Interface CaseDefinitionQuery

    • Method Detail

      • caseDefinitionId

        CaseDefinitionQuery caseDefinitionId​(java.lang.String caseDefinitionId)
        Only select case definition with the given id.
        caseDefinitionId - the id of the case definition
      • caseDefinitionIdIn

        CaseDefinitionQuery caseDefinitionIdIn​(java.lang.String... ids)
        Only select case definitions with the given ids.
        ids - list of case definition ids
      • caseDefinitionCategory

        CaseDefinitionQuery caseDefinitionCategory​(java.lang.String caseDefinitionCategory)
        Only select case definitions with the given category.
        caseDefinitionCategory - the category of the case definition
      • caseDefinitionCategoryLike

        CaseDefinitionQuery caseDefinitionCategoryLike​(java.lang.String caseDefinitionCategoryLike)
        Only select case definitions where the category matches the given parameter. The syntax that should be used is the same as in SQL, eg. %activiti%
        caseDefinitionCategoryLike - the pattern to match the case definition category
      • caseDefinitionName

        CaseDefinitionQuery caseDefinitionName​(java.lang.String caseDefinitionName)
        Only select case definitions with the given name.
        caseDefinitionName - the name of the case definition
      • caseDefinitionKey

        CaseDefinitionQuery caseDefinitionKey​(java.lang.String caseDefinitionKey)
        Only select case definition with the given key.
        caseDefinitionKey - the key of the case definition
      • caseDefinitionKeyLike

        CaseDefinitionQuery caseDefinitionKeyLike​(java.lang.String caseDefinitionKeyLike)
        Only select case definitions where the key matches the given parameter. The syntax that should be used is the same as in SQL, eg. %activiti%
        caseDefinitionKeyLike - the pattern to match the case definition key
      • caseDefinitionNameLike

        CaseDefinitionQuery caseDefinitionNameLike​(java.lang.String caseDefinitionNameLike)
        Only select case definitions where the name matches the given parameter. The syntax that should be used is the same as in SQL, eg. %activiti%
        caseDefinitionNameLike - the pattern to match the case definition name
      • deploymentId

        CaseDefinitionQuery deploymentId​(java.lang.String deploymentId)
        Only select case definitions that are deployed in a deployment with the given deployment id.
        deploymentId - the id of the deployment
      • caseDefinitionVersion

        CaseDefinitionQuery caseDefinitionVersion​(java.lang.Integer caseDefinitionVersion)
        Only select case definition with a certain version. Particularly useful when used in combination with caseDefinitionKey(String)
        caseDefinitionVersion - the version of the case definition
      • latestVersion

        CaseDefinitionQuery latestVersion()
        Only select the case definitions which are the latest deployed (ie. which have the highest version number for the given key). Can only be used in combination with caseDefinitionKey(String) or caseDefinitionKeyLike(String). Can also be used without any other criteria (ie. query.latest().list()), which will then give all the latest versions of all the deployed case definitions.
      • caseDefinitionResourceName

        CaseDefinitionQuery caseDefinitionResourceName​(java.lang.String resourceName)
        Only select case definition with the given resource name.
        resourceName - the name of the resource
      • caseDefinitionResourceNameLike

        CaseDefinitionQuery caseDefinitionResourceNameLike​(java.lang.String resourceNameLike)
        Only select case definition with a resource name like the given. The syntax that should be used is the same as in SQL, eg. %activiti%
        resourceNameLike - the pattern to match the resource name
      • tenantIdIn

        CaseDefinitionQuery tenantIdIn​(java.lang.String... tenantIds)
        Only select case definitions with one of the given tenant ids.
      • withoutTenantId

        CaseDefinitionQuery withoutTenantId()
        Only select case definitions which have no tenant id.
      • includeCaseDefinitionsWithoutTenantId

        CaseDefinitionQuery includeCaseDefinitionsWithoutTenantId()
        Select case definitions which have no tenant id. Can be used in combination with tenantIdIn(String...).
      • orderByTenantId

        CaseDefinitionQuery orderByTenantId()
        Order by tenant id (needs to be followed by Query.asc() or Query.desc()). Note that the ordering of case instances without tenant id is database-specific.