Interface ProcessDefinitionQuery

    • Method Detail

      • processDefinitionId

        ProcessDefinitionQuery processDefinitionId​(java.lang.String processDefinitionId)
        Only select process definiton with the given id.
      • processDefinitionIdIn

        ProcessDefinitionQuery processDefinitionIdIn​(java.lang.String... ids)
        Only select process definiton with the given id.
      • processDefinitionCategory

        ProcessDefinitionQuery processDefinitionCategory​(java.lang.String processDefinitionCategory)
        Only select process definitions with the given category.
      • processDefinitionCategoryLike

        ProcessDefinitionQuery processDefinitionCategoryLike​(java.lang.String processDefinitionCategoryLike)
        Only select process definitions where the category matches the given parameter. The syntax that should be used is the same as in SQL, eg. %activiti%
      • processDefinitionName

        ProcessDefinitionQuery processDefinitionName​(java.lang.String processDefinitionName)
        Only select process definitions with the given name.
      • processDefinitionNameLike

        ProcessDefinitionQuery processDefinitionNameLike​(java.lang.String processDefinitionNameLike)
        Only select process definitions where the name matches the given parameter. The syntax that should be used is the same as in SQL, eg. %activiti%
      • deploymentId

        ProcessDefinitionQuery deploymentId​(java.lang.String deploymentId)
        Only select process definitions that are deployed in a deployment with the given deployment id
      • deployedAfter

        ProcessDefinitionQuery deployedAfter​(java.util.Date deployedAfter)
        Only select process definitions that were deployed after the given Date (exclusive).
      • deployedAt

        ProcessDefinitionQuery deployedAt​(java.util.Date deployedAt)
        Only select process definitions that were deployed at the given Date.
      • processDefinitionKey

        ProcessDefinitionQuery processDefinitionKey​(java.lang.String processDefinitionKey)
        Only select process definition with the given key.
      • processDefinitionKeysIn

        ProcessDefinitionQueryImpl processDefinitionKeysIn​(java.lang.String... processDefinitionKeys)
        Only select process definitions with the given keys
      • processDefinitionKeyLike

        ProcessDefinitionQuery processDefinitionKeyLike​(java.lang.String processDefinitionKeyLike)
        Only select process definitions where the key matches the given parameter. The syntax that should be used is the same as in SQL, eg. %activiti%
      • processDefinitionVersion

        ProcessDefinitionQuery processDefinitionVersion​(java.lang.Integer processDefinitionVersion)
        Only select process definition with a certain version. Particulary useful when used in combination with processDefinitionKey(String)
      • latestVersion

        ProcessDefinitionQuery latestVersion()

        Only select the process definitions which are the latest deployed (ie. which have the highest version number for the given key).

        Can only be used in combination with processDefinitionKey(String) of processDefinitionKeyLike(String). Can also be used without any other criteria (ie. query.latest().list()), which will then give all the latest versions of all the deployed process definitions.

        For multi-tenancy: select the latest deployed process definitions for each tenant. If a process definition is deployed for multiple tenants then all process definitions are selected.

        ProcessEngineException - if used in combination with #groupId(string), #processDefinitionVersion(int) or deploymentId(String)
      • processDefinitionResourceName

        ProcessDefinitionQuery processDefinitionResourceName​(java.lang.String resourceName)
        Only select process definition with the given resource name.
      • processDefinitionResourceNameLike

        ProcessDefinitionQuery processDefinitionResourceNameLike​(java.lang.String resourceNameLike)
        Only select process definition with a resource name like the given .
      • startableByUser

        ProcessDefinitionQuery startableByUser​(java.lang.String userId)
        Only selects process definitions which given userId is authorized to start
      • incidentType

        ProcessDefinitionQuery incidentType​(java.lang.String incidentType)
        Only selects process definitions with the given incident type.
      • incidentId

        ProcessDefinitionQuery incidentId​(java.lang.String incidentId)
        Only selects process definitions with the given incident id.
      • incidentMessage

        ProcessDefinitionQuery incidentMessage​(java.lang.String incidentMessage)
        Only selects process definitions with the given incident message.
      • incidentMessageLike

        ProcessDefinitionQuery incidentMessageLike​(java.lang.String incidentMessageLike)
        Only selects process definitions with an incident message like the given.
      • versionTag

        ProcessDefinitionQuery versionTag​(java.lang.String versionTag)
        Only selects process definitions with a specific version tag
      • versionTagLike

        ProcessDefinitionQuery versionTagLike​(java.lang.String versionTagLike)
        Only selects process definitions with a version tag like the given
      • withoutVersionTag

        ProcessDefinitionQuery withoutVersionTag()
        Only selects process definitions without a version tag
      • messageEventSubscriptionName

        ProcessDefinitionQuery messageEventSubscriptionName​(java.lang.String messageName)
        Selects the single process definition which has a start message event with the messageName.
      • tenantIdIn

        ProcessDefinitionQuery tenantIdIn​(java.lang.String... tenantIds)
        Only select process definitions with one of the given tenant ids.
      • withoutTenantId

        ProcessDefinitionQuery withoutTenantId()
        Only select process definitions which have no tenant id.
      • includeProcessDefinitionsWithoutTenantId

        ProcessDefinitionQuery includeProcessDefinitionsWithoutTenantId()
        Select process definitions which have no tenant id. Can be used in combination with tenantIdIn(String...).
      • startableInTasklist

        ProcessDefinitionQuery startableInTasklist()
        Select process definitions which could be started in Tasklist.
      • notStartableInTasklist

        ProcessDefinitionQuery notStartableInTasklist()
        Select process definitions which could not be started in Tasklist.
      • orderByVersionTag

        ProcessDefinitionQuery orderByVersionTag()
        Order by version tag (needs to be followed by Query.asc() or Query.desc()). Note: sorting by versionTag is a string based sort. There is no interpretation of the version which can lead to a sorting like: v0.1.0 v0.10.0 v0.2.0.