Interface HistoricProcessInstanceQuery

    • Method Detail

      • processInstanceId

        HistoricProcessInstanceQuery processInstanceId​(String processInstanceId)
        Only select historic process instances with the given process instance. {@link ProcessInstance) ids and {@link HistoricProcessInstance} ids match.
      • processInstanceIds

        HistoricProcessInstanceQuery processInstanceIds​(Set<String> processInstanceIds)
        Only select historic process instances whose id is in the given set of ids. {@link ProcessInstance) ids and {@link HistoricProcessInstance} ids match.
      • processDefinitionId

        HistoricProcessInstanceQuery processDefinitionId​(String processDefinitionId)
        Only select historic process instances for the given process definition
      • processDefinitionKey

        HistoricProcessInstanceQuery processDefinitionKey​(String processDefinitionKey)
        Only select historic process instances that are defined by a process definition with the given key.
      • processDefinitionKeyIn

        HistoricProcessInstanceQuery processDefinitionKeyIn​(String... processDefinitionKeys)
        Only select historic process instances that are defined by any given process definition key.
      • processDefinitionKeyNotIn

        HistoricProcessInstanceQuery processDefinitionKeyNotIn​(List<String> processDefinitionKeys)
        Only select historic process instances that don't have a process-definition of which the key is present in the given list
      • processDefinitionName

        HistoricProcessInstanceQuery processDefinitionName​(String processDefinitionName)
        Only select historic process instances that are defined by a process definition with the given name.
      • processDefinitionNameLike

        HistoricProcessInstanceQuery processDefinitionNameLike​(String nameLike)
        Only select historic process instances that are defined by process definition which name is like the given value.
        nameLike - The string can include the wildcard character '%' to express like-strategy: starts with (string%), ends with (%string) or contains (%string%).
      • processInstanceBusinessKey

        HistoricProcessInstanceQuery processInstanceBusinessKey​(String processInstanceBusinessKey)
        Only select historic process instances with the given business key
      • processInstanceBusinessKeyLike

        HistoricProcessInstanceQuery processInstanceBusinessKeyLike​(String processInstanceBusinessKeyLike)
        Only select historic process instances which had a business key like the given value.
        processInstanceBusinessKeyLike - The string can include the wildcard character '%' to express like-strategy: starts with (string%), ends with (%string) or contains (%string%).
      • withIncidents

        HistoricProcessInstanceQuery withIncidents()
        Only select historic process instances with incidents
      • withRootIncidents

        HistoricProcessInstanceQuery withRootIncidents()
        Only select historic process instances with root incidents
      • incidentMessage

        HistoricProcessInstanceQuery incidentMessage​(String incidentMessage)
        Only select historic process instances with the given incident message.
        incidentMessage - Incidents Message for which the historic process instances should be selected
      • incidentMessageLike

        HistoricProcessInstanceQuery incidentMessageLike​(String incidentMessageLike)
        Only select historic process instances which had an incident message like the given value.
        incidentMessageLike - The string can include the wildcard character '%' to express like-strategy: starts with (string%), ends with (%string) or contains (%string%).
      • caseInstanceId

        HistoricProcessInstanceQuery caseInstanceId​(String caseInstanceId)
        Only select historic process instances which are associated with the given case instance id.
      • matchVariableNamesIgnoreCase

        HistoricProcessInstanceQuery matchVariableNamesIgnoreCase()
        The query will match the names of variables in a case-insensitive way.
      • matchVariableValuesIgnoreCase

        HistoricProcessInstanceQuery matchVariableValuesIgnoreCase()
        The query will match the values of variables in a case-insensitive way.
      • variableValueEquals

        HistoricProcessInstanceQuery variableValueEquals​(String name,
                                                         Object value)
        Only select process instances which had a global variable with the given value when they ended. Only select process instances which have a variable value greater than the passed value. The type only applies to already ended process instances, otherwise use a ProcessInstanceQuery instead! of variable is determined based on the value, using types configured in ProcessEngineConfiguration#getVariableSerializers(). Byte-arrays and Serializable objects (which are not primitive type wrappers) are not supported.
        name - of the variable, cannot be null.
      • variableValueNotEquals

        HistoricProcessInstanceQuery variableValueNotEquals​(String name,
                                                            Object value)
        Only select process instances which had a global variable with the given name, but with a different value than the passed value when they ended. Only select process instances which have a variable value greater than the passed value. Byte-arrays and Serializable objects (which are not primitive type wrappers) are not supported.
        name - of the variable, cannot be null.
      • variableValueGreaterThan

        HistoricProcessInstanceQuery variableValueGreaterThan​(String name,
                                                              Object value)
        Only select process instances which had a global variable value greater than the passed value when they ended. Booleans, Byte-arrays and Serializable objects (which are not primitive type wrappers) are not supported. Only select process instances which have a variable value greater than the passed value.
        name - cannot be null.
        value - cannot be null.
      • variableValueGreaterThanOrEqual

        HistoricProcessInstanceQuery variableValueGreaterThanOrEqual​(String name,
                                                                     Object value)
        Only select process instances which had a global variable value greater than or equal to the passed value when they ended. Booleans, Byte-arrays and Serializable objects (which are not primitive type wrappers) are not supported. Only applies to already ended process instances, otherwise use a ProcessInstanceQuery instead!
        name - cannot be null.
        value - cannot be null.
      • variableValueLessThan

        HistoricProcessInstanceQuery variableValueLessThan​(String name,
                                                           Object value)
        Only select process instances which had a global variable value less than the passed value when the ended. Only applies to already ended process instances, otherwise use a ProcessInstanceQuery instead! Booleans, Byte-arrays and Serializable objects (which are not primitive type wrappers) are not supported.
        name - cannot be null.
        value - cannot be null.
      • variableValueLessThanOrEqual

        HistoricProcessInstanceQuery variableValueLessThanOrEqual​(String name,
                                                                  Object value)
        Only select process instances which has a global variable value less than or equal to the passed value when they ended. Only applies to already ended process instances, otherwise use a ProcessInstanceQuery instead! Booleans, Byte-arrays and Serializable objects (which are not primitive type wrappers) are not supported.
        name - cannot be null.
        value - cannot be null.
      • variableValueLike

        HistoricProcessInstanceQuery variableValueLike​(String name,
                                                       String value)
        Only select process instances which had global variable value like the given value when they ended. Only applies to already ended process instances, otherwise use a ProcessInstanceQuery instead! This can be used on string variables only.
        name - cannot be null.
        value - cannot be null. The string can include the wildcard character '%' to express like-strategy: starts with (string%), ends with (%string) or contains (%string%).
      • rootProcessInstances

        HistoricProcessInstanceQuery rootProcessInstances()
        Only select historic process instances that are top level process instances.
      • superProcessInstanceId

        HistoricProcessInstanceQuery superProcessInstanceId​(String superProcessInstanceId)
        Only select historic process instances started by the given process instance. {@link ProcessInstance) ids and {@link HistoricProcessInstance} ids match.
      • subProcessInstanceId

        HistoricProcessInstanceQuery subProcessInstanceId​(String subProcessInstanceId)
        Only select historic process instances having a sub process instance with the given process instance id. Note that there will always be maximum only one such process instance that can be the result of this query.
      • superCaseInstanceId

        HistoricProcessInstanceQuery superCaseInstanceId​(String superCaseInstanceId)
        Only select historic process instances started by the given case instance.
      • subCaseInstanceId

        HistoricProcessInstanceQuery subCaseInstanceId​(String subCaseInstanceId)
        Only select historic process instances having a sub case instance with the given case instance id. Note that there will always be maximum only one such process instance that can be the result of this query.
      • executedActivityAfter

        HistoricProcessInstanceQuery executedActivityAfter​(Date date)
        Only select historic process instances that executed an activity after the given date.
      • executedActivityBefore

        HistoricProcessInstanceQuery executedActivityBefore​(Date date)
        Only select historic process instances that executed an activity before the given date.
      • executedActivityIdIn

        HistoricProcessInstanceQuery executedActivityIdIn​(String... ids)
        Only select historic process instances that executed activities with given ids.
      • activeActivityIdIn

        HistoricProcessInstanceQuery activeActivityIdIn​(String... ids)
        Only select historic process instances that have active activities with given ids.
      • executedJobAfter

        HistoricProcessInstanceQuery executedJobAfter​(Date date)
        Only select historic process instances that executed an job after the given date.
      • executedJobBefore

        HistoricProcessInstanceQuery executedJobBefore​(Date date)
        Only select historic process instances that executed an job before the given date.
      • externallyTerminated

        HistoricProcessInstanceQuery externallyTerminated()
        Only select historic process instances that are externallyTerminated.
      • internallyTerminated

        HistoricProcessInstanceQuery internallyTerminated()
        Only select historic process instances that are internallyTerminated.
      • or

        HistoricProcessInstanceQuery or()

        After calling or(), a chain of several filter criteria could follow. Each filter criterion that follows or() will be linked together with an OR expression until the OR query is terminated. To terminate the OR query right after the last filter criterion was applied, endOr() must be invoked.

        an object of the type HistoricProcessInstanceQuery on which an arbitrary amount of filter criteria could be applied. The several filter criteria will be linked together by an OR expression.
        ProcessEngineException - when or() has been invoked directly after or() or after or() and trailing filter criteria. To prevent throwing this exception, endOr() must be invoked after a chain of filter criteria to mark the end of the OR query.
      • endOr

        HistoricProcessInstanceQuery endOr()

        endOr() terminates an OR query on which an arbitrary amount of filter criteria were applied. To terminate the OR query which has been started by invoking or(), endOr() must be invoked. Filter criteria which are applied after calling endOr() are linked together by an AND expression.

        an object of the type HistoricProcessInstanceQuery on which an arbitrary amount of filter criteria could be applied. The filter criteria will be linked together by an AND expression.
        ProcessEngineException - when endOr() has been invoked before or() was invoked. To prevent throwing this exception, or() must be invoked first.