine processEngine,
                                            String deploymentId)
      • getBpmnProcessDefinitionResource

        public static String getBpmnProcessDefinitionResource​(Class<?> type,
                                                              String name)
        get a resource location by convention based on a class (type) and a relative resource name. The return value will be the full classpath location of the type, plus a suffix built from the name parameter: BpmnDeployer.BPMN_RESOURCE_SUFFIXES. The first resource matching a suffix will be returned.
      • annotationRequiredHistoryLevelCheck

        public static boolean annotationRequiredHistoryLevelCheck​(ProcessEngine processEngine,
                                                                  Class<?> testClass,
                                                                  String methodName)
      • annotationRequiredDatabaseCheck

        public static boolean annotationRequiredDatabaseCheck​(ProcessEngine processEngine,
                                                              Class<?> testClass,
                                                              String methodName)
      • assertAndEnsureCleanDbAndCache

        public static void assertAndEnsureCleanDbAndCache​(ProcessEngine processEngine)
        Ensures that the deployment cache and database is clean after a test. If not the cache and database will be cleared.
        processEngine - the ProcessEngine to test
        AssertionError - if the deployment cache or database was not clean
      • assertAndEnsureCleanDbAndCache

        public static String assertAndEnsureCleanDbAndCache​(ProcessEngine processEngine,
                                                            boolean fail)
        Ensures that the deployment cache and database is clean after a test. If not the cache and database will be cleared.
        processEngine - the ProcessEngine to test
        fail - if true the method will throw an AssertionError if the deployment cache or database is not clean
        AssertionError - if the deployment cache or database was not clean
      • assertAndEnsureCleanDeploymentCache

        public static void assertAndEnsureCleanDeploymentCache​(ProcessEngine processEngine)
        Ensures that the deployment cache is empty after a test. If not the cache will be cleared.
        processEngine - the ProcessEngine to test
        AssertionError - if the deployment cache was not clean
      • assertAndEnsureCleanDeploymentCache

        public static String assertAndEnsureCleanDeploymentCache​(ProcessEngine processEngine,
                                                                 boolean fail)
        Ensures that the deployment cache is empty after a test. If not the cache will be cleared.
        processEngine - the ProcessEngine to test
        fail - if true the method will throw an AssertionError if the deployment cache is not clean
        the deployment cache summary if fail is set to false or null if deployment cache was clean
        AssertionError - if the deployment cache was not clean and fail is set to true
      • assertAndEnsureNoProcessApplicationsRegistered

        public static String assertAndEnsureNoProcessApplicationsRegistered​(ProcessEngine processEngine)
      • waitForJobExecutorToProcessAllJobs

        public static void waitForJobExecutorToProcessAllJobs​(ProcessEngineConfigurationImpl processEngineConfiguration,
                                                              long maxMillisToWait,
                                                              long intervalMillis)
      • getProcessEngine

        public static ProcessEngine getProcessEngine​(String configurationResource)
      • closeProcessEngines

        public static void closeProcessEngines()
      • defaultManualActivation

        public static Object defaultManualActivation()