Interface HistoricTaskInstanceQuery

    • Method Detail

      • processInstanceId

        HistoricTaskInstanceQuery processInstanceId​(String processInstanceId)
        Only select historic task instances for the given process instance.
      • processInstanceBusinessKey

        HistoricTaskInstanceQuery processInstanceBusinessKey​(String processInstanceBusinessKey)
        Only select historic tasks for the given process instance business key
      • processInstanceBusinessKeyIn

        HistoricTaskInstanceQuery processInstanceBusinessKeyIn​(String... processInstanceBusinessKeys)
        Only select historic tasks for any of the given the given process instance business keys.
      • processInstanceBusinessKeyLike

        HistoricTaskInstanceQuery processInstanceBusinessKeyLike​(String processInstanceBusinessKey)
        Only select historic tasks matching the given process instance business key. The syntax is that of SQL: for example usage: nameLike(%camunda%)
      • activityInstanceIdIn

        HistoricTaskInstanceQuery activityInstanceIdIn​(String... activityInstanceIds)
        Only select historic task instances which have one of the given activity instance ids.
      • processDefinitionId

        HistoricTaskInstanceQuery processDefinitionId​(String processDefinitionId)
        Only select historic task instances for the given process definition.
      • processDefinitionKey

        HistoricTaskInstanceQuery processDefinitionKey​(String processDefinitionKey)
        Only select historic task instances which are part of a (historic) process instance which has the given process definition key.
      • processDefinitionName

        HistoricTaskInstanceQuery processDefinitionName​(String processDefinitionName)
        Only select historic task instances which are part of a (historic) process instance which has the given definition name.
      • caseDefinitionId

        HistoricTaskInstanceQuery caseDefinitionId​(String caseDefinitionId)
        Only select historic task instances for the given case definition.
      • caseDefinitionKey

        HistoricTaskInstanceQuery caseDefinitionKey​(String caseDefinitionKey)
        Only select historic task instances which are part of a case instance which has the given case definition key.
      • caseDefinitionName

        HistoricTaskInstanceQuery caseDefinitionName​(String caseDefinitionName)
        Only select historic task instances which are part of a (historic) case instance which has the given case definition name.
      • caseExecutionId

        HistoricTaskInstanceQuery caseExecutionId​(String caseExecutionId)
        Only select historic task instances for the given case execution id.
      • taskName

        HistoricTaskInstanceQuery taskName​(String taskName)
        Only select historic task instances with the given task name. This is the last name given to the task. The query will match the names of historic task instances in a case-insensitive way.
      • taskNameLike

        HistoricTaskInstanceQuery taskNameLike​(String taskNameLike)
        Only select historic task instances with a task name like the given value. This is the last name given to the task. The syntax that should be used is the same as in SQL, eg. %activiti%. The query will match the names of historic task instances in a case-insensitive way.
      • taskDescription

        HistoricTaskInstanceQuery taskDescription​(String taskDescription)
        Only select historic task instances with the given task description. This is the last description given to the task. The query will match the descriptions of historic task instances in a case-insensitive way.
      • taskDescriptionLike

        HistoricTaskInstanceQuery taskDescriptionLike​(String taskDescriptionLike)
        Only select historic task instances with a task description like the given value. This is the last description given to the task. The syntax that should be used is the same as in SQL, eg. %activiti%. The query will match the descriptions of historice task instances in a case-insensitive way.
      • taskDeleteReason

        HistoricTaskInstanceQuery taskDeleteReason​(String taskDeleteReason)
        Only select historic task instances with the given task delete reason.
      • taskDeleteReasonLike

        HistoricTaskInstanceQuery taskDeleteReasonLike​(String taskDeleteReasonLike)
        Only select historic task instances with a task description like the given value. The syntax that should be used is the same as in SQL, eg. %activiti%.
      • taskAssignee

        HistoricTaskInstanceQuery taskAssignee​(String taskAssignee)
        Only select historic task instances which were last taskAssigned to the given assignee.
      • taskAssigneeLike

        HistoricTaskInstanceQuery taskAssigneeLike​(String taskAssigneeLike)
        Only select historic task instances which were last taskAssigned to an assignee like the given value. The syntax that should be used is the same as in SQL, eg. %activiti%.
      • taskOwnerLike

        HistoricTaskInstanceQuery taskOwnerLike​(String taskOwnerLike)
        Only select historic task instances which have an owner like the one specified. The syntax that should be used is the same as in SQL, eg. %activiti%.
      • processFinished

        HistoricTaskInstanceQuery processFinished()
        Only select historic task instances which are part of a process instance which is already finished.
      • processUnfinished

        HistoricTaskInstanceQuery processUnfinished()
        Only select historic task instances which are part of a process instance which is not finished yet.
      • taskInvolvedUser

        HistoricTaskInstanceQuery taskInvolvedUser​(String involvedUser)
        Only select historic task instances which have mapping with Historic identity links based on user id
      • taskInvolvedGroup

        HistoricTaskInstanceQuery taskInvolvedGroup​(String involvedGroup)
        Only select historic task instances which have mapping with Historic identity links based on group id
      • taskHadCandidateUser

        HistoricTaskInstanceQuery taskHadCandidateUser​(String candidateUser)
        Only select historic task instances which have mapping with Historic identity links with the condition of user being a candidate
      • taskHadCandidateGroup

        HistoricTaskInstanceQuery taskHadCandidateGroup​(String candidateGroup)
        Only select historic task instances which have mapping with Historic identity links with the condition of group being a candidate
      • withCandidateGroups

        HistoricTaskInstanceQuery withCandidateGroups()
        Only select historic task instances which have a candidate group
      • withoutCandidateGroups

        HistoricTaskInstanceQuery withoutCandidateGroups()
        Only select historic task instances which have no candidate group
      • matchVariableNamesIgnoreCase

        HistoricTaskInstanceQuery matchVariableNamesIgnoreCase()
        The query will match the names of task and process variables in a case-insensitive way.
      • matchVariableValuesIgnoreCase

        HistoricTaskInstanceQuery matchVariableValuesIgnoreCase()
        The query will match the values of task and process variables in a case-insensitive way.
      • taskVariableValueEquals

        HistoricTaskInstanceQuery taskVariableValueEquals​(String variableName,
                                                          Object variableValue)
        Only select historic task instances which have a local task variable with the given name set to the given value. Make sure history-level is configured >= AUDIT when this feature is used.
      • processVariableValueEquals

        HistoricTaskInstanceQuery processVariableValueEquals​(String variableName,
                                                             Object variableValue)
        Only select historic task instances which are part of a process instance which have a variable with the given name set to the given value. The last variable value in the variable updates (HistoricDetail) will be used, so make sure history-level is configured >= AUDIT when this feature is used.
      • processVariableValueNotEquals

        HistoricTaskInstanceQuery processVariableValueNotEquals​(String variableName,
                                                                Object variableValue)
        Only select historic task instances which have a variable with the given name, but with a different value than the passed value. Byte-arrays and Serializable objects (which are not primitive type wrappers) are not supported.
      • processVariableValueLike

        HistoricTaskInstanceQuery processVariableValueLike​(String variableName,
                                                           Object variableValue)
        Only select historic task instances which are part of a process that have a variable with the given name and matching the given value. The syntax is that of SQL: for example usage: valueLike(%value%)
      • processVariableValueNotLike

        HistoricTaskInstanceQuery processVariableValueNotLike​(String variableName,
                                                              Object variableValue)
        Only select historic task instances which are part of a process that have a variable with the given name and not matching the given value. The syntax is that of SQL: for example usage: valueNotLike(%value%)
      • processVariableValueGreaterThan

        HistoricTaskInstanceQuery processVariableValueGreaterThan​(String variableName,
                                                                  Object variableValue)
        Only select historic task instances which are part of a process that have a variable with the given name and a value greater than the given one.
      • processVariableValueGreaterThanOrEquals

        HistoricTaskInstanceQuery processVariableValueGreaterThanOrEquals​(String variableName,
                                                                          Object variableValue)
        Only select historic task instances which are part of a process that have a variable with the given name and a value greater than or equal to the given one.
      • processVariableValueLessThan

        HistoricTaskInstanceQuery processVariableValueLessThan​(String variableName,
                                                               Object variableValue)
        Only select historic task instances which are part of a process that have a variable with the given name and a value less than the given one.
      • processVariableValueLessThanOrEquals

        HistoricTaskInstanceQuery processVariableValueLessThanOrEquals​(String variableName,
                                                                       Object variableValue)
        Only select historic task instances which are part of a process that have a variable with the given name and a value less than or equal to the given one.
      • taskDueBefore

        HistoricTaskInstanceQuery taskDueBefore​(Date dueDate)
        Only select select historic task instances which have a due date before the given date.
      • taskDueAfter

        HistoricTaskInstanceQuery taskDueAfter​(Date dueDate)
        Only select select historic task instances which have a due date after the given date.
      • withoutTaskDueDate

        HistoricTaskInstanceQuery withoutTaskDueDate()
        Only select select historic task instances that have no due date.
      • taskFollowUpDate

        HistoricTaskInstanceQuery taskFollowUpDate​(Date followUpDate)
        Only select select historic task instances with the given follow-up date.
      • taskFollowUpBefore

        HistoricTaskInstanceQuery taskFollowUpBefore​(Date followUpDate)
        Only select select historic task instances which have a follow-up date before the given date.
      • taskFollowUpAfter

        HistoricTaskInstanceQuery taskFollowUpAfter​(Date followUpDate)
        Only select select historic task instances which have a follow-up date after the given date.
      • or

        HistoricTaskInstanceQuery or()

        After calling or(), a chain of several filter criteria could follow. Each filter criterion that follows or() will be linked together with an OR expression until the OR query is terminated. To terminate the OR query right after the last filter criterion was applied, endOr() must be invoked.

        an object of the type HistoricTaskInstanceQuery on which an arbitrary amount of filter criteria could be applied. The several filter criteria will be linked together by an OR expression.
        ProcessEngineException - when or() has been invoked directly after or() or after or() and trailing filter criteria. To prevent throwing this exception, endOr() must be invoked after a chain of filter criteria to mark the end of the OR query.
      • endOr

        HistoricTaskInstanceQuery endOr()

        endOr() terminates an OR query on which an arbitrary amount of filter criteria were applied. To terminate the OR query which has been started by invoking or(), endOr() must be invoked. Filter criteria which are applied after calling endOr() are linked together by an AND expression.

        an object of the type HistoricTaskInstanceQuery on which an arbitrary amount of filter criteria could be applied. The filter criteria will be linked together by an AND expression.
        ProcessEngineException - when endOr() has been invoked before or() was invoked. To prevent throwing this exception, or() must be invoked first.