Interface DeploymentQuery

    • Method Detail

      • deploymentId

        DeploymentQuery deploymentId​(java.lang.String deploymentId)
        Only select deployments with the given deployment id.
      • deploymentName

        DeploymentQuery deploymentName​(java.lang.String name)
        Only select deployments with the given name.
      • deploymentNameLike

        DeploymentQuery deploymentNameLike​(java.lang.String nameLike)
        Only select deployments with a name like the given string.
      • deploymentSource

        DeploymentQuery deploymentSource​(java.lang.String source)
        If the given source is null, then deployments are returned where source is equal to null. Otherwise only deployments with the given source are selected.
      • deploymentBefore

        DeploymentQuery deploymentBefore​(java.util.Date before)
        Only select deployments deployed before the given date
      • deploymentAfter

        DeploymentQuery deploymentAfter​(java.util.Date after)
        Only select deployments deployed after the given date
      • tenantIdIn

        DeploymentQuery tenantIdIn​(java.lang.String... tenantIds)
        Only select deployments with one of the given tenant ids.
      • withoutTenantId

        DeploymentQuery withoutTenantId()
        Only select deployments which have no tenant id.
      • includeDeploymentsWithoutTenantId

        DeploymentQuery includeDeploymentsWithoutTenantId()
        Select deployments which have no tenant id. Can be used in combination with tenantIdIn(String...).
      • orderByTenantId

        DeploymentQuery orderByTenantId()
        Order by tenant id (needs to be followed by Query.asc() or Query.desc()). Note that the ordering of process instances without tenant id is database-specific.